
The Incomparable

You know, looking back into my life, it was horrible. No one had thought to tend to me. No one gave a second glance once they walked past me. Father’s dead... Mother’s dead... Same as everyone around me, but all that changed when I was chosen. Chosen by who? “HIM” of course.

Sectra · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
18 Chs

Chapter 9

Chapter 9


"Basically, Mr. John you are going to Korea," he said with a gentle smile on his face.

I laughed at the idea for just one second. Then, I looked at his face… He was not kidding. We got to the airport and took a "detour" to the back where Mr. Kim's private jet was parked. It was my first time seeing a private jet, and it looked amazing.

"You ready? From this moment on, you will be a Korean citizen forgotten in America." Mr. Kim said with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm fine," I said and threw my phone out the window before the plane moved.

A Wiseman once said "With new beginnings follow adventures", well I cant wait to see what adventures wait for me here.


While on the Plane, Mr. Kim gave me a quick overview of what was happening, basically the Awakeners Association in America chooses people with promising talents and disposes of the rest by either killing them or making them maids and such. I was about to be counted as 1 of those people, but Korea got intel of what happened in the hospital and wanted me on their side, so they sent Mr. Kim.

"In Korea, we have schools for kids like you who awaken before eighteen." Mr. Kim said as he handed me an envelope.

"That has 5 million won, so spend it wisely also here's a list of what you need to get for the school." He said as he handed me a piece of paper that said 3 things.

Custom made Raiders Outfit x2 ( 1 for training and the other for your debut)

Unlimited Recovery ring ( Must buy)

Raiders Pet (depends on the person)

"So you call Awakeners ¨Raiders¨ in Korea?" I asked because I was confused.

"Yes… we do unlike the Americans stating the obvious." He replied with a calm but dangerous look on his face.

"What are Raiders Pets?" I asked after I finally noticed it on the list.

"Every Raider has a Raiders Pet it just depends on if you have the willpower/ability to unlock it. Most Raiders don't in the school you are going to." He explained with an impressed look on his face like he had done something incredible.

"Also do I have to get the ring?" I asked.

"Do you have a Healing ability?" He asked curiously.

"Yes," I replied.

"How Effective is it?" He asked with an anxious look on his face.

"I could heal my broken legs and heal deep cuts from goblins inside the portal," I replied.

I didn't quite know if I should be telling him the info, but he would be taking care of me so, he had to know.

"I see… We can skip that then. Did you have any money in your bank account back in America?" He asked.

"Why did you say ¨back¨? We haven't even moved yet." I said.

"Oh really? You know… you should pay attention to your surroundings, or you will be kidnapped." He said with a smirk on his face.

I take a look around, and I see that the American flag that was on the airport was gone, or rather replaced… with a Korean flag.

(* Did we teleport?*)

(* NO… I was watching my surroundings well enough to know this plane did not move at all. That means this might be a trick. An Illusion*)

I look at him, and he is smirking like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh… so you figured it out," he said proudly.

"So it was an illusion?" I asked him, looking dead in his eyes.

"Yes, it was." He answered.

"Why did you do it?" I asked.

"This was a test." He said as wisely as he could.

"A test?" I asked

"Yes, to see if you are worthy of being adopted by me," he said as he smirked stupidly.

"Oh really? What makes you say that?" I asked but soon regretted it because, for the whole trip, he kept talking about how he was a Raider in the old days and how he did a lot of great things. While I tried to see if I could get a Raiders pet, and every time I could feel myself getting closer and closer to hatching that egg.

"Hey, you hearing me kid?" Mr. Kim yelled in my ear.

"Shut up. I am trying to hatch this egg." I yelled back.

"Your Raiders pet? Well, you should have told me. Hey you there, bring me a pet contract." he ordered one of the men.

He brought along paper and gave it to me. I could feel the texture of this paper. It was thin yet silky and felt like baby powder when you touched it.

"You know, that thing was really expensive." He gloated.

"If it is so expensive why give it to me?" he stared at him suspiciously.

"Think of it as a gift. A welcome gift to being a family now." He said while smiling.

"I see,"

"Well then, I will accept it"

Then I tried breaking the egg 1 more time, and I heard a crack. The egg was hatching. A blinding light suddenly appeared in front of me, and I see...

Chapter 9 Ends