
4.No control over myself...

I completed my daily routine before taking my mobile to google on how to confess to a girl

only at that time i realised i didn't have Jo's number .

First i devised a plan to get her number and fixed it as today's target ,if i succeed i can propose her in call by tommorrow .

Exactly around 6.00pm jo came online only at that time i realised how much i am waiting for her .

I spoke to her as usual and asked her about her day for which she replied good

So i know that her mood is not bad or certainly good so i asked her number and to my surprise she sent her number 😳.

I saved her number and asked whether i can call her now but she refused and said she gonna sleep and can't talk now

She also said she will try to call me tommorrow woah ! after hearing this i am excited i went offline after her offline status .

I called my bestfriend Nina and told her about

today's events and i m proud of myself to get Jo's number and i explained it to her as if i became a country's president for which she sent me '🙄🙄' .

I know Nina is not fond of Jo or she doesn't even like her because after i fell in love i didn't text her at all .

I didn't even chat with her for a whole week which made her sad but i can't able to change my mind .

I can't able to text others and my whole concentration is on Jo and i even forgot about myself .

She has whole control over my mind than me.

When i thought about our future i m dumbstruck because i never seen her picture because she doesn't keep her picture in profile picture because of morphing issues and i forgot to ask her about her picture.

But after thinking some time i no longer needed her picture i need her i love her .

I love Jo because she is herself and not anyother i like her character more than anything and i m least interested to love her face .