
The Invincible Dragon Empress

A young lady born into a world with an unknown ongoing war, is prophesied to be the Messiah and saviour of the world. However, she has other ideas. Zhang Xiu doesn't care about prophecies, and she only seeks revenge for the death of her family. Will she be able to fulfil her destiny, or will she give up on destiny and make her own path?

PHOENIX_GOD_5600 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
73 Chs

A threat being born.

Through the hallway of an almost empty hospital, well lit, except for one of the halogen lights which kept blinking repeatedly. The place was void of any other sounds except for a set of people at the other end of the theatre room, fighting a battle which would judge the life or death of two people.

The door to the operating theatre was locked, and the sign above it shone red with the help of neon lights. An old man paced about worriedly in front of the theatre room, as he heard the painful screams of his daughter inside the operating theatre. The old man was wearing a white robe with golden designs on it and his hands were tucked into his large sleeves. His hair was black, with signs of white hair uniformly arranged on his head. It was tied into a small bun and held together with a hairpin.

He had a solemn look on his face and seemed to be worried. At the same time, a young man hurriedly walked closer to him. He seemed distressed and agitated.

"How is she?" He asked. The old man tried to put on a smile and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Do not worry, my son. All will be well." He replied. Seeing the calmness on the old man's face, he too calmed down slightly. However, that didn't stop him from being worried. After all, it was his wife who was screaming and groaning.

"I hope so." He replied.

Meanwhile, inside the operating theatre, three women dressed in blue attires and putting on gloves and masks scurried around for the lady on the bed who was in labor.

"Aaaaaah!" The lady yelled again as she was urged to push by one of the doctors. Their gloves were covered in blood, they were doing their best to help both the mother and baby, get out of this situation safely.

"The baby is coming out. Push harder!" The doctor urged again. Already annoyed, the lady in labour shouted.

"You've said that about five times now!" She yelled at the doctor but nevertheless, still pushed. She was annoyed about how painful and how long this took so she mustered her last bit of strength and pushed as much as she could.

"Aaaaaaaarrrgggh!" With a loud groan, the lady pushed and tightened her belly muscles and just immediately, nature rewarded her efforts.

"Waaaaah! Uwaaaahh." A baby's cry could be heard and when they finally pulled the child out, the lady breathed a sigh of relief and panted heavily. The female doctor carried the young child delicately on her hands and smiled.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Zhang!" The doctor exclaimed, as she broke the good news the the patient, "You just delivered a bouncing baby girl." The lady on the bed who just delivered, smiled as she panted heavily. She reached out her hands and the doctor carefully placed the baby which was still crying and covered in blood and many other sticky substances on her arms.

"My girl!" She said and tears of joy trickled down her eyes. Although surprised that it was a girl, she loved her nevertheless. She held her delicately and the love she felt for this baby was so much that she wanted to do nothing but protect her. Maybe this is what is being referred to as mother's love.

Just outside the door of the operating theatre, two men were waiting impatiently until the door suddenly opened and the doctor walked outside. They hurriedly met with her and demanded for some details.

"How is she, doctor?" the old man requested. The doctor smiled and broke the good news to them.

"Congratulations, Mr. Zhang Feng. Your wife has given birth to a girl." She broke the news. A wave of joy and happiness washed over Zhang Feng and his father, Zhang Lee as they cheered and felt happy.

They went into the room. Zhang Feng saw his newborn girl, sucking on her toes in a crib and a smile broke out on her face. He looked at his wife and kissed her on the forehead.

"Hey." He said with a tone which couldn't be called a whisper but was too loud for that either. His wife smiled and looked towards the baby's side.

"Our baby." She uttered, her eyes still teary. Zhang Feng walked to his daughter's crib and lifted her up delicately.

"Name her." His wife said. The latter looked at his daughter, who was now smiling happily.

"Xiu. Zhang Xiu shall be her name." He said and the girl's smile turned even brighter. So was the beginning of a new life.


Meanwhile, in a large fortress, one that was bigger than ten earths joined together, a figure stood at the balcony of his quarters and stared at the stars. His eyes were closed as he enjoyed the strong breeze blowing his face.

The figure looked humanoid, but its skin was blue and he had horns on his head, resembling that of a dragon. His teeth were also sharp and he had a big build. Although his face was void of any expression, he was secretly enjoying his time outside. He watched his fully mechanized environment, which resembled something you would see in a science fiction movie. The technology here was so advanced that it far surpassed what Earth's technology would reach in the next three hundred years.

Vehicles hovered in the air, and spaceships and battleships came and departed like ants would in an ant hill. This man... or humanoid beast, stood at the balcony of the tallest building in this fortress and he oversaw everything. His aura was strong and a normal human wouldn't be able to stand when in front of him, as he emitted energy similar to that of a god.

Suddenly, this man suddenly felt a chill run down his spine. His heart palpitated for a second there, and he suddenly frowned. It had been long since he had this feeling. For someone as powerful as he is, there were only a few beings who could defeat him. For someone like him to suddenly feel threatened, something must've gone wrong.

"Hmmm." He said, as he wondered what could make him feel this way.

"Something big is coming." He uttered and opened his brightly glowing eyes.

"Summon all the Transcendents of the Dragonoid race in all the star systems I control. We're going to have a meeting." the man ordered. "I must know what is going on." A silhouette behind him bowed before going to deliver the message.