
Getting married

The opal white carriage, pulled by a single Brown feathered Fantasy Lion, stopped directly in front of the tavern. The driver disembarked from the carriage in proper form and stepped in front of the door and opened it. During this entire process he neither looked at the venue nor deigned to study the surrounding crowd. His gaze was strictly focused only on the ground.

From the carriage stepped forth a handsome young man, his fair skin dazzling under the night time sol-light. He had a soft smile on his face, as if he was enjoying life, and eyes full of curiosity.

"My ship just arrived at the dock and I heard say that someone was giving out free drinks," the man said softly, as if to explain his arrival. Yet no one said or did everything, and all eyes were still stuck on him. The man let out a defeated sigh, and shook his head, as if he was all too familiar with such a scene.

"I told you to let me walk here and blend in. Now look, you've caused a scene."