
Gossip Queen

"What do you have in mind?" Gerard asked, his expression turning a little more serious. In matters regarding security he took nothing lightly, and this matter which involved them taking an initiative to propose a change in the way things operate was especially one that required his full attention.

"If I'm being completely candid, then if it were completely up to me, all rule breakers would receive the capital punishment!" Luthor said, his eyes narrowed. "But no matter what, we must not let the Inn's reputation be tarnished. As such, different levels of transgressions must have different levels of punishment.

"In that case, if we do things my way, the lightest transgression for a first timer will result in a one year ban from entering the Inn, while a repeat offender will get permanently banned. We can also suspend any tasks they're performing or requesting in the Guild room. Furthermore, depending on how serious the issue is, the punishment can be even more serious.