
The Jewel Warrior's

Kingmaster65 · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Long ago, like any universe, this one was created whether by a god or by something else, nobody truly know.

But one thing was for certain. This world had held many things. Magic, secrets, mysterious, dragons, monster's, and many, many unexplained or unknown things.

Like other world's, this world changed. Creature's of all kinds lived and died, went extinct and revived, changed and changed again.

Human's, Dwarf's, Demi-Human's, Beast folk, and many other races lived in this world who've encountered, fought, and lived beside these creatures.

But today, a human boy who lived in a town out of nowhere by a volcano will soon discover his destiny. The volcano was full of myths and rumors. That people consider it dangerous to go up it. Some say there's a dragon that lives on it, others say other fire type beats such as hellhounds lived up on there.

But this boy will learn those myths and rumors are true. And that his first step to destiny starts at the base of such volcano.

A boy with a head full of brown hair and blue eyes was asleep when a woman voice came.

"Joey! You better be up! If I come up there and you're still in bed, I'm dumping a bucket of cold water on you!" A femine voice called out.

Joey jolted out of bed. Though Joey was only thirteen years of age and loved to be active in the day. He had been busy helping out the village since the beginning of spring that he was exhausted.

Which lead him to sleeping in a later time. When he realized this, he had jumped out of bed the moment his mother called out to him. He was not up to getting wet nor did he wanted to dry out his bed.

Even though his family lived out in the boonies, his family was considered one of the richest families in town. Which wasn't saying much since they earned fifty to sixty copper a month.

And usually that would be spent all on food and other necessities. Which would either put them into possible debt or just barely cover the bare minimum. If they were about to go into debt, they would find a new solution into solving the current situation.

Sadly to say, that lead them to sometimes skipping a few days of eating. Another reason why they were considered to one of the richest families was because they were able to overcome most problems that the town had and helped the town doing the same.

Which is why Joey was doing this past month. The more the town got out of money or favor debt, the more they lived in peace. Though the town wasn't in any real debt, the town would usually owe itself.

Once Joey got dressed and rushed downstairs, his mother greeted him.

"Good. You're awake. Now eat up. I know you've worked hard for the past month but you shouldn't over work yourself." His Mother said, as she served him bread, cheese, and some hard boiled eggs.

"Of course, Mom. In fact, I intend to relax today to relax today. And for the next two days." Joey said, before he started to eat. His mother gave him an approval nod, before she said, "Though if anyone asks for help-"

"You know I'll help even if they don't need or want it. Even Old Man Brock doesn't like it though I can tell he appreciates it." Joey interrupted her.

"Still, I don't want you to over do it. So help out moderately." His mom said. Once Joey was finished with his food, he soon left the house.