
The Irregular in remnant

In a world plagued by soulless beings of darkness and a struggle between two gods, an irregularity is born that will break everything by changing the world system itself, thus also eliminating anyone who gets in its way.

ZAHARD_KING · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 8 : Destroyed City

Outside the Four Realms

Ancient Human Realm _ City of the Previous Era:

dragging! dragging!

dripping! dripping!

"you damned human you'll pay me back once I get there with re-- arhrhhhh!"

"You can shut up you fucking scum, just die for once, is that so hard!"

"arggh you bastard humiliating me like that!"

"ah, but what's wrong, I'm only with you in your last moments! So why don't you be thankful that you're not going to die alone!"

"you-you human don't know who you're messing with, once my superior finds out about this he'll hunt you down until your head is just an ornament on his trof-arghhh!"

"I told you to shut up! Are you deaf! fuu! Dealing with you demons is a pain in the ass! You're all so unreasonable! I just came to visit nicely asking about the great demon lords! But you guys just mocked and attacked me! So all that was left for me to do was to kill you!"

"you know I'm sad I thought you guys friendly since I saw you having a party like this I went to congratulate you on whatever you're celebrating and ask what I needed and you answer me like this , and I thought I had friends!"

"you-you fucking bastard just came in to kill us and play with us!"

"but I asked in a friendly way , you guys just had to answer!"

aahh! I know! I had a brilliant idea! Why don't we race me with this scooteer and you with your body! If you get to the finish line first, I'll let you go! Brilliant, isn't it!" says the now excited Alex, who is sitting on a handicapped scooter, the kind that moves super slow.

"You think I need you to let me go! I'd rather die than play your game!"

"tch! Well! So I won't be so unfair, I'll fix your arm! And with a wave of his hand he healed a limb of the demon who looks like he is in a moribund state without three limbs bleeding all over his body.

"let's go for the victory!" says the teenager all happy accelerating his scooter , leaving a repetitive sound , with the scooter moving super slow .

"damn !" says the dumb demon , who with all his might propels himself forward with his one arm moving his sore body leaving a large trail of blood .


"well and as I was telling you I'm attracted to crazy women I don't know why, maybe it's something genetic, if so I wonder how daddy did it" putting his hand on his chin, thinking if his father also loved crazy women.

"Human I won, it's time for you to keep your deal!" says the demon already in a worse state since they were in this race for two hours losing all the blood he had surviving only by will and enduring all the stupidities that this human talked to him.

"oh what a pity I had already grown fond of our conversation , but I don't break promises , you can go , say hello to your bosses for me !"

saying goodbye Alex to his friend the demon , now we see him , Alex has grown up in the course of these two years he was exploring all that the world has to offer , wearing a dark gray shirt , with a red half brown tie , with a black pants , with a chain between two ends of his pants , long dark black hair tied in a ponytail with his bright yellow eyes , being a young man in his peak stage of his youth .

The place where this is one of the human cities of the previous era, but now is destroyed because the gods had started a war to eliminate humans destroying everything in its path, this city is one of those that was not destroyed in its entirety, but because of Alex and his fight with the demons, it was more devastated.

Alex and his partner came to investigate one of the many demon bases they built around here, wanting to take a magical artifact that was in their hands, as it says that this artifact gives you divinity and a seat with the gods if you manage to awaken it.

Alex and his partner are not here for the power of that thing , they only come out of mere curiosity , also because they are both repulsed by the gods and want to see what garbage they delivered .

"Have you figured out where it is !" he says to nothingness , but suddenly another monotone voice answers him .

"Yes , it's only a few kilometers from here! In a former human subway base of operations !"

"Oh how nice , then let's go we don't have to waste time".

"Oh and who's to say! You've been playing with that shit for two hours wasting time, leave all the work to me!" says the girl looking away.

"Come on I was just killing boredom! I promise I'll take you to one of the remaining human cities very soon, I can even cook for you!" says Alex in an apologetic tone.

"only if you cook for me, I've never tasted anything made by yourself!"

"that's fine when we finish this I'll take you and make you a nice meal!"

"but first I have to take a look at my recent friend."

"tch always the same , sadistic fool" now said the girl walking with him , giving us a complete picture of her .

A red eyed albino , wearing a white shirt with old European type borders having one fabric over another , and a tight black pants letting us see her perfect curves from the waist down .

She is Abigail Astarte, a demon of high rank who left her home since everyone was worth her mother, so she ventured into the world where she met Alex in one of her travels, being of different species they could not stand each other so two fought to the death, Alex being the winner, something that surprised her since she was one of the greatest prodigies in her world quickly the seventh order for her talent and bloodline, and that surprised her since Alex is only a simple human and neighborhood the floor with her, During their travels they often met and without further ado got into a fight, even losing limbs in the process, but they did not care because they were fighting to their heart's content, so many were their crusades that they began to travel together with Alex at the head, their travels being to kill demons, but she did not care about anything because if her family dies in front of her eyes she would not care about anything, she became so obsessed with Alex not only for his mysterious strength, but also for the feeling he emanates and his soul that she cannot see.

At first Alex treated her coldly, wanting to kill her many times, but she escaped with the artifacts she stole from her family, so much so that Alex resented and resented her for the escapes she made, of the many times they saw each other, several times they worked together to defeat beings that far surpassed them, escaping the two of them from several certain deaths , thus developing a kind of friendship something strange for all the times they killed each other , also for the heat of the moment in one of their trips they lost their virginity to each other , having sex every free moment , although in their relationship they are just companions is progressing for more.

Walking along the little trail of blood he left they found him in one of the free streets in the middle of the track .

Alex wanted to greet him again , but Abigail got tired of his childishness , and with his gun shot at a support that held up a building , with this falling on top of the demon , making him demon paste .

"Why! What bad thing did my good friend do to you! I just wanted to survive!" complaining Alex about what he did, but in his expression there is not a hint of pity or remorse, just amusement.

"I don't care let's go for what we came for!"

"that's enough!"

the two in the blink of an eye disappeared , to appear in a more destroyed part of the city , discovering that in one of the rubble there is a secret passage to enter .

They went to the base, seeing that even this place was not saved because everything was in disarray, destroyed walls, and with mana crystals that barely illuminate.

Walking all over the place , they find even scrap metal that is more advanced than the current technology in all remnant , they are surprised that such an advanced civilization has been destroyed , since from what they investigated even several of those humans before were very powerful to the point of making the gods wary .

That is one of the mysteries that they still have not been able to discover.

Passing through many paths they encountered several groups of demons , killing them quickly as with Abigail's insistence they rushed to finish this before she has her appointment .

arriving quickly to where they are all gathered they enter without needing a plan , breaking the door alerting all the demons .

but without worrying Abigail kills everyone with a deparo to the head , being easy since even though they are all in the sixth order , Nadia can overpower her , also that her weapon is a familiar artifact .

Alex on the other hand goes where he feels the strongest presence , feeling that he is just as strong as the level seven maximum .

Arriving where this one finds the demon with a kind of spear with a terrifying aura , feeling the divinity at a glance .

When Alex was in the radius of the demon this one noticed it , preparing instantly , channeling all his strength , as the human in front is equal to him .

"what do you want here human ! , this is not a place where your race should be !"

"well ! my friend! We came out of sheer curiosity about the artifact in your hand! Would you be so kind as to lend it to me for a moment! Don't worry if I steal it from you! I just want to know what its structure is like! I'll try!"

"Heh! You really think that this treasure given to us by our Lord will be given to a mere human like you! You're just dreaming!"

"though I don't know what gave you the arrogance to come here like anywhere! , I will have to eliminate you to continue the synchronization!" and instantly all over the city even more felt a pervasive aura that they feel that at any moment it can pierce through you .

"It's been a long time since I've had a good battle to push me over my limit! , I believe that with you it will make a difference!" to swiftly rush at the demon with a black sword with an intimidating aura .

"You're arrogant if you think a normal weapon can match this thing!" with him also responding , at the moment of their clash the whole area exploded coming up through the surface .

two silhouettes came out of smoke , facing each other in the air , appearing and disappearing simultaneously , adding aura and magic to their weapons , they attacked each other this time with more force , making more violent shockwaves spreading throughout the city and going beyond .

again collide , giving a rain of blows from their respective weapons , even using their bodies .

When Alex attacks the demon, this with his movement technique is on his side giving him a powerful blow with his spear, but Alex defends himself with his sword, but the blow sent him against the floor, causing a great earthquake throughout the city, destroying it more than it is.

Alex gets up a little ragged , but flies to the demon to continue the battle , making use of his haki of observation , predicts the future of his movements , and when the demon gives him a blow that goes to his heart , Alex very quickly responds , and advancing quickly cuts the entire body of the demon that regenerates quickly .

But without giving him time he throws energy swords in a sea of them , which together with the demon divide several parts of the great city , causing the sea to enter through the cracks of these .

Already tired of the waste of time , the demon makes use of his ability by lowering his hand , crashing again Alex to the floor , but not enough form large seawater snakes that sends them with the human .

suddenly they all come out cut with the same space breaking , Alex comes out with his body covered in purple energy , making it look like he is using his semblance .

"well that was about time we got serious !"

"you said it human , this is fun !" says all cheerful the demon , for Alex his cheerfulness is rare .

And again the two enter the battle, only this time with their abilities activated, the demon manipulating gravity lifts large masses of earth, and with gravity compresses them forming large spikes of solid earth with hundreds of times the gravity increased and with extra demonic energy to cause explosion on contact by throwing it at Alex.

Alex also forms large dragon-like mouths with sharp teeth that expel rubbing energy into their centers.

'Aura manipulation technique - Alex Walker style, large multiple dragon roar'.

When the two techniques came into contact a huge explosion rose up all over the place causing great devastation, this explosion is much bigger than dozens of nuclear bombs in a single explosion.


At the last moment Alex and the demon protect themselves with their shields.

After minutes the explosion is still there but Alex and the demon are not interested in that and collide again this time Alex launches and distortion field that covers the entire former big city leaving the same space destroying everything inside the field, but the demon counteracts it with a gravitational field destroying all existing matter, even forming small black holes that absorb everything.

Without a doubt, this is a real battle between two powers of maximum level 7 in all their power.

But Alex forgot one thing the artifact that the demon has , using it the demon throws the spear with all his strength and points it at the human , who uses everything he has but the spear pierces everything easily , having no choice putting everything to his sword he covers it with haki turning it darker and adds the space element to distort everything and it responds to the spear , causing another big explosion .

Alex comes out of the explosion but the whole right arm is destroyed being unrecognizable as everything seems crushed , his sword is still intact but has some slight cracks , but behind him everything is with a huge hole that seems that the bottom has no end .

"you see it human this is the power of this spear ! Even if it doesn't even unlock 2%! You saw what it's capable of!"

"Heh! Heh! Heh! I did see it! I'm amazed at how powerful it is! Just unlocking more power from that thing makes me shudder with excitement! Thinking what it can achieve!"

"ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! , looks like I still have a lot of growing to do before my beloved sword reaches that level!" stroking his sword affectionately .

"silly human I wish! , this can only be achieved by the gods! , it's not something a mere ant like you can achieve! But I congratulate you for having a strong sword that was not destroyed by its power!" a little astonished by the resistance of that sword.

Looking at his sword he thinks about his words but everything he says is just bullshit and will show him that his sword will grow with him to new heights, holding him tightly with his half regenerated arm he stares at the demon "maybe my sword is not so strong now, but in the future it will surpass all beings at the top".

looking again at his sword he speaks to him "isn't it so friend you and I will be inseparable!" and as if it had a conscience the sword vibrates as if it was answering yes.

"now demon this will conclude now let's see who is stronger!"

"I must acknowledge your strength human but your life ends here!" striking the same pose as the previous throw accumulating terrifying strength.

"let's decide now!" Alex putting all of himself with his confidence and great willpower into his sword that now resonates with crimson black lightning with a presence that would make anyone who feels it towering.

At a speed far beyond the speed of sound they exchange their final blows, causing a silence to take over the whole place and then interrupted by a great explosion that is a mixture of a dark golden energy that imposes a divine presence, and red black rays that does not bend to anything pressing those who oppose it.

Abigail is in one of the many affected units, quite damaged but not seriously, although those level seven were difficult to defeat them, but seeing this battle is to see another level of the strong, she feels that just being there she could die very quickly and that is a seventh order of high stage.

If it wasn't for the life-saving artifacts and the essence of Alex's denial, she would be long gone and cold.

In the last explosion she used everything she had to protect herself because this is a danger far beyond what she can withstand.

After many minutes of waiting the explosion dissipated a little and the scene he saw frightened and horrified him a little.

In the middle of everything Alex and the demon were still with their bodies together, but looking closely he sees that the spear is piercing Alex's body and Alex's sword is in the demon's back as if he had not done anything.

Then the two bodies fall from the sky crashing on the solid ground not far from each other, not caring about anything Abigail goes to where Alex fell wanting to check his condition.

Looking at his dying body she is a little horrified because as much as they hated each other before, they are now partners even more as their relationship progresses, and she doesn't want her future partner to die too soon because she herself would feel empty.

Using her healing artifacts and her own essence she sets out to heal him but she feels that she is not achieving much as the energy from that spear is eating away at his flesh , preventing her from healing him .

But he remembers that strange energy that denies everything that Alex gave him, he puts a little bit of it there and it works since it eliminates the corrosion, but as he doesn't have much, he only heals a little bit, letting the hole he had in his stomach fill up.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

Alex starts coughing blood, waking up from his fainting, when he tries to stand up a huge unbearable pain floods his whole body, looking at himself he sees that he is very hurt, he tries to heal himself but that divinity prevents him, he does not want to use so much denial because it is very difficult to control, he does not want to think that in a moment he is wrong and eliminates all his existence.

"you feel better I heal you a little with that energy you gave me that dissipated a little corrosion of the spear !"

"If I don't assail you so much, maybe in a few months I'll be in good shape, but I have to wait to heal a little at a time!"

"Phew! You don't know what a fright you gave me, for a moment I thought I was losing you!"

"hee! hee! hee! it's too soon for me , I still have a lot of things to do , and I wouldn't want to be separated from you!"

"you'd better , because if you die I'll go to the very domain of death to bring your soul ! , even if it's the last thing I do!"

"you know telling me that I feel like you make me fall in love! And I can't lose this! You'll be the first to fall!"

"You bastard, do you want me to hit you?"

"No please, I'm still a little sore!"

"You owe me one if I had joined you maybe we would have saved more time!"

"Sorry maybe next time this will be my battle!"

"Speak of the devil where is he!"

"He's over there! I feel his vitality weakening! I think it will die soon!"

"can you take me to where it is!"

"yes let's go!" supporting Alex against her walking to where the demon lay dying coughing blood .

the demon realizing the humans only resigns himself as he knows he lost.

When Alex and Abigail arrive where Alex was Alex sits next to him looking at the sky , and out of nowhere he asks the demon a question.

"what's your name!" the demon was surprised , but then he answered weakly , since he knows he will die , someone like him who far surpassed the sons of high ranking families die here , but for him this battle is the best he had .

"Dante! and you how do you call yourself human "

"I just call me Alex!"

"Hey, if I win the fight I'll have to take the artifact"

"ha! ha! ha! ha! I don't care anymore, my life is over, you can do whatever you want."

Getting up with effort Alex walks limping with Abigail helping him , before leaving he says a few words to the demon .

"See you another time dante, I'll be waiting for you for our rematch".

What do you want to say - wait, my vitality is no longer depleted but if I don't get well I will die! , hey human what did you do!" but no one was there they had teleported somewhere else .

"ha! ha! ha! ha! Alex, we'll see you soon! And don't worry about getting our revenge! To hell with the leaders! I'm not coming back, I'll be strong on my own!"

"I know you will!" a distant voice answered him , the demon only left a big laughter echoing throughout the dead valley .


Thus happened one of the great battles between two great prodigies in their own world, in the future rivals, challenging the gods themselves without fear.

But no one will know, since this will only be an all-day fight for the strong, not even imagined the great bond that will be formed from here.