
The Indomitable Sect

In a world where martial prowess and ambition converge, Wang Jun, the charismatic and often laughing leader of the Solid Strike Sect, finds himself on an extraordinary journey. When an unexpected twist of fate propels him into a new life, Wang Jun inherits the responsibilities and challenges of his sect, one that has fallen from grace. The Solid Strike Sect, once a thriving martial arts school known for its unyielding resolve and determination, now stands as a shadow of its former self. With only one member and a formidable mission ahead, Wang Jun must navigate the treacherous path of rebuilding his sect. As Wang Jun delves into the intricacies of martial arts and confronts rival factions, he stumbles upon a mysterious martial arts system that holds the key to his sect's revival. Armed with unparalleled techniques, he sets out to prove that the Solid Strike Sect can rise from the ashes and become the most formidable force in the Starfall Continent. "The Indomitable Sect" is an epic tale of determination, perseverance, and the unbreakable spirit of a martial artist. Follow the Story and find out what happens next.......

Little_Scribe · Võ hiệp
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40 Chs

Sect Renovation

Wang Jun had been practicing diligently in the inner courtyard, trying to recover the contribution value he had lost overnight. He understood that in this world, to become stronger, one had to pay a price.

As he continued his meditation, he contemplated his next steps. "Next, I'll have to wait for a martial mission to appear, earn achievements, and promote martial construction," Wang Jun mumbled to himself. He knew that by completing martial missions, he could earn contribution value and expand the upper limit of members in his martial school.

Suddenly, Li Qingyang approached him and said, "Head, we're running out of money."

Wang Jun couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth. Li Qingyang seemed to always be in need of funds and didn't know how to save. "No more money?" Wang Jun inquired.

Li Qingyang explained, "Head of the school, our martial arts facilities are in dire need of renovation, almost equal to reconstruction. That's why it's costing us so much."

Wang Jun sighed, realizing the importance of maintaining their martial school. "Alright," he said and tossed Li Qingyang a few silver tickets. "We have three more days until your teachers and brothers arrive to report. Can you finish the renovations by then?"

Li Qingyang nodded. "It should be possible."

"Good," Wang Jun said with a smile. "Go and get busy."

Li Qingyang left, and Wang Jun sat in the courtyard, deep in thought. Without contribution value, traditional cultivation was his only option. But he couldn't help but sigh, realizing that the higher his realm, the harder it was to break through the meridians.

"If only there were endless contribution values," he muttered to himself.

The following day, Wang Jun took a break from his practice and walked out of the inner courtyard into the outer courtyard. He had been focused on his training, paying little attention to the daily affairs of the school.

The Solid Strike School covered about 100 acres and was divided into an inner courtyard for living and an outer courtyard for martial arts practice. As he walked through the cobbled pathway that led to the outer courtyard, he was taken aback by the transformation.

The once-dilapidated hall had been completely renewed. The wooden beams and pillars were now adorned with intricate carvings and had a fresh coat of paint. Even the stone staircase leading up to the hall had been replaced with jade steps.

Wang Jun couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship. The pillars were engraved with lifelike depictions of birds and animals, adding an air of grandeur to the surroundings.

Alongside the main hall, there were numerous loft buildings on both sides of the outer courtyard, all beautifully constructed. The martial arts field in the middle of the courtyard was particularly impressive, paved with high-quality bluestone slabs.

In simple Words, it was a breathtaking transformation. The once run-down martial school now looked majestic and imposing, a testament to the dedication and hard work of its members. Wang Jun couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the progress they had made.

Wang Jun found himself in a mixture of amazement and frustration as he took in the outer courtyard's transformation. Not only were there ponds and rockeries but also beautifully designed pavilions for relaxation and scenic enjoyment. It was a breathtaking sight that seemed beyond what he could have imagined.

"Is this really our school?" Wang Jun mumbled to himself, almost feeling like he had stepped into a different era. It wasn't a dream; it was all too real.

Li Qingyang, who had overseen the renovation, stepped forward and asked, "Head, are you satisfied with the renovation of the outer courtyard?"

Wang Jun couldn't help but express his satisfaction. "Very satisfied!"

As he entered the main hall, he was further astounded by the luxurious interior. The neatly lined slate floor and mahogany chairs exuded an air of opulence that he hadn't anticipated.

Li Qingyang pointed to the first seat, saying, "Your throne is made of millennium Bamboo."

Wang Jun gladly took his seat, feeling the comfort of the fine craftsmanship. "Nice, yes! This is what a martial art sect should look like."

Then, Li Qingyang handed over an account book detailing the expenses for the renovation. Wang Jun, being a meticulous person, examined it closely. However, his contentment took an unexpected turn when he reached the last page of the ledger.

The total consumption recorded was -4,652! Wang Jun was taken aback. "It cost so much!" He quickly checked his space ring and realized he had only three hundred and twenty silver tickets left.

The depletion of his contribution value and the diminishing funds left him feeling quite distressed. He couldn't help but exclaim, "How are we going to survive!"

Li Qingyang added, "Head, the disciples are planning to renovate the inner courtyard as well, which will cost about 4,200."

Wang Jun, already slumped in his chair, almost felt like he was about to faint. While saving money was commendable, the expenses seemed endless. Despite not being particularly concerned about money, he was worried about his disciples who were about to arrive. How could they accommodate so many people, feed them, and provide them with martial arts equipment with just a few hundred silver tickets?

The weight of responsibility and financial concern bore down on Wang Jun, leaving him in a state of bewilderment. The grand transformation of the Solid Strike School had come at a high cost, and now, he had to figure out how to manage his resources effectively to support his martial family.

Sitting on the stone steps inlaid with carved jade, Wang Jun couldn't shake off his worries about how to acquire contribution value and generate income to cover the daily expenses of the martial arts school.

"Lu Yan" 

he called out, seeking assistance. "Do you know of any quick ways to make money?"

"Go and rob," Lu Yan replied indifferently. "Quick and effective."

Wang Jun couldn't help but smile at Lu Lu's suggestion, though he dismissed it. "I represent a reputable martial sect; I can't engage in activities that tarnish our name and principles."

Lu Lu suggested an alternative, "Then sell the sword."

Wang Jun pondered this option, holding his chin. "That might be a last resort."

Just then, Li Qingyang entered from outside and announced, "Sisters and brothers have arrived!"

Wang Jun stood up, brushing the dust off his robes, assuming the dignified stance befitting a sect leader. "Let them enter."

Soon, more than twenty disciples made their way into the martial arts school. They gazed around at the magnificent surroundings in awe.

One of the disciples couldn't contain their surprise, exclaiming, "How did our school become like this?"

Wang Jun chuckled with a raised eyebrow. "Where are the other disciples?"

A respectful disciple explained, "Some of our fellow brothers and sisters come from remote mountain villages. It will take them a bit longer to arrive."

Understanding the situation, Wang Jun nodded. "I see. Qingyang, please make arrangements for their accommodation."

Li Qingyang received the order and began guiding the new arrivals to the inner courtyard. However, just as he was about to leave, a weak voice called out from the door, "Sect... Head..."

Wang Jun, Li Qingyang, and Lu Yan rushed out of the hall upon hearing the distressed call for help.

Outside the gate, they were greeted by a horrifying sight – a young disciple lay on the ground, covered in blood.

"Brother Sun!" Li Qingyang exclaimed, quickly kneeling beside him and checking his pulse to assess the extent of his injuries.

The injured disciple, though in pain, managed to speak weakly. "Head... disciples... over thirty of us... encountered mountain bandits on the road... our fellow disciples were kidnapped..."

Before he could finish, his eyes closed, and the blood-stained letter clutched in his hand slipped to the ground.

Li Qingyang reassured Wang Jun, "Head, my brother has only lost consciousness. His injuries aren't severe."

Wang Jun took the letter, opened it, and read the crooked line of text inside. It contained a demand: "Prepare money for ransom within three days, or tear up the ticket."

Fury welled up within Wang Jun. "These bandits dared to attack our disciples? They're asking for trouble!"

It was clear that he wouldn't stand for such an affront.