
chapter 2 the system

There is still 11 days till my 11th birthday when I will undoubtedly be sent an invitation to hogwarts so I must use this time to prepare then the system said "quest given prepare" he opened the system and clicked a tab that just appeared then he saw

Quest: prepare

Learn 1 spells 0/1

Summon 20 skeletons 0/20

Reward: 1500 spending points

He thought about how he was going to learn spells the Sauron spoke "I'll teach you" a feminine vocie then spoke sweetly "Nathan what don't you go out and play with the other kids" Nathan agreed and left he some how he knew where he was and didn't at the same time he knew she was the one who took care of the children he went out side and walked into the near by secluded forest and Sauron spoke "the first spell is Summon skeleton repeat these words and an undead will appear from the ground" Nathan did as Saurman said and then a 190 centimeter Skelton arose from the depths "I do as you command Sauron"the skeleton spoke rasping and wheezing Nathan thought 'do to Sauron being part of my soul the skeleton must think I'm Sauron that will probably happen if I Summon something like a ring wraith it will most likely act the same"

Nathan walked back to the orphanage as dusk settled he dissolved the Skelton as he went to his bed and fell asleep