

Once upon a time in a land far away, much farther than the moon itself, lived a twin sister and brother. Their names I cannot recall, but the memory of their unique eyes will always linger throughout my dreams.

They were born with unfortunate circumstances, their mother unable to care for both of them had abandoned the both of them in a city where no one had batted an eye or even though for a second to help them as they were too immersed with their own lives.

Growing up together they were the only friends each other had, and every day they prayed maybe one day their real parents would find them and give them the same love they had witnessed all of the other kids receiving. Every Christmas was harsh but their only wish was to be together forever, and have a loving family with a warm home.

Soon the girl began to wonder if a God ever existed. Every night, they had wished things would get better but it seemed as if they were ignored. Glancing over at her brother, she sighed and cursed the God she used to worship. Every other child she saw had a mother and a father, and as her heart was consumed with envy towards people and hatred towards the God, she could no longer bear it. Her brother was no fool either, he knew his sister was slowly being consumed by these horrible feelings, yet all he could do was look up at the Sky and beg for forgiveness, all of this must've happened to them for a reason. "I'm truly sorry if we had wronged others in our past life! I swear to never do it again! And please, spare my sister, she's the only thing I have and I'm sure she doesn't mean what she says!"

Then finally on their 21st birthday, he had found a job. Elated, he hurriedly went to find his sister whom had been sick inside of the blankets they called "home" Yes.. Because home was always wherever they were with each other. Home was his sister, and home was her brother. But once he reached home, all he found was a limp body, as cold as the pavement, and for the first time, he had known what his sister had start to felt towards this God all those years ago. A burning hatred, and a feeling of revenge.

"Why did it have to be my sister? When's never harmed anybody and she had always protected me as children, so why..?" Too sad to even cry, he decided to take his own life so he could forever be with his dear sister, the only one who didn't look at him with disgust when he was starving. The only one who truly loved him. And so, as he kissed his sister's cheek, he limped, making his way towards the streets and eventually being hit by a speeding car. "I wonder if this was fate.."