

"Fire, water, electricity, wind, earth, magnetism, chaos." Izuki chanted out as he laid on the ground. "All elements of magic."

The two valkyrie's looked down onto Izuki with concern, their hands ready to draw as soon as Izuki even moved an inch.

"A world constantly surrounded and made of magic, filled with beasts of unimaginable evil, and when someone comes and save this wretched world, this is how you treat them?" Izuki stands up. The valkyries prepare their blades, ready to draw at any moment. "What a cruel joke!" Izuki tilted his head back and created two ginormous black orbs of magic. 

"Strike!" Both valkyries chanted in unison as they brought their hand on, summoning millions of blades from the sky, piercing through the clouds and darting straight towards Izuki.