
The Irregular in remnant

In a world plagued by soulless beings of darkness and a struggle between two gods, an irregularity is born that will break everything by changing the world system itself, thus also eliminating anyone who gets in its way.

ZAHARD_KING · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 12 : Assignment and Start of Classes

"Russell Thrush! Winchester Cardin! , Dove Bronzewing! , Sky Lark!"

"You four collected the black bishop relic! . from now on you four will work together as! The team! CRDL'! , led by Cardin Winchester!"

At this moment in the large auditorium of the Academy is giving the team assignments , with several groups already formed and also others in line .

Although there is something that several teams have in common and that is that most of them had already recovered from the injuries caused in the initiation , but not in the great part since some have bruises and superficial wounds that are still healing .

The great start of the Academy began with a tough test, but each team managed to pass it, of course there are also others who seeing how difficult it is just the initiation gave up and withdrew for fear of something happening to them.

"Jaune Arc! Lie Ren! , Pyrrha Nikos! , Nora Valkyrie!"

"You four collected the white towers! From today you will work together as a team! 'JNPR'!"

"Led by Jaune Arc! Congratulations young man!"

And so on and so forth I name a bunch of teams as well with the assignment of various sections because of how many there were .

"Blake Belladonna! , Ruby Rose! , Weiss Schnee! , Yang Xiao Long!"

"You four gathered the white horses! . from today onwards you will work together as the 'RWBY' team!"

"Led by Ruby Rose!"

And finally coming to the last teams .

Arriving a team , very particular , since by the visualizations they saw yesterday showed that it was one of the strongest teams , killing a large number of grimm and several evolved which are what they called those powerful grimm that several teams had to suffer to defeat them .

"Anastasia Silva! Abigail Astarte! , Meredith Meyer and Alex Walker!"

"You four gathered the black pawns! Starting today you will work together as team 'AAAM'!" (kind of weird but I don't know how to name teams so this is it).

"Led by Alex Walker!"


From there the whole day was spent socializing with each other , but it was difficult as Alex's classmates are somewhat special .

Abigail wouldn't make eye contact with anyone except Alex , Meredith was indifferent to everyone making it difficult to talk to her and finally Anastasia who didn't talk much but was comfortable to be with .

If it wasn't for Alex everyone would just ignore each other and not talk for long , but with a lot of effort he managed to get everyone to connect through a fight , which is the easiest way to get to know each other according to him .

That worked out happily since the moment Abigail and Meredith fought they didn't hold back ,'course Abigail with the power sealed to the level of her companions' and they managed to become friends , although for him it sounds weird since a combination of those two brings him a strange feeling , of course there is also the reason that Abigail hardly connected much with people in her travels so it is a surprise for him , and anastasia was easy to become friends with her even though she doesn't talk much .

At this moment he is enjoying the afternoon wind in a space for rest of the academy that you relax by the tranquility and silence .

Since he is here in this Academy, he thinks carefully that he must pay the debt he had with those who took care of him as a child, at least he must help them to get stronger because it will not be long before the dimensional barrier is broken.

And that moment everything will be chaos with the incorporation of other beings that will be able to pass freely to remnant , and when it happens he does not want them to be helpless , 'maybe it's time to talk to Ozpin and I will give them a help , because if they are destroyed all will be sad and I should not let it happen , I'm not being sentimental , I'm just paying a debt ,and I am a little fond of them as a child' .

"oh there you are , I was looking for you to talk !" said a voice behind him , turning around , he recognizes it's yang and Ruby .

"i wanted to thank you for saving us all back in the forest !"

"and also wanted to know how you were doing all these years !" he speaks as a whisper afraid to be rejected .

he just kept thinking , to tell them what he was doing or a simple lie , ' if I tell them the truth they will surely be scared , and if I tell them lie it will be something annoying for me ' .

"come on Ruby for sure she doesn't want to talk to us !" her sister says annoyed but her voice also sounds sad , Ruby can only nod her head seeing that they don't answer her .

"and who says I don't want to tell them! I was just thinking what to talk to them about! , since what I will tell you will be long !"

"come here sit with me like when we were kids!" pointing to their side for them to sit down.

Ruby and yang just sat with bright eyes , and a little nostalgic remembering those days when they just played quietly , until the tragedies that broke the family a little .

"well , where do I start !"

"ohh I know !"

"well first when I left home! I explored and trained all over the world seeing the different things it had to offer! I got to try different types of foods, each one had its own unique trait! On one of my many travels I was confronted by monsters...!"

Ruby and Yang only listened attentively to the adventures of their friend, but there was a certain faun who was hiding in the shade of a tree, for them what he told them was fascinating but also dangerous when they saw the various dangers he had to face, they were very scared because he was alone without anyone else's company.

There was a moment where he told them about his revenge for what happened to his mother, omitting many details about the alternate world, there also Ruby and Yang understood why he left and why he seemed distant at the time of the incident.

They also came to understand that their friend was steps ahead of them, motivating them to try harder to catch up with him and have adventures together as they promised in their childhood, as that is something they do not forget as it is something special to them.

Alex also realized that they were still hurt and told them that they need to rest.

When the night came they said goodbye to leave with their team.

"and tell me what do you think of my story!" speaking on the air , but he knew that whoever was hidden was listening to him.

"very entertaining and also very dangerous!" Blake came out of the darkness and sat down on his side. , staying in a great silence , but it didn't bother them as they were just relaxing with the atmosphere.

" how are you Blake!"

"Well , a little happy to be able to come here! , to explore the world like you!"

"I'm glad , and how are things over there with the fauns!"

"thanks to your idea we made a lot of progress in strengthening the island and our people! We are also reclaiming desert territories to expand further! Since the existence of the Grimm is scarce there and there are also many untapped resources!"

"Good for you! , now you won't be so defenseless in case of an attack!"

"yes with our successful consolidation! It also attracted many fauns who no longer wanted to be in the four kingdoms! , increasing our people and more people who want to protect their home!"

"Oh, how great I'm glad you guys are doing well! And Blake how's Adam!" shutting the faun up for a while.

"He , after all that happened! He deeply regretted it, saying that anger clouded his judgment! And he himself made a promise to the whole island to do his best for his people! He went on a journey of atonement for his sins!"

"thanks to the atlas intelligence center that supported us we found out! that Adam is on a journey throughout the land without authority saving people who had no protection fauns and humans alike! Being hailed by many as a hero!"

"There was one time we caught a conversation of him with the people he saved! They asked him what! What is his purpose and is he happy to be called a hero?"

"You know what he answered! He said: 'I'm just atoning for my sins, doing the best I can and saving people in need makes me very happy too! I just want to say that those who seek revenge! Don't get carried away with your emotions it's bad! I once went through that and hurt my people more than I sought to protect them!"

"many people were moved by that and when someone saw him they would help him with whatever he needed , he became very famous for being a hero to the poor people and discriminated fauns , in a part I am happy for him and wish nothing dangerous happens to him !"

"wow! Adam really is a great person, achieving that in a few years! , ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! how fantastic how I wish I could see him and tell him I'm happy for him!" remembering the vengeful faun who was only obsessed with dominating humans , maybe he has changed but he also has to see it himself his change , maybe give him a gift for the things he did but if he changed , if he is just an idiot pretending to be a hero he will beat the crap out of him.

"If several members of the White Fang consider him their role model! They'd even like to join him! But everyone understands that Adam is still on his journey of atonement!"

"you know when we graduate we're going on our own journey too!"

"I hope it happens too!" murmured Blake.

"well there's nothing to worry about we have four years to be strong and go on our journey!"

"yeah! I think it's getting late, I have to go with my team! I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Sure! see you tomorrow!"



Being awakened by his team Alex changed , wearing the official Beacon uniform which consisted for the men of a black suit with gold trim, over it a blue vest, with a white shirt and red tie. The women wore long socks, which were an optional component, a red kilt, and a brown jacket with a tan vest and white blouse.

Ales had his suit and vest unbuttoned and his shirt off like a rebellious high school boy, his classmates had already changed and were just waiting for him to come out of their dorms for class.

As they were leaving their dormitories to go to class, they met many others who had also gone out, many were wasting time chatting in the square, others playing board games, etc., since there was still half an hour to go. They are still half an hour away, so those who left early are taking advantage of their free time.

They instead went to the dining room to order their breakfast, and as always Alex brought a large number of dishes piled up in columns.

They also condensed among themselves of topics of interest such as their purpose in school and such things to know more about them .

Alex and Abigail had no problem telling why they came , and just said it was purely for fun before the chaos happened , of course the last thing they said in their heads .

Meredith, being very much herself, only answered that she came here to find clues to her biggest prey and nothing else, anastasia on the other hand was just here to have adventures with friends.

When the bell rang, each team went to their respective classes, they were assigned to 'Grimm Studies' with Professor Peter Port in the first year A section.

They entered the classroom , which looked like a lecture hall , with the chairs arranged in half moons around the podium .

The professor was an adult in his golden days wearing a burgundy double-breasted suit with gold piping and buttons. His pants he wears tucked into olive green boots, similar in appearance and construction to cavalry boots.

He has gray hair and a gray mustache and is a tall , well standing man , with a muscular build but not so much to bodybuilding .

This is Peter Port , but before it was not so , because before he was fat because he was focused on being a teacher and had no time to train , now as he advanced the levels of his aura managed to regain a little his youth reaching level 5 where he gained several years of life , and also for the excitement spent a few months being outside facing different Grimm and even evolved , regaining his pace of his youth .

Now he had almost nothing of his former physique , as he changed when he was in his youth , full of energy (imagine him as officer Armstrong from full metal alchemist).

A few minutes before the beginning of the class, the teams 'RWBY' and 'JNPR' arrived in a hurry because they had forgotten the time.

Greeting the Professor they proceeded to sit in their seats.

"what made you guys almost late!" Alex asking the 'RWBY' team.

"we were tidying up our dorm and we missed the time!" replied Ruby.

"Oh, hey, we're going to practice this afternoon! I want to see how strong you guys are! You can come as a whole team! Sure, if you want?"

"Sure, we missed training with you too, we do! Yang!"

"yeah you'll see how strong I've become!" smiling brightly , and raising her arm in a show of strength.

"we'll see!"

and the class began with a brief introduction by the teacher , telling everyone to pay close attention and not to forget .

Was first explaining the history and how dangerous they are in the world .

"monsters! , creepers! , creatures of the night!"

"yes the Grimm have many names and I refer to it as prey !" saying it so seriously , without any of the students questioning them .

"just as you will too once you graduate from this prestigious Academy ! , when you start fighting these creatures more recurrently!"

"always treating them as enemies or prey , as these creatures are not soul beings , these only serve to cause destruction!"

"now as I was saying! okay! As well as the other three kingdoms! They are safe oases in a treacherous world! But it can't always be that way.

"for our planet is absolutely overflowing with creatures that would love to tear you to pieces!"

"And that's where we are! hunters! Individuals sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves!

"but first they must also know the dangers involved! Perhaps all or only a few of you have encountered Grimm's different than usual at the initiation! Is that not so?" drawing the full attention of the class and nodding their heads in agreement.

"Well those Grimm's are called evolved! those who ceased to be ordinary Grimm in every sense!"

when Weiss raises his hand to ask and the professor allows it, "but professor how is it possible that they evolved? According to historical records there were never any such Grimm! According to my understanding we only know of those ancient Grimm that are only strong because of the age and experience of the years they lived!"

"good question Miss Schnee! Well! , you may also know that we discovered the way to become strong by using the aura! , but not only we can!"

"since they too have an energy of their own that makes them evolve! That's what we call 'corrupt energy', the one that is fed by the evils of the world and all the negativity too, that's what they use to evolve."

"but well! That topic will be for another class now! It's the beginning of class so let's relax with a story!"

"A story of a handsome young man...! me!" leaving more than one with a blank face , as they thought it was a legendary story that revolutionized the world not this.

"When I was young...! blah! blah!" he told his story so intensely that everyone had to pay attention to him , and in his narration he also did a lot of posing flaunting his glistening muscles , which amazed most of the guys and also admiration to have those magnificent things .

Of course some girls were bored by this and some just felt they would fall asleep others distracted by making jokes in their notebooks.

But the one who stressed the most is Weiss since her leader just looked like a childish girl who only comes to loaf , but she knows that she should not judge since before coming her sister taught her that she comes here without any of her privileges and she should see for herself . Also because of what they went through at the initiation , and she is old enough not to throw a tantrum just because she was not chosen as leader , since it is the Director himself who chose them , and if she does not accept it she would be contradicting what someone more experienced than her says , indirectly pointing out that she is also flawed .

But now her leader is doing childish things without a shred of attention to the class and that's what bothers her , she already wants something to de-stress her a little to have to put up with her leader.

When the teacher was saying about the personification of a hunter , she felt a lot of stress until she had to rub her head with her hand .

"So! , who of you think you are the personification of this?" but no one raised their hand as they are just simple students who are just starting out , they are not so arrogant to say that they are the very personification of a hunter when they are just starting out .

"well if there is no one! So, does anyone want to volunteer for a demonstration?"! , and Weiss ended up raising her hand as she wanted to distract herself a bit .

"well then do me a favor and face this opponent!" pointing to a cage that contained a Boarbatusk , a kind of Grimm boar of the most common .

He gives Weiss some time if he wants to change or just use his uniform , Weiss just went to pick up his weapon , since it was a simple Grimm there was no need for a change of clothes when he could not do anything to it .

the professor opens the cage letting out the Grimm who directly lunges at Weiss , but Weiss just quietly dodges it and letting out his stress plays with the Grimm who all he could do was lunge directly , causing Weiss to cause many superficial wounds without hurting him much as he doesn't want his toy to die fast .

"come on Weiss!"

"that's disable that thing!"

Team 'R-BY' was supporting her from their seats , letting her uncentered a bit by her flattery that didn't bother him that much .

But that oversight caused her to lose her weapon to the Grimm , tossing it to the other end of the room.

"oh, now! What will you do without your gun ?"

but Weiss was only calm , as this ant was weak and didn't need his weapon in the first place , he only brought it for formality .

Ruby was telling him to attack him in his belly to take him out fast , but she didn't need anything .

Seeing that this simple Grimm was coming straight at her , using a bit of strength she gives him a kick that shatters his entire mask and skull completely , leaving him to disintegrate .

Since her sister also taught her a little bit of hand-to-hand combat and various martial arts, so that she does not depend so much on her weapon.

The teacher congratulates her and ends the first class of the first period, the Weiss team congratulates her, she just thanks them, and at one point gives her a look and for a second she frowns and then leaves, Ruby had noticed that, and thinks that maybe she did something that bothered her, so she follows her to talk a little.

While the whole class was going on Alex and his team were just playing ludo with each other since the class wasn't entertaining them that much , Alex in a while also paid attention to the adventures of his teacher's youth , and all he realized is that his story was deep and amazing , but then he got bored and told his classmates to play with him , which they also accepted , so playing the whole class and also didn't pay attention to Weiss's fight since it was boring and they knew that this Grimm was just a little trash .

When the class was over Alex and his group headed for the dining room since Alex wanted to eat and they accompanied him since they had nothing else to do and besides he is their leader.

On the way to the dining room several students gave them a pass with a little fear, because even though the classmates of the group got used to Alex quickly, they did not allow other strangers to approach them with confidence.

In the few days they are still in the Academy , several male students wanted to court Alex's group , but pitifully several came out with broken bones , most mainly by Meredith and Abigail , as these two do not care about the extras and for them to be arrogant believing that they would go with them you bother them .

Abigail because she already belongs to Alex and Meredith because they don't care about those weaker than her , in their eyes they are just annoying flies who want attention .

And Anastasia, she is the calmest of the group but if she sees someone with bad intentions to her group she is a bit fierce, but the expression she sometimes makes is adorable to her team that everyone likes.

Alex doesn't mind this , because if some people overstep the limit , they might disappear the next day , he had also noticed Ruby and Weiss's problem , but he is not meddling in what is not his business and let them sort things out by themselves .


At this moment Weiss is on her way to the big balcony of the building to relax and not think about meaningless things .

"Weiss !" but her companion's voice stopped her .

"what's wrong with you , I saw that you were a little upset ! , maybe it will be something that doesn't suit me but don't forget that you have our trust and you're not alone!"

"Ruby I'm sorry but this is something I have to think about myself!"

"ah okay but at least you can be honest with me and tell me what you have!" looking nervously at her coworker , Weiss just gives her a look and gives a big sigh "do you really want me to tell you?"

"yes say it with full confidence!" raising her chest high .

"well! , no offense but I expected more from a leader like you! , but I was disappointed! , as I don't see you being responsible! , attentive! I don't see you as responsible, studious and among many other things".

"You know if I was the me before my sister's training! I would be throwing a childish tantrum for not being chosen as a leader! , but my sister taught me lessons that brought out that ignorance in me and that I won't always get what I want!"

"maybe now I would be like that too! But I know how to control myself! Don't worry, I know you'll get better! And I have to do it my way too!"

"I'll be back in a while! I just need to relax! Don't think too much about what I told you! It's just some stress I had from waiting for something perfect! , my childhood teaching is getting to me!"

Nodding her head to Ruby she leaves , Ruby just stays silent as she didn't expect to be told that , she feels she did things wrong.

"wow Ms. Schnee if progress matured a lot in the way she is , I expected her to be a little angry , but I see she improved a lot" , says a voice behind her that was Professor Ozpin.


"i see you have a problem!"

"yes! is it true what he says?"

"that remains to be seen"

"What do you mean?"

"It's only been one day! You don't have to be serious all the time! Everyone makes mistakes!"

"it's you and your team who will decide if it's right! Only your performance is what will validate and tell if I was wrong in choosing you as a leader or not!"

"don't forget it's only day one! You have four years to rate your own performance as a leader! Also, you get better with time so don't give up and be confident!"

"being a leader is a very big responsibility Ms. rose! , it's not something to give up just because of a grievance!"

retiring leaving a pensive Ruby .


Weiss was walking along the large balcony above the study building , they had many lounge chairs for students and teachers , she came here to clear her head and enjoy the breeze from the seeing . She feels it is very immature of her , but what can she do she was indoctrinated like this as a child , the habits she has are hard to forget .

But she realized she was not alone as her teacher was also here , approaching him she calls "Professor Port!"

"ah , Miss Schnee to what do I owe the pleasure !"

"Professor I know you guys give advice too! So I wanted to know! How do I get rid of the travel habits that torment me in wanting to be perfect? I feel like if I didn't hold back! I'd be so angry at not being chosen to be the leader of my group!"

"um! So that's what's tormenting you!"

"that depends a lot on what you want to change, if you continue with those torments and you don't forget them, it means that deep down you still love them"!

"It all depends on one's will! Change is very easy if you want to change!

"Just concentrate on becoming a better person! polish your techniques! skills to be more supportive of your team! , and not separate yourself from them!"

silently thanking the professor , he nods and walks away , leaving Weiss alone with a new goal.

In the passages she sees a shadow in the darkness and recognizes it as her leader, it calls out to her and the two talk to each other about their problems, and how Weiss wants to be a better partner to lean on, and Ruby to work on her shortcomings.

Ruby asks her if she wants to join him to train with a childhood friend, and Weiss accepts as she is curious about the strength of this friend.



Already in the evening after classes Alex was in a large courtyard of the Academy where you can train , waiting for Ruby and her team , also his is here watching from the benches as he is curious about how he will train with the other team .

As he was warming up , he sees in the distance that eight people are coming here , and looking more closely he realizes that it is team 'RWBY' accompanied by team 'JNPR' , well he doesn't mind as he is also curious about that team , the more the better .

"Alex I hope you don't mind my friends were curious about the training!"

"No! , it's okay I don't mind!"

"fine! , then let's see how much they have improved these years!"

"I'm ready now!"

"oh by the way Ruby no guns!"


"but how am I going to fight!"

"ah, looks like you didn't train your body! Well that's your problem! So just train them! Yeah!"

From there Alex started training with Ruby and yang all bare fisted , but as expected they couldn't do anything with it , all the while weak body blows that was just a tickle , but with the build up it was starting to happen to them fracture .

Yang was trying her best to hit him but she couldn't, instead she received them back, which made her angry and she activated her semblance increasing all her physical attributes and being able to absorb the kinetic energy, but even so she was no match for Alex who took her with an amused look.

Ruby was having a harder time since she didn't train to fight hand to hand, she only knew how to use her weapon, and that's why most of the time she made awkward movements embarrassing herself since they had an audience and these were her own friends .

But while fighting not only that , as this was a training , so Alex instructed them many times what move was wrong , how to have a good footwork , techniques , etc . The two girls improved but they couldn't keep up with the pace.

Until they had to start with aura strengthening becoming stronger , being able to be faster , stronger and have better senses . Yang was still attacking with blows but her movements this time were more refined , being able to attack better but still losing , her aura shield stopped flickering , but it was of no importance as she at least wanted to land a blow , not even Ruby's distraction with her semblance could help her as Alex always knew where she stood .

Blake and Weiss joined in because they could no longer watch their teammates lose miserably , which Alex welcomed .

With the help of Blake and Weiss, the weight they felt lightened, and they charged with excitement, each one using a different martial art, being able to collide against Alex who, even though it seemed that he was at a disadvantage, continued to teach them his mistakes in his techniques, which continued to hurt their pride.

Ruby moved swiftly around the yard kicking to disorient Alex, who deftly dodged, and grabbing Ruby's foot threw her against Blake who was close to him trying to sneak up on her.

He had to catch her so she wouldn't crash into the wall, that carelessness earned him a foot sweep that ended up knocking her down.

When Alex was going to disable him, Weiss attracts them with the use of glyphs, and with the help of Yang, they attack Alex with their fists and kicks in weak areas with great skill, and Alex also responds, colliding fists and kicks all over the training field, since they are not only going to fight in one place while standing still.

The 'JNPR' team that was on the benches watching the training, was stunned by the beating they were giving to their peers, literally receiving blows from here and there, without even being able to defend themselves, and the different martial arts that everyone displayed amazed them even more, because if you handle well this type of martial art can be lethal, of course this is only for the expert eyes. For those who have no experience, they only have to look at the display of great melee skills.

Since not many will know but there are hidden teams watching from afar the development of the fight .

The fight fans were trembling with excitement for wanting to get into that fight , as it causes an excitement the clash of fists and kicks , but they had to control themselves as one slip and the situation could get out of control .

The one who was also a little surprised is Meredith , who only came out of curiosity of the way their leader fights , and it must be said that she was not disappointed as she is strong , she suspects from her meeting with him that he is hiding his strength that is why she also feels interest in him , but she is not meddlesome in other people's affairs .

Until the moment came where the aura of the whole 'RWBY' team broke down completely giving them a violent reaction and pain from their wounds that accumulated and their aura could not heal fast .

But there was something that surprised Weiss and Blake , and that is that Ruby and yang , with all the broken aura were put in fighting position to continue to continue .

Since it is well known that you have to withdraw from a fight when your aura is red , but they had overstepped and broke it completely . But another thing was that their partners continued the fight .

They all still remember that they were bedridden all day because they had overdone the initiation.

But they also didn't know that Ruby and Yang picked up this habit by watching Alex as a child train to the limit, without stopping, which caused them to admire his persistence and adapt the same style.

Once their father and uncle discovered them and gave them a big scolding for endangering themselves in this way, and because they were so insistent, they told them that they just wanted to be like Alex.

Knowing that they also decided to give him a scolding for mistreating himself like that , when they asked him why so that , he replied : 'I do it so I don't depend too much on external factors , since I don't know about you , but those who get used with what they already have become useless once you take them away , and I don't want that to happen to me , because my goal is to become strong to protect everyone' hearing that mature answer the adults were surprised since he was partly right since many hunters depend a lot on the aura to not get hurt , But he was still a growing child and could not exert himself so much, so seeing his determination, he was told that he should not over exert himself as it would damage his body, and a few restrictions that he accepted because they were not that bothersome.

They were now able to train to their heart's content, and at this moment they wanted to show her the willpower they have to not lay down because of a simple weakness.

Alex just watched them and gave a little laugh already because of their persistence and they earned a little respect from him , and also glad that they are not simple weaklings who faint because of aura breakage .

Answering their persistence Alex collided with them again , resuming their fight which lowered the level a paco but was still impressive , Weiss and Blake felt their pride eating them up inside , the former for feeling like a wimp for falling fast even with her sister's training , and the latter for feeling like she was being left behind and couldn't catch up anymore also because of Alex , so ignoring the pain they felt they stood up and set out in accompanying their teammates .

"Weiss! , Blake but wh-!" uttered Ruby surprised that her companions had stood up , but they had interrupted her .

"Don't say anything! I'm just helping you because I can't leave my leader alone! It's her partner's job to help her! , um!" acting and all tsundere the albino , looking away.

"I want to continue too! , and I feel like the more I fight the more I get better!" says Blake to his teammates.

"yep , all together as a team!"

"um! Just so you know, I'm only here! Because they can't last without me!"

"yes that's right! Don't give up just for lack of aura! In the future you'll realize not to rely on the shield too much! But now I must teach you correctly how to correct your mistakes in your movements!" says Alex, giving the warning to continue.

They were like this for three hours, Alex did not break his word because in all the time they fought he did not stop saying his mistakes to improve it, there was a time where his partner Anastasia joined him to teach him a little, because they do not know much of body to body.

When they couldn't continue they all lay down on the floor with heavy breathing from exhaustion and unable to move.

Alex is not so bad either, so using his aura he proceeded to heal them and transfer them so that they would not be so sore tomorrow morning from today's effort.

And without asking for permission he carried them all, two in his arms and the other two on his men without letting them fall off.

He took them all in his arms and the other two on his men without letting them fall off, since his teammates had already left after two hours of training, and the 'JNPR' team also left because of Nora's insistence that they were hungry.

So he was alone here with four girls, and since it's their condition it's his fault he has to take responsibility.

The girls were red in the face because they were so tired and ashamed , when they wanted to tell him not to carry them , they could not get their voices out because their strength was gone , so on the way they just lowered their heads so that no student would look at them .

On the way they came across several students whispering in the distance , which for Alex with his senses he heard them perfectly , learning that some boys said things well perverted and some jealous , like this showing his might carrying his harem in his arms , showing them something they will never have , or showing his strength showing them that he lasted long until he made them faint , etc . The girls on the other hand gossiped that he was a bully, tiring them to the point of exhaustion, etc.

There was some gossip that made him want to go there and teach them a lesson , but first he must take care of his duty .

Arriving at the girls room , he asked them to open it , and Ruby taking out her parchment put it on the door opening it .

The moment he entered the room , the girls , unable to bear the embarrassment , took him out of their bedroom , but not before thanking him for bringing them .

Alex, knowing that they would not be able to move for a long time, went to buy food for them to eat so that they would not be with an empty belly.

When she got back to their room, she knocked for them to open the door, which immediately happened with a head peeking out, it was Blake.

She asked him what he wanted and he handed her the food saying : "this is my compensation for your condition , I brought plenty if you want more !" Blake hurriedly closed the door , and he heard a commotion inside , the next moment he came out again and received the food and closed the door on her .

Alex wanted to say something to them but they shut him out, letting out a sigh he went to the dining room to order food he was starving.

When he finished, he went to his team's dorm room and saw that they were watching a movie on the TV he brought.

He joined them , and seeing that after he finished they were all about to sleep , he turned everything off and went to his bed to lie down that after a few seconds he felt someone hug him , knowing it was Abigail this left him , sleeping together .

These two chapters were the introduction of the teams that will later be important to the plot.

Also the introduction of Alex's own team and the mysterious past that each one has.

ZAHARD_KINGcreators' thoughts