
The Incredible Master Planner

"Peep!" A notification rang out loud in his head and Asher furrowed his brows in confusion. Buried inside a coffin, he was sure that no one was there beside him and neither was he with a mobile. A screen appeared before him, and his round eyes stared at it awe-struck. [Revenge System Activated] [Body structure 3%] [Strength 0.005%] [Facial appearance 25%] [Intellectual ability 10%] Asher was stunned, as he stared at the words reading on the system. "Please, who are you?" he asked, sweat pouring down his body as if he just ran a marathon. [I am a vengeance system and we have been without a host for a very long time now, and we saw you as very capable, that's why the system now belongs to you.] Asher gasped in wonder. "I thought this is surreal and that it only happened in all those fantasy movies and novels?" [No, it's happening in real life. Hold on for a sec let me finish with the installation.] [5%] [10%] [15%] [20%] [Congratulations! Installment Complete. Body structure restored back to normal.] Asher had been feeling weak due to the excess beating he received and now, he felt as though he could fight the world. "Tell me all you can do." [This revenge system is filled with lots of packages that you could possess after performing a specific task.] "Then get me out of this disgusting coffin, I don't want to spend another moment." **** Asher Blake, a condom seller caught his girlfriend cheating in a hotel room. As if this wasn't enough, he regained his memory after he had an assistant and he went back to his father's house only for his uncle and cousin to torture him and ordered men to bury him alive. Now with a system which gives him amazing strategic plans, he planned his revenge executively.

Bur_Berry · Thành thị
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3 Chs

The Cheat

Asher had just received an order from his boss some minutes ago to deliver a box of condoms to a client in the Colorado Hotel, a very known and established institute. Although he was not proud of what he did for a living, he did not interfere when clients of his used them. After all, it was just a job for him and whether or not he delivered them, lots of people would still fornicate with or without it. 

As he rode his delivery van down the road, thoughts of his Lilian perused through his mind and his face widened with excitement as he couldn't wait to see the look of joy on her face when he finally proposed to her today. Although he knew she was always hesitant whenever he brought up the subject of getting married, he still believed that she loved him. There was enough evidence because if she wasn't in love with him, she wouldn't be dating him when she knew his account balance. It was simply love for the two of them and he so believed that with their love strong, that they would soon make it.

Few minutes passed, and Asher highlighted down from his delivery van and immediately packed in the compound.

After getting the room number that his client stayed in, Asher held the box in his hands and made his way to room 101, which after two glances finally saw it. 

When Asher got to the door, he heard faint noises inside the room and his mind processed thoughts of what was going on in there. All through the years he had worked as a condom delivery man, it was time like these that he disliked. There wasn't a time he would come to deliver his product without hearing the moans of either the woman asking for more or the sound of the bed squeaking. 

Knocking lightly on the door, Asher prayed that they would hear him so that he would soon leave. As if those inside the room could hear his thoughts, he was asked to go in.

"Come in," the voice sounded familiar but Asher quickly dismissed the thought and opened the door. 

"Damn it!" Asher mumbled, his face which once brightened with life now looked emotionless. His eyes were fixated on the brown skinned lady with chestnut wavy hair, and it was not because he was drawn to her beauty. The reason was because the lady who was stark naked with cum all over her body was none other than Lilian, his girlfriend. 

When her eyes met his, shock filled her expression and she jerked up in an instant and covered herself up with the baby shark duvet on the bed. "What are you doing here?" 

Asher's blood boiled so hard that it even surpassed 100 degrees, but he remained calm and repeated her question. "I should be the one to ask you that. Lilian, what are you doing here with another man who looks like he has eaten you whole?" 

The young man in question sensing the tension in the air sneered loudly. "Lillian, who's this rascal?" 

Lilian looked disgustingly at Asher and replied with a straight face, "He's the wretched boyfriend of mine who I told you of. Don't mind him, he's such a loser, why don't we give him a show to watch, Daniel?" 

Daniel chuckled, seeming pleased by her utterance. "I love playing games with my lovely Lilian, let's make it a memorable show for him."

To say he was angry would be an understatement, Asher was raging mad but he could not show his anger here and neither was he going to let the other man win. He had come a long way with her and especially about the incident that occured yesterday when he received lots of insults because he wanted to purchase her a ring to engage her. So he decided to beg her, to see if he would still win her heart. 

"Lilian, please come back to me. I have forgiven you already for your act, just come back to me because I know you are doing this because I couldn't provide for you. Let's go and I will forget it ever happened." Asher begged, his sorrow evident in his eyes. He took long strides towards her but as he neared her, Daniel was quick to cover her with his body. 

"Don't come an inch again else you will regret it." Daniel warned, hands spreading to avoid him from reaching Lilian. 

Asher paid him no attention and rather, kept his attention focused on Lilian. "Why are you doing this, Lillian? I thought we loved each other so much that the other couldn't bear to stay without the other?"

Lilian's laughter echoed in the small exiquite room, and she tapped on Daniel to let her face him and she broke into another fist of laughter. "Love? Do you even understand the meaning of the word? No, don't preach about so called feelings here because that is not the definition of the word love. Love is an island surrounded by expenses and you clearly are a broke ass. If you think you love me then rethink because you don't actually do."

"What will happen after we both have become a couple? I will feed by the thudding of your heart beat or nights of passion filled sex? But look at Daniel here, he's the CEO of this hotel and tell me if I was wrong with my choice? Now, if you are done preaching to me about love, bounce through the door or I will do things with Daniel in front of you that you will forever have a memory of." Lilian said through gritted teeth, eyes holding no emotion for Asher. 

The room fell quiet after her utterance and the two men turned to face one another. Each person had words they wanted to say expressed vividly on their faces, and Lilian could feel the tension between them. Asher and Lilian had both attended the same college, that was how he got to meet her and although they were course mates, Lilian never felt a need to talk to him except for one day when he had saved her from failing her final paper, which he did by opening his paper for her to copy from. They two became friends until they started dating. 

Asher lounged a kick in Daniel's belly and he toppled over on the floor, holding his tummy in pain and before he could regain his stance, Asher gave him a good punch all over the face. As he was still beating him, Asher heard Lilian making a call, probably to the security and he stopped beating Daniel who was howling in pain and ran out of the hotel room before the security guards could find him.

Outside of the Hotel, Asher was lost in thought as he drove his delivery van down the road. He couldn't believe what happened a few minutes ago. Lilian was the woman he loved and the only priceless thing he owed but now she has been snatched out of his hands because he couldn't take care of it. 

Just as he wanted to cross the road, a big truck came out of no where and knocked him down, sending his body into the bush and everything became pitch black to Asher.