

The elf paused, as if unsure who to take Lex towards. It seemed that, unlike previously where he knew someone personally in the Coordination room, he did not know anyone here. But the hesitation only lasted so long. Lex did not need him to be taken to anyone familiar. Anyone with sufficient authority would do.

As he walked past the different sections, Lex noticed that this was the most organized area he had been in so far. The number of guards at each point was considerably higher than before, and at each point, they would authenticate the identity and reason of anyone passing through.

Even they had to go through a couple of checkpoints, although fortunately the elf reporting that they were going to go report to one of the ground managers made it a lot easier. Lex did not want to jinx his luck, but he could foresee that getting through this area without causing a scene might be harder than the previous room.