
The iron lord(Game of Thrones isekai)

A man's tale of being taken from his home forced to help a Reavers populace. With very little knowledge of the series, will his boon be enough for him to survive? ___________________________________________________ I'm a somewhat new author, so expect some grammar issues. I'm also not completely knowledgeable in the series, so I may miss or forget some key points.

Ave_Dominus_Nox · Ti vi
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

Harrison Karstark POV:

It's rather insulting to be on babysitting duty, but my lord Stark has ordered me to watch the camp, no doubt to keep an eye on the lannister force. If I were a betting man, the king did not wish for the mountain to steal any glory from him and my lord stark. The damnable Southerners seem to be happy to miss out on the battle, what a group of worthless men for what man would not seek battle. Then again, one could never trust their flowery words. Looking back to the breach in time, I see a man. with a burning sword rushing in, what mad man sets their own blade ablaze? It was about an hour after the breach that a commotion started on the beach.

"Lord Umber, gather your men it seems the southerners have gotten jumpy, and we may need to k nock some sense into them."

With a nod, our group of three hundred men at arms began our walk to the beach, and once half way their we began to hear the sounds of terror. Knowing something must be wrong, and once reaching the top of a bank that leads to the beach, we see three ships just off the beach bearing the flower sigil on their sails, but they have giant red X's marked over them. Looking to the southerners close to use, most are shocked some even on their knees praying.What in the old and new gods could cause this?

Turning back to the ships, I noticed each ship had the seven point star on fire with mutilated corpses pinned on each. Being momentarily shocked as the now revealed ironborn get on the beach and charge into the shocked lannister forces, killing all in sight and from the look of it each ironborn that falls took on average five men with them to the grave.

"Don't just stand there. We have rebels to kill. Get to it, lads!"Shouted lord Umber as we charge to join the fight, but by then, many of the lannister me were dead.


"Kill these greenlander scum and make the pay the iron price for our lives!" I shout and many answers with a resounding shout of "Aye. "

Lifting a shield, I block a blow of an arrow fired from a northan archer from the hill, and with a scowl, I shout for the men to kill faster. Charging in, I decapitate a praying greenlander with my axe and cut the arm off of another that tries to rise a defense. Shield bashing the screaming man into another I knock three men to the ground and activating the time stop I drive my axe into one's chest and grab their sword and skewering the other two men together as time resumes. With a gurgle of their own blood, all three die within seconds and pulling my axe from the chest of the dead man I charge to the next victim. Seeing one in full plate killing my men, I choose him as the next target, and as I get closer, I see he bears the armor of the red guard and knowing their skill I ready my shield and I'm glad I did as soon as I got closer he swung his mace in a wide arch at me but is blocked by my shield but said shield flies out of my hand into the mud. Activating my ability again, I throw two daggers, each going for the knee joint and quickly deactivating it. I see the man fall to his knees with a scream muffled by his helm and silenced as I pick up a dirk from the ground before driving it into his visor port, killing the man.

By the time the northmen joined the fight, I've already killed over thirty lannister knights and innumerable levy men soaking me and my weapons in blood and mudd mixed with sand. It was as the the battle got worse when I heard a voice from the waves [Yes kill these seven loving cunts Bwhahahahaha]. With the cruel laughter ringing I continue to cut man after man down and with each blow I felt myself grow more proficient in my axe fighting and with the safety net of my powers and hard fight become easy even if it only lasts a few seconds but with every bit of blood shed I feel the power become stronger as if it's limits are evolving as I do. I'm shook from my thoughts as I block a sword blow but being launched a few feet away into a group of northerners. Recovering first among the pile of men, I quickly grabbed an arrow from the ground and began stabbing each man in the throat with time slowed. Turning in the direction I was launched from, I see the man no, monster, that launched me away was the mountain himself standing at eight feet tall swinging his sword the size of a man side to side killing enemy and friend alike. With a growl, I stand and start running to the man that has caused so much evil for no other reason but to sate his bloodlust.

Running through the river of blood that I've caused, I shout at the mountain as I get closer.

"Oi you giant fucker I will take your fucking head"

I know well that fucker heard me as his helmeted head turned in my direction and starts to charge me. When we met blade to blade, we locked eyes, each looking upon each other with hate in our souls. Seeing a chance, I activated my ability to force his blade so deep into the ground that he would have trouble dislodging it without help. When the ability timed out, I managed to cut the mountains' left arm off from the elbow down, and as he screamed, he back handed me away, causing me to land face first into the sand. Standing while wiping the sand from my face and wincing from the now broke nose I shout "Game on Fucker" charging back at him with dagger drawn sense my axe was lost when I was back handed. Tackling the beast to the ground took driving my final dagger into his leg, but by then, he kicked me away again and so I approached this time with my krieg Messer drawn ready to kill the monster when my lapse in judgement had an arrow driven into my shoulder by a northman archer causing me to drop the blade bit choosing to ignore it I charge the mountain grabbing his severd arm from the ground and begin to beat the shit out of him with his own arm before another northman tackles me off the giant. Luckily, before the man could drive his sword in my throat as crier announced that balon bent the knee, causing the northerner to stay his blade.

Lord Karstark POV:

Looking upon the boy covered from head to toe in blood being dragged away by his own men because the lad was passed out. Many of the Ironborn from the beach seem to be defending the boy as most rushed to his aid the moment it loomed he was going to die. Looking to the bloody and beaten mountain alone shows why most of them stayed out of the boys' way. I do wonder how old the lad was. He did not look that old. Turning to the aproach of Great Jon Umber, I notice his eye also is on the boy being dragged away.

"How old do ye think he is Jon?" I ask

"From his size, I would say about five and ten, but his face says younger," Jon answered

"He will become a formidable warrior in the future, no doubt,"I remark

"Lad already is one, or have you not seen the pile of corpses the lad piled in this battle alone? I bet these raiders will sing his name in their halls for his deed, and already they are naming him the Bloody." stated Jon, looking over to the gathered corpses and the fallen mountain.

looking upon the mountain as the lannister men as they try to save to lions favorite attack dog, mostly successful in stopping the bleeding of his missing arm.

"If only the lad got the other arm, he could've claimed to cripple the mountain, but I have no doubt the mountain will survive this and be looking for revenge." I state looking upon the mountain with Jon.

"Aye, it's a shame the beast will live, but what should we care for the Southerners favored dog." stated Jon

"Well, at least the kings tourneys will be less bloody for a few moons. Perhaps even we could win the North some honor for once, " I state

"Nah, the Mormont lad seeks glory to possibly find a wife, so I say let him have it. After all, he is still young." Rebuked Jon

"It will be an interning time, no doubt. A good time as long as the southerners keep to their castles." I stated before turning along with the host of northerners going back to the stark camp.