
The Irregular in remnant

In a world plagued by soulless beings of darkness and a struggle between two gods, an irregularity is born that will break everything by changing the world system itself, thus also eliminating anyone who gets in its way.

ZAHARD_KING · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: Nightmares [ Part 1]


A two-person family lived in a small two-story cabin, a beautiful brown-haired woman with black eyes in a black one-piece dress, a housewife who is dedicated to taking care of her son, she is Lilly Allen, Alex's mother. Allen or Walker, which comes from his deceased father Lucas Walker, a professional hunter, was reported missing in battle when his son was only 3 and a half years old, the event of his death is still a mystery.

At this moment, Lilly is teaching 5-year-old Alex to write at the study table that is full of sheets with scribbles everywhere, some have few words seeing the little boy's improvement.

"Mom, I'm done, look, there's no space anymore" showing a sheet full of letters and crooked drawings, but not with so many scribbles.

"That's good honey, keep going like this, you're already improving, if you keep practicing you'll be able to do everything without making mistakes" congratulating him on his improvement.

"but mom is boring she would like to play with the animals in the forest, it's more fun than this"

"Yes, but you must learn everything so that when you are in school you don't fall behind with simple tasks"

"Okay, but I can go play, I promise I'll come early" looking at her mother with puppy dog eyes.

"Okay but be careful, if something happens don't hesitate to call you, it's okay" not resisting her son.

"Yes mom don't worry I'll be fine" running to the exit excited.

"Don't take too long for dinner and be careful with the branches that you can fall"

"Yes, mom, I'll be back early to eat."

"I'm leaving mom" shouting in the distance.

"take care of yourself"

.................................. ................

In the forest at this moment you can see a boy running humming happily without taking into account where he runs, the boy constantly avoids the obstacles that are presented to him on the way instinctively since he is not aware only with his eyes glued to a beautiful tree giant with leaves that resemble gold, and large branches that allow an adult person to lie there without any discomfort.

With highly agile hands and perfect balance, the little one climbs the tree, quickly reaching the top, sliding into a large space in the center of the tree, where you can see different types of animals and birds that are in complete harmony.

Upon the arrival of the little boy, all the animals jumped happily around him since they knew him for a long time, since he discovered this place every day without fail he comes to play with them, considering them all his friends.

"I'm back, sorry if I'm late but my mom was teaching me to write"

Several animals begin to squeal, hiss, or chirp, as if they understood and were telling them that everything is fine.

For several hours they began to play running, jumping and catching themselves in the huge tree, with him how to do surprising acts such as manipulating everything around, like magic, even shaping different elements that he creates, after playing a lot they began to rest .

Suddenly a monkey screams pointing to one of the branches.

"There's someone new, because he's not coming, he'll be shy as mom describes" I speak as if she somehow understood.

"Okay, let's go, but don't yell so much, they might scare him" they nodded their heads, fixing their gaze on a solitary bird at the tip of the branch.

walking towards the protruding branch, at the tip of it there was a small black crow with crimson eyes looking at the horizon, hearing a noise behind her, turning her head, she looked at the child who was walking towards her, narrowing her eyes.

"Hello, sorry if I scared you, my name is Alex, I was wondering if you wanted to play with us, because I see you alone, I feel that you are sad, maybe if you play with us you will feel a bit sad" the now known Alex spoke honestly, since He likes to make friends and have fun with them.

The raven stared at him as if evaluating him, after a while it cawed in his direction and flew away.

"um well it didn't go too bad, maybe next time he'll agree to play with us" he said positively with everyone else nodding.

Looking at the sunset, he realizes that it is already getting dark, and remembers that his mother told him that he would return early, hastening to say goodbye to his animal friends.

"Sorry but I have to go I promised mom not to come back late"

"we don't see tomorrow I'll be back without fail" coming down from the tree with his friends saying goodbye

going down she runs hastily to her house, but in the middle of the way she hears a strange sound in the woods, stopping to see what made the noise.

"Hello, is there someone there" asking the air looking everywhere, not finding anything.

"umm maybe I heard wrong" continuing on his way

What he didn't know is that in the dark strange creatures moved in a specific direction as if something were calling them.

.................................. ..........

Arriving at his house he proceeded to give his presence.

"mom is here"

"oh welcome honey, you had fun"

"If we play a lot, there is also a new one, but he didn't pay attention to me, maybe he'll play with us at another time"

"I'm sure it will happen, well go wash up and dinner is ready"

"I'm coming" going to bathe

"Lucas, how I wish you were here to see the growth of our baby" she says sadly, remembering that her husband is no longer with them.

"Well I must tell you that Alex is a good boy, sometimes she misses you but don't worry I will give her a lot of love so that she grows up very healthy and strong"

After eating they both go to sleep in her room.


After a few weeks the day came where Alex was marked for life.

her coming back to her house a little late after playing with her friends and a crow that she reluctantly joined after so much insistence.

"Mom I'm here" but the whole house was silent no one said anything

"Mom" called one more time thinking that I didn't hear, wanting to confirm if her mom is there, she searched the whole house but found nothing, only that the house was messy as if something had happened, arriving at the back door where the patio was where he was playing with his other friends, he found it all broken and the yard was in a deplorable state, all destroyed.

when she checked her house a couple of times she was scared since after all she was a child and with the day already dark and everything destroyed for a child that would be something that would give him nightmares.

when she was about to cry a small tug in her pants caught her attention, and what she saw was a little fox that looked all shaky, recognizing that it was one of her friends with whom she was playing.

"What's wrong, Ozzy, are you fine, something scared you" when the fox just winked at him, pointing to the forest.

"Did you see my mom" he says excitedly, the animal just nods, and I wink at him, pointing tremblingly at the forest.

"Something black took my mom" the animal just nods.

"Can you tell me where they took him? Was it something important?" she says seriously to the fox who only points to the darkest part of the forest.

"They hurt her, is mom in danger?"

"I can't let that happen, ozzy would you come with me to rescue my mom" nodding she climbs on his shoulder, and he looks at me worried.

"Don't worry, with my abilities I am very strong, if something happens I will protect you" encouraging him not to be afraid, with him keeping his own fear since that would make him lose his confidence, and he would not be able to rescue his mother.

"be careful you fall, sometimes I walk fast"

like this, running deep into the forest without knowing the scene that I will see next, but not before telling all my friends not to worry about me and Ozzy and to tell those hunters my mom talks about

.................................. ....

P.O.V. Alex:

Going into the forest with ozzy, several times we didn't lose since everything was dark, so I used my ability to make it light with a small sphere next to me shining, lighting the way for me.

"ozzy, be careful you fall, you better get into my polo so you're safer" Seeing how he almost fell off his shoulder in this forest devoid of light, it would be difficult to find him if he got lost.

"um i think it was this way or there, ozzy i think we got lost, do you know where we are?" confused where to go, looking at ozzy shaking his head, i think we got lost

"now how will I find mom" sitting up and putting my face on my knees starting to cry with ozzy trying to comfort me,


suddenly we heard a sound far from us, but since the forest was silent, it somehow reached us.

looking where the sound was heard it seems as if there were several movements together, maybe they took mom there I should go find out.

!! aaaahhh help, help!

!!don't hurt me!

!! Mom I'm scared"

Just stay by my side!

When I get closer to the distance I hear screams of people desperately asking for help, taking me by surprise since I never thought to hear something like this, moving silently silencing my steps with my ability, isolating the sound, and turning off the light so as not to attract attention, we arrived in silence with ozzy tucked into my polo, remembering that I got a skill from my friends, I guide energy to my eyes seeing completely in the dark beings devoid of light only pure darkness with their bright white teeth, which has grotesque shapes, apparently they are gathering in the center to observe something, I must get closer to see what it is, and what happens to the people who ask for help, so I cover myself with shadows camouflaging myself among them, I hear how they growl in an unknown way to me since I do not understand them as my forest friends

I'm nervous, I don't know what those things are, they'll be dangerous, I'm not like those kids who ignore everything, I've always been smarter than the rest, that's why my mom said that I shouldn't go too far into the woods, that there were creatures like those that they hurt people, maybe they are the so-called grimm, I feel that if it weren't for ozzy accompanying me and wanting to get my mom back from the bad guys I would run away without looking back out of fear 'I can't give up, I'll get my mom back, so she can help me make my cookies as always'

Making the shadow that covers me take the shape of these monsters, I go a little deeper, although the closer I get I smell a metallic smell, and the floor where I walk is somewhat soft, looking to see what it is, I see the whole path covered in a red liquid, somehow making me uncomfortable, already reaching the center of everything, staring straight ahead, to see something that horrified me.

Hundreds of corpses, some were known to me since many were friends of Mama's, since they also lived in the woods, even the bodies of my friends with whom I played in a town where Mama took me, and the river of blood did not It only came from them but also from huge mountains of corpses;

But what horrified me the most is that their bodies were found destroyed, with their extremities separated, their stomachs open and several with signs that they were devoured by large teeth, and not only that, several were still alive and conscious, the tears did not stop falling. from my eyes due to the impotence of not being able to save them,

suddenly the ground began to rumble and several of these demons separated, opening the way for him; What appeared in my sight made my blood run cold, since the one walking in front of me was a big monster almost the size of the forest trees, covered by a fur of pure darkness with its crimson eyes that I felt was looking directly at me. and clawed hands with blood spilling from them.

What was shocking was not only the one who was walking towards a mountain of corpses, but also the woman who was on his right hand, although she was in a deplorable state, I never forget that image since that woman was my mother, who was struggling weakly to get out.

I wanted to go there to save my mom, and yell at the monster to let her go, but I remained immobile in my place, since even though I am a child I understood that just showing myself here would be a silly thing, with hundreds of these things surrounding me, I would just go to death, wasting my chance to save my mom.

Closing my mouth tight and squeezing my hands until blood comes out, I see how they drag my mother to a high ground where I realize that there is a humanoid being standing on his back, when the being turns around I see that he is formally dressed, with a long tail , the hands all in the shape of claws, with fingers similar to a blade, the head with two horns and the face similar to some type of mask, and at the waist a large rapier similar to a spear.

At one point, he fixes his gaze on us, out of nowhere I start to tremble uncontrollably, and feeling some kind of pressure that forces me to get on my knees, with all my strength I resist this pressure, maybe ignoring for the moment I don't hear sounds of cracks coming out of my body, and my gaze is fixed on the being that I felt was smiling.

When he looked away from me, I felt the pressure go away, but it didn't calm my body that kept shaking not so uncontrollably.

Taking a deep breath to calm down, I see that humanoid being touching his chin, analyzing my mother, and shortly after becoming enthusiastic.

"Wow, we finally found someone with a special soul out of all this useless junk we found"

"apparently this is also the last one"

"You guys can have a feast with those deplorable existences, I'll take care of this one" going to a somewhat sinister construction taking my mom.

Perhaps because of the importance of my mother, I was unaware of what those demons would do with the corpses, some of them alive, and in a moment of emotional uncontrol, I found myself quickly following that human-shaped demon in the blink of an eye, regardless of whether they see me or not.

give me back my mom!!! putting all energy and force forward where that demon was located

when I was about to hit it, but it disappeared and because of the momentum I put in I couldn't stop colliding with a tree, completely destroying it with several trees that followed it,

looking confused around me looking for where he is and how he disappeared out of nowhere.

"wow our little intruder came out, I never thought he was just a boy, he must be brave if he comes alone in this forest in the dark surrounded by demons"

Suddenly I speak behind me, turning around I don't see anything, turning my gaze back I find him standing in front of me, scaring me as I fall on my ass.

"Give me back my mom I know you want to hurt her" I said yelling at her again

"ohh so this woman is your mom" she said gracefully

"That's really interesting" fixing his gaze on me, I felt restricted, suddenly I saw a light shine in his eyes, shortly after it went out.

"But I don't see that you're special, you just have a normal soul" she said in a disappointed way.

"You made me waste time even if I wanted to get rid of you I will give that job to smiley he will be happy to play with a child"

He disappeared again, I think he went to that structure. I have to follow him to rescue Mom. A voice stopped me running there.

"Kakakaka! What a boy, you didn't think she would let you go just like that, after all I have to make sure that nothing interrupts the process of extracting that woman's soul"

"!kakakaka! well it's not like you understand, since you're just a brat"

appearing before me a being similar to the other only that of pure darkness with a macabre smile on his face with his white eyes.

of repellent appeared black chains tying my extremities leaving me immobile, I tried to pull them with all my strength but they didn't even move, I even felt that my strength was leaving

"kakakaka! Those chains are special. I use them to play with my victims who want to oppose us, they drain your vitality and corrode your body"

"Don't worry, you'll feel it very soon, kakakaka!"

suddenly he grabs my hair tightly making me hurt, he makes fun of me telling me about my mom

"Tell me child, do you know that he will do that bastard to your mommy" she said mockingly

"Let me tell you that the first thing they will do is torture him to death so that his defenses go down, and they can take out his soul"

"kakakaka! it's not fun" looking at me as if looking at a toy

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! In the distance, a cry of pain was heard, but I know whose voice it is.

!!! Mom, I scream, I try to free myself in any way but it's impossible since I can't break these chains, out of nowhere a weakness consumes me, looking at me I see that black spots are spreading all over my body, with extreme pain who wants to make me scream, but I press my mouth to keep him from doing it and pleasing this bastard.

"I'm surprised how mature you are at such a young age wanting to put up with it"

set me free!!! scream

"You know why we don't stay quietly to hear those melodious screams that make my body tremble! Kakakaka!

"But I don't think it will be possible since corruption is already consuming you, well your body will serve to reborn a new demon, so be happy that even in your death you are useful"

I feel like I can't anymore my body doesn't respond, I hear my mother's cries of pain, at least Ozzy escaped when this demon appeared, I'm useless I can't save my mom, the darkness is consuming my vision 'sorry mom for not saving you' consuming me completely.


Ahh! Getting out of bed all sweaty from fright at dawn

"I'm still dreaming of that moment" remembering that I always have nightmares of that moment since I had many regrets there.

"Although I still hadn't recovered my memories there, it still affects me, not being able to save my mom"

The door to my room opens, Aunt Summer enters, worried, 'I might yell too loud'

"Alex honey, you're fine, are you still having those nightmares?"

"If she worries you about something, just call me so that she can help you with what bothers you" she said, hugging my head.

"Yes Aunt Summer, everything is fine, I just got a little scared" reassuring her.

"umm" I want to say something but it's uncomfortable

"What's wrong, do you want to say something, if she worries that I'm upset, don't think about it too much, just say it with confidence"

"umm can you sleep with me?"

"ohh that bothered you no problem if another day you have nightmares just tell me so I can calm you down"

"Well I'll be back now I have to tell Tai that I'll sleep with you" leaving my room

'I just have to enjoy this for a while longer, since I still have to take revenge on those demons that took my mom's soul' thinking of ways to kill them, and in my trip that I will do after my aunt summer returns.

.................................. ...

when aunt summer returned we went to sleep together in bed.


On the next day:

After doing all the activities for the day, the Xian Long/Rose family with Alex went to the entrance of the house to say goodbye to Summer, who is going on a mission.

"Mom I will miss you a lot, she comes back quickly so you can tell me about your adventures"

"Take care mom, nothing bad happens to you"

"honey if something happens call me I will do everything possible to help you"

with the three relatives going to hug her

"yes, aunt summer, don't do anything dangerous and come back safely" with alex hugging her and without anyone noticing she passed a little of her energy essence to summer's body.

"I have to go now, take care everyone, and don't forget to do her homework" to go out and enter a bullhead that will take him to her mission site.

'I hope that little essence of denial will save her if she's in danger, I put all my energy there' a little pale but no one notices as she hides it.



ZAHARD_KINGcreators' thoughts