
The Introvert's vengeance

caution: R-18 substance) *NO MAJOR Misconception* *Solid FEMALE LEAD "Consider it, you do not have anything to lose after you marry me. I'm appealing, awesome in bed. I can cook, handle errands and in specific I'm committed." Yan Mei brought down her head and her eyes were some way or another void. "You're a not too bad person, you justify a not too bad life partner, not Satan restore." Yan Mei said as she smiled. Lei Zhao mumbled and raised her jawline so she can investigate his eyes. "Okay, I'm not joking. I have to be marry you with the objective that I can ruin you. I got to see you smile like that day at the club, I realize you do not review me however since I saw you that day, I ensure myself to fulfill this woman. I got to protect you and defend you from the storm. Moreover, I would or maybe not see that irritation in your eyes. Permit me to fulfill you Alright?" Yan Mei's heart suddenly avoided a pound, no one at any point said that he will over-indulge her and defend her not to specify protect her from the deluge. She has been hurt and all she needs is to develop her control with the objective that she can major ranges of quality for be revenge be that as it may directly some person said he will defend her. In spite of the reality that she realized it was imposter, she had a inspiration to assent to this suggestion. She chuckled at herself when she caught on she was considering almost his suggestion. Men will allure you with words and by the day's conclusion, drop you into the pit of wretchedness. Yan Mei realized this the foremost troublesome way conceivable, no she won't confront this challenge once more. ** Lei Zhao took a gander at the youthful woman who was crying and his heart harmed. His principal reason for being in this relationship is to fulfill her in any case by and by he has failed. He felt like some person has dropped a major stone on his heart, he was incapable to unwind. He steadily walked towards Yan Mei and maneuvered her into his arms. "Meimei, If you don't mind acknowledge my statements of regret," he communicated gently as in spite of the fact that he was on edge almost the plausibility that that the basic sound of his voice will alert her. Seeing that the woman in his arms was hyperventilating from crying Lei Zhao got startled. He raised her head and caught her lips. he continuously kissed her as in spite of the fact that he required to etch her want for his soul. Yan Mei expanded her eyes when she caught on that Lei Zhao was kissing her. She lifted her hand and endeavored to drive him absent in any case Lei Zhao held her hand and created the kiss. Yan Mei who was contradicting out of no place turned out to be sensitive and stopped fighting. Lei Zhao was misplaced in excitement, basically a single bit of this woman causes him to let totally go. he taken after the kiss to her neck as he sucked to some degree. Yan Mei moaned inenchant, "mmhmm...." Lei Zhao groaned when he listened her. He scooped her into his arms and walked towards the room. ***** Yan Mei has reliably acknowledged that reverence may be a trap within the wake of getting harmed by the individual she cherished the foremost. From that point forward her heart has changed into ice. She trusts that as long as she doesn't drop head over heels she will not get harmed within the future. Lei Zhao is the Chief of Interstellar corps the most arrive organization in the nation. He misplaced his kin in a disaster and his way better half cleared out him that exceptionally day. From that point forward he became apathetic with respect to everything around him.

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48 Chs


"Meimei, where are you?" Wang Lu inquired as he looked through each edge of the house. He was beginning to urge focused. She was for the most part there hanging tight for him when he returns domestic from work, in any case nowadays she wasn't there.

With a panicked confront, he loose his tie and hollered her title once more.

"Meimei!!" The specialists said she hasn't wandered foot past their room nowadays so where seem she have been? Wang Lu ended briefly and recognized he didn't truly take a see at the left-wing of the house.

She bounced at the chance to conceal there when they were playing presently and once more. With a offer assistance smile, Wang Lu ran towards the left-wing of the house. He took a full breath and cleaned the sweats all over when he saw her remaining there.

Astonishing yellow lights sparkled through the windows and fell on her. Her destroyed back was standing up to him.

Strangely, Wang Lu had a awful feeling in his heart. A sensation of approaching devastation overwhelmed him.

"Meimei?" He called out to out her gently. Wang Lu walked towards her continuously like he was anxious everything was a misdirection and she will disappear all of a sudden.

So also as he arrived at a foot absent from her, Feng Mei rotated. Wang Lu amplified his eyes in fear and craze when he saw the scene some time recently him.

Feng Mei was wearing a dim A-line Slipover floor-length reflexive silk dress with beading sequins. Her eyes were frosted over, with a agile see of torment carved before her. Blood was flooding from her eyes and her heart was torn open. She was getting a handle on her pounding heart with blood flooding from it and recoloring her dress. The sound of blood streaming on the floor sounded within the calm campaign.

Wang Lu felt his whole body solidified at that point, no words seem make sense of his personality at that point. Fear, caution, harmed, wretchedness, self-fault, and horrendousness. He looked toward her, he required to ask as to why? however, it shows up to be a major hand was holding his throat.

He was incapable to form a sound or move. It taken after an external control was holding him back from doing anything, it accepted that him ought to see how he has hurt the woman he swore he cherished and will secure.

Time shows up to solidify as they see at one another, for apparently an unending length of time he at final saw her sensitive lips expanded into a smile however it didn't contact her eyes. They were stacked up with intensity. He would have snickered when he saw the compelled mien of her endeavoring to smile which made her confront see ruined within the occasion that it didn't energize his heart.

"Goodbye." Wang Lu listened her mumbled within the calm campaign. He required to yell, he required to call out to out her and tell her the sum he cherishes her however he demonstrated incapable.

He would have or maybe not changed into an sporadic picture that floated within the pool of her memory. He may see as she vanished from his locate. Tears spouted in his eyes and spilled down his cheeks. Some time recently long he was crying feebly. He fell on the ground the moment she vanished.

"NO!!" Wang Lu yelled as his eyes shot open. he sent off himself off the bed in an upstanding position wheezing enthusiastically. He was sweating copiously and his eyes were ruddy. He took a full breath and gone to see his morning clock which was booming.

Groaning he closed the aggravating clock which was making commotion down.

Wang Lu didn't have the foggiest thought why however after this shocking he felt more empty like he has misplaced something critical, his state of intellect was exceptionally tangled.

Typically the third terrible dream he has had for this display week. Different scenes however one thing was typical among his terrible dreams. Feng Mei was persistently communicating goodbye to him.

The vibe of hopelessness and confront all over mounted a thunder of memories, making a difference him a parcel to keep in mind what he did. He realized he shouldn't have hurled her on the streets she had no one.

He might have requested for a great partition however he was disoriented by his anger around at that point. His inward self vanquished him. He drawn back and endeavored to isolated himself from his trouble, deficiency, and moment contemplations.

He mumbled as he fell into profound idea. 'Were these awful dreams endeavoring to precise something to him?'


Lei Zhao got up within the to begin with portion of the day and took a gander at the woman resting near to him with her hand around his midsection, head secured beneath his underarm, and their legs that were weaved. He smiled gently, he required to stir like this each day.

Within the occasion that some person had let him know he will drop head over heels approximately a month earlier he would have snickered at the individual and call the person crazy. Be that because it may, here he was smiling like a numbskull over a woman whom he knows doesn't cherish him. He wouldn't fuss in any case, he knew at some point he will have her whole heart. He moved carefully, doing whatever it takes not to stir her.

He required to urge a predominant look at her confront. She looked so ravishing in any occasion, when she is resting. Lei Zhao doesn't have the foggiest thought when he got to be pitifully enamored with her in any case he realized he venerates her.

Hell, he won't ever permit anyone to harmed from presently ahead. He brushed the strands of hair that covers her cheeks softly aside. Yan Mei mixed in her rest when she felt his hands on her cheeks. Continuously she woke up and looked at him.

"Great day." Lei Zhao invited as he put small kisses on her neck.

"Morning." Yan Mei muttered.

"Did you rest soundly?" Lei Zhao inquired as he grinned. Yan Mei signaled. Lei Zhao moved on beat of her and she shrieked.

He scoured his difficult erection on her thighs with a jeer all over and she moaned.

"You....what are you doing?" Lei Zhao trusted in her loose. Yan Mei didn't really have the foggiest thought when he killed her undies

."We can't- - - Goodness God!"Yan Mei grasped the sheet of the bed when he dispensed with his chicken and thrust advance speeding up.

"Attempt not to halt." Lei Zhao grinned when he listened her and put her legs on his bear as he thrust encourage into her.

He groaned once the two of them crest and put a kiss on her sanctuary.

"Go clean up, I will continue to induce prepared breakfast."

Yan Mei got down from the bed and endeavored to reliable her tricky legs. Lei Zhao smiled in fulfillment.

Essentially as Yan Mei was most of the way to the restroom she listened a growl from Lei Zhao.

"Wifey, within the occasion that you just do not choose up the pace we likely won't take off this room nowadays."

Yan Mei scowled at him and expediently rushed into the washroom closing the entryway. She may listen Lei Zhao's laughing indeed from behind the entryway.

She required to urge up each day like this, Yan Mei thought as she remained beneath the shower joyfully.