
Chapter 9.Truth hurt

James said: NO I'm just saying let's go inside my office and discuss about meeting.

They went into James's office room and discussed about the meeting and on the other side, James's son Sam came into the office. he walks like a king but without any power, He sees all of his employees but his eye is stuck on one of his employees (it was Sofiya)he just keeps staring at her like a bee looking at a flower.

He walked to word sofiya and he said with a little blushing smile: good morning Sofiya, In return of good morning she said with a surprised voice, oho good morning sir. how are you, long time sir ...

Sam said with a little smile: ya long time...

Safiya said: sir I hear that from now on word you are part of the company. is it that true?

Sam said with a little sad face: yes from now on I'm one of the employees of this company ... (with a smile)but you have assisted me OK!

Sofiya said: ok sir come let me show you your disk.

they both went in and Sofiya said see sir this is your room disk.

Sam said: don't call me sir just call me by my name. I'm just a normal employee just like you. sam stared at her with cute eyes, and she said(with a blushing smile): ok Sam.

Sofiya told her everything in detail about his work. he listened to her carefully but at that point, he lost his focus and he just lost in her beauty, and after some time he heard some voice, sir!! (it was sofiya) are you listening to me or not? sam said ooh yha I hear you.

Sofiya said: ok then you have to do this within the daytime, when you finish this then call me ok, and I'll check it and e-mail it to Mr. Haze. OK then best of luck!

Sofiya leaves Sam's cabin and walks to Word James's office.

conversation between James and his partner ...

James: OK when do we have to go for the meeting?

pol said: I think next Sunday in Seoul. so we have to prepare our presentation to crack the deal.

James said: next Sunday! I don't think that we can do that!

pol said: why? why you can't do that?

James said: next Sunday is the death anniversary of my wife so, Sam and I have to go to Mumbai that day.

pol said: oho ya so, now I have to go alone!

James said: alone! why? Nerwan is also going with you, right?

pol said: no he was not coming with me because (before he could say anything Nerwan said, )

Narwan said: I have to go to another place on that day so, that is why I can't come

James said: where?

Nerwan said: you know that infinite company

James said: ya hmm so, what?

Nerwan said: they were going to sell 50 percent of the company. so, I go to the auction.

James said: OK then, pol you have to go alone, are you sure you can handle this?

pol said: of course, I can do it, it's not my first meet!

James said: OK (speaking in his mind: then why did he say earlier that pol also come with us ).

Suddenly Sofiya knocked and said: sir apke tickets book hogyi h(in Hindi). (means: your tickets are booked, sir ).

James said(with anger): how many times I said spoken in English don't you get that aha? you are my secretary! not a secretary to any local company.

Sofiya(with a little tear in her eyes)said: I'm sorry sir.

from afar Sam sees this kind of behavior from his father when he yells at Sofiya . he suddenly comes into the room and says to his father with anger how dare you yell at someone like that, just because she said some word in Hindi? really MR. James!

James(full of anger): I'm your dad you dam it!

Sam said: NO! You are not, you are just my mom's husband, who died because of you!

James try to slap him but stop his hand and said shat up and get out from here

Sam said: why because the truth is hurt aha?