
The infinite god system

What happens when your father is the most powerful being in existence who rules all of fiction and beyond and you disobey him. You get sent to a world of abilities, ranks, military school's and Alien invasion's with an overpowered system

Pop_Prince · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs


Everyone seemed impressed, even Torres who looked like he had seen a child playing with fire.

Next up was Lapis.

'He probably has a cool ability' Tio thought because he was the son of a rich and powerful family.

First was the strength test. Lapis got in front of the gong then he placed his palm out. They were all wondering what he was doing. Then suddenly, a Sonic blast came out of his hand hitting the gong with a great force. Tio had to cover her ears afterwards because of the pain in her ear from the sound of the gong. The numbers went up until it stopped at 579. Although it was not as Impressive as Holly's strength, it was still formidable.

The agility test was next. He again closed his eyes and focused. Everyone was wondering what he was doing. But as the spikes started coming out, he started dodging with ease.

'System, can you explain what is happening"?

'Ok, He is currently using his sound ability to detect the sound's made by the spikes as they come out, he then moves away so as to avoid them.

"Hmmmmm" Tio said out loud. Other than her, Mr.Travis and Torres the other two didn't seem to understand what was happening. Lapis managed to stay on for about two minutes forty second's. He got a score of 732 which was very impressive.

Next was the Stamina test. He managed to do 97 push-up's which earned him a score of 621. 'I was correct, he is powerful although not as powerful as Holly'. At the end he got a power level of 9634.

'He is a peak E-RANK'. Tio concluded.

Saiko was up next. Since nobody knew much about him, nobody was expecting much. But before he could even make it to the gong. He was stopped by a Mr.Travis. "Kid, it's on the record here that you don't have any ability or Trage. According to the school rules, I am to offer you a level one ability book, but because of the contribution's of your parents during the war, we are offering you a level 2 wind ability book"

Saiko was shocked, he wasn't expecting it. "I gladly accept it". Saiko accepted without even thinking.

"You are still required to take the test" Mr.Travis reminded him.

Saiko went to the gong, he punched it with all his strength. The numbers didn't go up as fast as when Holly or Lapis punched it. When it stopped, it confirmed everyone's thinking as it stopped at 72. Even though Tio wasn't expecting much, she was still shocked at how weak he was.

He then went on to take the agility test. He didn't even last thirty second brfore he was hit. He got a score of 67.

He then took the Stamina test. he couldn't even get to 10 before he collapsed. He got a score of 69.

'Just like I thought, he is not that strong even for a human, I hope they don't bully him too much'. He got a final power level of 1083

Next was Torres. As soon as his stepped forward everyone was excited as the wanted to see what he would get as his power level. Tio had already started to like him. Tio could feel this weird sensation coming from him almost as if he wasn't human.

He went up to gong and and he hit it with pure strength. One thing that every body noticed was that he didn't use any ability. They didn't see any type of enhancing. The numbers skyrockeyed faster than their eyes could follow before it stopped at 1243. Everyone was completely shocked because even second-years struggled to get a score as high as that.

'System, is there anyway I can get more info on him'. Immediately Tio saw a notification.

[New skill: Inspect unlocked]

'Ive read of this skill before. If I remember correctly, I can inspect people and know their stats' Tio thought. Then she used it on Torres

Name: Torres Krage

Race: Demon

Ability: 0

Level: 12


Demon Energy: 900/900

Power level: 19479

Strength: 1243

Agility: 1352

Stamina: 1176

Endurance: 1000

Intelligence: 900

Family members: 2

Tio was shocked, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She was dumbfounded. She couldn't believe that he wasn't human. She would have to confront him later. 'It looks like he is an experienced Demon unlike those novels and he already has family members. He is also very powerful. Maybe I can make him my servant'.

The next was the agility text. As soon the spikes started coming out, Torres started dodging with lighting fast reflexes. She couldn't even see his move ments. He managed to stay for about four minutes which was very impressive. There was a particular time when a spike was about to hit him but he suddenly disappeared. He got a score of 1352. Everyone was very impressed even Holly.

Next was the stamina test. He carried the weight effortlessly and put it on his back and did 178 push-ups before he couldn't do any more. He even did the first few one-handed. He got a score of 1176. He got a final power level of 19479. He was a peak D-RANK which surprised me.

'Guess I'm next'. But before Tio could even step forward she was halted by Mr.Travis. She expected this as no one knew she had a system.

"According to the rules of this academy, I am offering you a level 1 Earth ability book or a Level 1 Earth ability Trage" Me.Travis said.

"I don't want it" Tio said. She didn't need it because it was too low for her and even if it was high, she couldn't add any ability until she reached level 50.

Everyone was surprised at her response even Torres. They could'nt comprehend how someone like her would refuse an ability or Trage.

"Are you sure? Here it is listed that you did not have any ability or Trage so why do you refuse it".

"I don't want to become a dog for the military" Tio replied nonchalantly.

"Ok, but you are still required to take the test".

Thank you for being patient. As I promised her is the new chapter.

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