
The Iron Fortress

In a world where martial arts and magic reigned, Leo's life took an extraordinary turn. Once an ordinary soldier on our Earth, his transformation began when he acquired a mysterious survival system. This system, which had aided him in becoming a general, underwent a remarkable change as he was reborn into a realm of martial arts and magic. However, the twist of fate wasn't entirely in Leo's favor. Despite his newfound abilities, he discovered that his talent in this world was merely average. Undeterred by this setback, Leo embarked on a journey to prove that even with mediocre qualifications, he could ascend to become the strongest in a world where strength was everything. This is the story of his unwavering determination and unyielding spirit as he strives to overcome the odds and achieve greatness. Ps: MC is mostly an antihero he does everything for his own benefit.

P_Srikar_R · Huyền huyễn
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2 Chs

New World

In a white tiled floor and ceiling room that smelled of medicine, one could see that the room had an operation bed that had a few rips in the bed's surface fiber, a vital monitor which had half of its screen cracked, abundant of medicine in a cabinet that weighed it down, etc.. and everything that a doctor needs and has, it was a doctor's office but instead of a place like the center of a gigantic metropolis it was in a prison, a prison which seemed long abandoned due to how there were no guards or prisoners and dark and the damp the place was, some sections of the prison were practically submerged as the prison was surrounded by ocean, even the walls had cracks, not small ones but large, so large it seemed the building would collapse at any moment.

Back to the doctor's office, where screams were coming, inside the room, a woman with long white hair, pale tender skin, and deep ocean blue eyes, was seen giving birth. After a while loud sounds of crying were heard a baby was born with white hair just like her mother but her skin was different from her mother's, as her skin color was dark as coal, this would be no problem in our 21st century but here black people only lived in the west and the people in the east despised them and took them to the east as slaves even when west abolished slavery but the doctor who oversaw the birth didn't mind baby's skin color and encouraged the woman, "Miya push, keep pushing, you are almost there".

Ahh...the woman continued to scream in pain, after 64 seconds or 1 minute and 4 seconds of the birth of the first baby another baby was born into the world but this one was strange, he didn't cry like the other. Also, his skin color was the same as his mother's but his hair was black as night.

The doctor appeared to be shocked, saddened, and confused. She immediately checked his vital monitor thinking,' Is the baby fine?' but found it to be very normal.

The doctor in an instant picked up the male baby and held him by the leg, she turned the baby upside down and lightly tapped/slapped his butt, even then the baby didn't cry

The doctor seemed confused even a child could tell that due to how her face was.

Miya, the mother of those two asked if something was wrong, Rukmini, it was the doctor's name. With a hint of worry in her tone.

Yes and No, answered Rukmini, still confused.

What? Asked Miya, now fully worried.

Yes, the baby is not crying unlike normal, and No, because he is in perfect health.

Will bring any health problems to him if doesn't cry, asked Miya still worried sick, one could even hear her heartbeat.

No, answered Rukmini with confusion and shock.

'Sigh' Great I was so worried, said Miya with a sigh.

Miya did you think of their names yet, asked Rukmini while getting over the confusion.

Ahh, yes, should name them now? Asked Miya.

Naming in this world is different as there are two types of names, first common names just like Earth, second spiritual names.

Common names can be given to anyone at any time but spiritual names on the other hand can only be given within one week of birth. They have the power to 2X to 100X the potential, talent, and growth speed of physical and mental attributes, but to name someone a spiritual name you need naming orbs and the approval of the "divine court".

Yes, answered Rukmini while handing Miya six naming orbs of purple color.

||Rank and rarity of naming orbs||

Grey 2X the potential, talent, and growth speed of physical and mental attributes/common/1 in 10,000

Green 5X the potential, talent, and growth speed of physical and mental attributes/uncommon/1 in 35,000

Yellow 10X the potential, talent, and growth speed of physical and mental attributes/rare/1 in 70,000

Blue 20X the potential, talent, and growth speed of physical and mental attributes/epic/1 in 140,000

Red 40X the potential, talent, and growth speed of physical and mental attributes/unique /1 in 280,000

Black 60X the potential, talent, and growth speed of physical and mental attributes/extraordinary/1 in 420,000

Bronze 80X the potential, talent, and growth speed of physical and mental attributes/legendary/1 in 560,000

Copper 100X the potential, talent, and growth speed of physical and mental attributes/mythical/1 in 1,000,000

Sliver 140X the potential, talent, and growth speed of physical and mental attributes/divine/1 in 10,000,000

Gold 175X the potential, talent, and growth speed of physical and mental attributes/heavenly/1 in 100,000,000

Purple 200X the potential, talent, and growth speed of physical and mental attributes/Godly/1 in 1,000,000,000

Miya said, " Ok, I will name her '##### Yamin Duk' and him '##### Yusar Duk', with a tone of love while looking at them with motherly love.

Instantly the six purple naming orbs became powder and got absorbed by Yamin and Yusar.

Suddenly in the baby mind of Yusar, a voice rang out

[Finished binding the host to the body]

[The system sensed that the host no longer needed a survival system]

[The system will now initiate unbinding ]

[The unbinding failed to be initiated]

[The system will now initiate unbinding again]

[The unbinding failed to be initiated again]

[Converting the survival system into a martial system]

[converting was successful]

[To convert the system, a large amount of energy is used, to replenish the energy the system will go into hibernation mode for 17 years 11 months 29 days 23 hours 56 minutes 34... 33... 32... 31 seconds]

[The system's advice to the host is to train very hard while the system is in hibernation]

Wait, what!? System going into hibernation?!

Thought Yusar or Leo Smith.

Where am I? Asked Leo (Yusar) to himself, but was unable to open his eyes.

Suddenly Miya and Rukmini felt the presence of a high-advanced level monarch.

{Check auxiliary chapter for realm ranking.}

Miya take this, said Rukmini while giving her paper which looked like a talisman.

Rukmini what is this, asked Miya while shacking.

It's a 3rd rank teleportation talisman, now go, use it. Said Rukmini.

No, if I use it what about you and one of my children, I know that a 3rd rank one can only teleport two.

You don't need to worry, I also have one, said Rukmini while taking out another 3rd-rank teleportation talisman, and the one in your hand will take you to the west, to britina's royal family, they take care of you until I say otherwise.

Why, asked Miya, still shaking.

Do you think you can live in the East after that? They will kill you if you stay here. You take Yamin and leave, as you know that even if they leave her alone she will still end up as a slave if she stays here, Said Rukmini in a tone of urgency.

Ok, but what about Yusar, asked Miya in a scared tone.

He will stay in the east with me, if we stay at the same place it will be troublesome, Said Rukmini.

Bu-t, before Miya could finish speaking Rukmini interapted her.

No, buts just go, shouted Rukmini to Miya

Ok, I will leave with Yamin, before Miya left she gently looked at Yusar and kissed him on the forehead, then she tore the talisman, and instantly a light-covered room almost blinding Rukmini, after the light disappeared Miya and Yamin were nowhere in sight.

I'm sorry Miya, thought Rukmini while she let out a sigh.

She slowly moved toward Yusar and after she reached him, she held his tiny baby hands and controlled them to hold the talisman and tore it, just as Miya disappeared Yusar also disappeared.

Rukmini slowly walked out.

Ahh Rukimini, where is Her Highness, Miss Miya? asked a man who was flying above the sea and seemed to be in his sixties.

She is gone, she is not here anymore royal elder Lu, answered Rukmini.

Can you tell me where she is proceeding too? Asked royal elder Lu while giving a fake smile.

OK, I have a map which marks the location where she is gone too. while saying that Rukmini acted as if she was going to take out a map but instead she quickly removed her hand from her pocket and showed him, her middle finger while laughing like a psycho.

Rukimini have you gone mad? Asked royal elder Lu in anger.

Bitch please, you seem to have forgotten that I'm a mid-advanced level monarch, and also this prison I'm in, is a spiritual weapon, which 9th rank arrays today is going to be your death day. Said Rukmini.

Lu started laughing too, that would be the case if I came alone, but I don't, Royal General Kai shouted Royal Elder Lu, in a instant a man who also looked like he was in his forties came out of the sea.

Rukmini's eyes widened Royal Generall Kai, a man in the realm of saints.

Motherfucking hell, said Rukimi to herself.

[To be continued.]