
Chapter 65

"My lady stay still, it is going to be fine. I am skilled, I will not hurt you."

Reyna couldn't hear what she was saying, all that her mind registered was the needle on the woman's hand. Reyna wasn't afraid of pain but the sharp point of the needle made blood drain from her face. They were going to stab her with it she just knew it. The smile on the woman's face wasn't fooling anyone, they were probably working togethwer with that horrible demon and wanted to take her blood for some evil ritual. She wouldn't allow it, they would have to catch her first. 

"My lady please get down from the wardrobe, it will not hold you for much longer. I promise if you come down I will not hurt you."

The assistant was lying, Reyna was smart enough to know that even without her powers. They wanted to drain her blood she was sure of it. She would stay there even if it took all day and all night. To hell be damned with the ceremony, her life was more important.