

The boy they abandoned without seeing the talent, and they will regret it. Let's watch the adventure of a boy with a strange talent P.S this is my first novel so there may be mistakes so sorry

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I was taken by an Atom and I am 19 years old

When I lived a normal life for a person and I had a good seed, my parents were healthy

and I had 2 brothers and one sister, I was healthy when my sister and I plowed into the bank to withdraw money

and then come 4 grabbers and start shouting

- We're lying this is a robbery

and sy and Aria (sister's name) licked so that they wouldn't shoot at us

and and then the untidy thing happened , the police came and adin grabytel aimed the guns at my sister and began to steal

a policeman

- don't move or I'll shoot

And I was afraid that something would happen to my sister and began to belittle

- don't touch my sister. And one robber said

- don't come any closer, kid, or you'll see her smears

and I immediately got scared and I got angry and then I came to convince people not to touch the hostages and told them what was needed from them

so that they let them go

- give me a wheelbarrow and money and get out of here and they moved away

chelavek pushed his hands away and told the police what to do.In a short time they gave what they needed and they took kaga

when the robbers took the car and released sesra , one of the robbers said

- Oh, I almost forgot

and coldly looking into my eyes, he put a gun and aimed at her and shot at the last mom, I realized that it was necessary to save

her and I got my body covered up to sew her up oh then the bullet took your body in May and the grab was pasmatrel what I'm doing and laughing

- Oh, what I see is that one good man has been found.

and then he said swaim tavarisham.

- drive the lights before the cops come

and they left isea felt a cold seed I saw my sister crying and looking at me it looks like a bullet passed in May body

and I got something more important and I realized that she was in the park slowly slowly my eyes were in the dark until the afternoon

mament did not hear in your ears do not die! don't die! And that mamen I as a butot found the light of life and wanted to return but could not

and my hearing my senses entered the darkness

kanets of chapter 1 the beginning