
Chapter 3

"Reyna if you are going to live out there you need to learn how to communicate, open you mouth and speak. Just because I can hear your thoughts doesn't mean everyone can."

Reyna just stared at the woman not sure of what to do. She was beautiful if Reyna had ever seen anything beautiful. Her small figure made her look dainty and she wore the brightest of clothes.

"Why thank you, you are good looking yourself and if you don't sit down now, you will get to see what this dainty body can do." she smiled sweetly making Reyna doubt her first judgement, maybe she wasn't as helpless as she seemed.

Reyna moved towards the cot and looked down to see her body finally obeying her thoughts. She was confused by the shimmering dress she was wearing, who had put it on her?

"I did. Those training clothes were too dull but this makes your red hair pop. Too bad I can only change things here, you'll still have them in real life."

Reyna's hand was now held by the colorful woman and at the close proximity she had a clear view of the woman's features. She had a small heart shaped face and thick long black hair. Her eyes resembled obsidian and her skin was pale which made her pink lips stand out. They were still in the dark cellar which Reyna realized was not dark anymore.

"It is the only place we can talk as of now. Reyna there is so much that has been hidden from you, things that you should have been told but now is not the time to cry over what is passed. You know what you can do and about the paranormal world but what you don't know is who you are.

I want more than anything else to reveal to you the truth but sadly I can't. I am not the one who made the rules and even with all my power I cannot go against them."

Life in the Magi had trained Reyna's mind to input and analyze information as fast as possible otherwise she would have failed in her evaluations and that led to a lot of pain. The memory of her most recent punishment still lingered and had become the theme of her nightmares. She took in what had been said and broke it down to something she could understand.

"I felt it too, the pain that is and I promise to help with the nightmares in the future." the woman's expression had turned sad and tears ran down her face.

" Who are you?" Reyna's voice was hoarse and seemed foreign even to her own ears. It had been years since she had spoken and it felt unnatural. The trainees in the Magi were not allowed to talk, it was a sign of free will and they were supposed to be mindless tools that followed every command given without questions.

"I am what you refer to as your darkness but the people I love named me Izzy." she said as she wiped the tears from her face.

How could Izzy be her darkness? No one apart from the Master and her personal trainer knew about her powers. Her mother had known too but she was already gone. It had been a well guarded secret and part of the reason Reyna had been forbidden from talking was to prevent anyone from finding out. The Magi trainers had been told she was special and they never asked any questions. From a young age she had been given her own trainer who had taught her how to master her powers but even he didn't know the limits to it.

"Every energy has a spirit behind it and at the moment only I exist in your world but the rest are in another place. The only reason I now possess a physical form is because I have been allowed into your thoughts but when you wake up I'll just be a feeling at the back of your head.

Reyna, I need your help and that is why I have come here. There is a friend of mine who I need to save. He is being held against his own will and if we don't get him out if there soon enough he will fade away."

Even without Izzy explaining who it was, Reyna knew. She had already met him, he was the last person she had seen before she ran away and to get him back she would have to go back to the accursed place she came from. That wasn't an option.

"If I go back there I'll die." Reyna said hoping that Izzy wouldn't push the matter. The only way she was going back there was in a body bag.

" I would never force you to go back, not even if the whole world was at stake." Izzy paused and took both of Reyna's hands in hers, " I need you to remember what he told you about himself, where he is from, that way you will understand what I mean by he doesn't belong here."

The room tilted again and this time when the spinning stopped, Reyna wasn't in the cellar anymore, it was the practice room she had been allocated to. In the middle of the room she saw a version of herself locked in a fierce battle of blades with her trainer. She didn't know his name, he was her trainer and that was the end of it.

" Keep your feet apart for balance."

" Focus child. Always be aware of my every move."

More orders and corrections came from him and as she watched she couldn't help but be mesmerized. Instead of the bloody fight that she had always thought her practice sessions to be, this was a dance in which both partners knew each other's moves. The fluidity in which they executed every step was perfect. Their footwork was on point and their blades sung in unison. Back then she had been too focused on winning against her trainer to notice but now she could see it clearly.

The younger Reyna executed a difficult move that disarmed her trainer and quickly she placed her blade next to his neck a single move and his throat would have been split.

"Well child I think you might be a worthy opponent even for this prince of hell but then -"

He swung back and with a back flip he kicked the blade out of the girl's hand and the next thing she knew she was on the floor with her blade pointed to her throat.

" Never hesitate unless you want to die."

The room spun again and she was back on the little bed and this time her thoughts settled faster. It all made sense now, how he had always known what to do when her powers went crazy and had taught her how to use them, he was a prince of Hell.

"I may not be able to tell you much but I have called for someone who can. You will meet them when you wake up. Please trust that I will never put you in a situation that will cause you harm. I have to leave now you are about to wake up."

" Wait, how can I help him? My trainer?" Reyna held on to Izzy's hand scared that she would disappeared.

" For that you would need to find your mother Reyna, she holds the key to everything." Izzy said in a soft voice and faded away leaving Reyna holding on to think air.

Her mother? Reyna knew her mother was dead, so how was she expected to find her. No living being could survive the explosion that had consumed her house on the night she had been kidnapped. Her mother was dead and unless the dead could come back, Reyna had no way of ever seeing her again.

Her eyes began to close on their own and the feeling of fatigue hit her with an intensity that made her just want to lay down and sleep. Her vision was blurry and everything faded away into the darkness that had become a part of her.