
The Immortal Witch and the Devil Himself


passionfruitjuice · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

۞ SIX ۞

"CLOSE YOUR EYES AND THINK OF… your father. Of how you feel safe with him. Or stuff like that."

I did as he told me.

"Now try to force your fangs inside," as I did that, it took some time but it worked. Then I felt his fingers touching my hand, "All healed. Your healing powers are extremely fast as a hybrid, as expected, congratulations." Isaak put his black turtleneck up again, got up with me, sat me down, and sat on his chair again, as if nothing happened.

While I was frozen, blushing, embarrassed of what I had done and of how hard it was to let go of him. Worst… of how deliciously sweet his blood tasted. I don't think I'll ever be able to look at his face again.

𖣔 𖣔 𖣔

I kept sharing all my food with him whatsoever, and he seemed annoyed by something, but I didn't ask since I didn't want to talk with him. Then he clicked his tongue and I felt him staring at me, but I pretended not to notice, "Didn't you father taught you how to be thankful for others help?" What?

Arching my eyebrows, I glared at him, "Excuse me?"

Isaak scoffed, "I helped you out. If I hadn't you would be in bad waters right now. But being arrogant like both immortals and reds, you don't even know how to say thank you, do you?" He pressed his lips together, in disbelief, "Ungrateful brat."

"You acted as if it was nothing, so I said nothing."

But that seemed to annoy him even more, "Oh, of course, that really meant you didn't need to be thankful. It's not something you must feel because of the other person's reaction to them helping you, Arianna. Don't you understand how things work? You should thankful for when others help you. Not because of them, but because of how they did what they could to help you! How ungrateful can you be?"

"Alright, then, thank you!" He looked almost angry to hear that, and I growled. "What do you want to hear? You asked me to thank you, didn't you? Well, I did. Why are you still with that annoyed look on your face then? What do you expected?" I chuckled bitterly. "Oh, my, Isaak, thank you so damn much. You saved me, I'll never forget this, and owe you one. Again, thank you for saving me!" I spoke in a mocking tone, and he seemed livid. "You shouldn't expect things like this from me!"

"Because you are a bitch. Yeah, I got it," what?

"What did you just fucking called me, asshole?"

He grinned, and all about him turned bitter, "I called you a bitch. Are you deaf? I'll say it again. You are a little ungrateful and insufferable bitch, Arianna. B-I-T-C-H. A bitch!"

I only stared at him, speechless. How dare he call me that?

"What? Did the cat bite your silver tongue? Where are your quick and rude remarks? I thought you were the best at being a bitch like that," what's wrong with him?

"Isaak, I fucking hate you. I really hope you have a miserable life. Whatever is it that you are, I don't care, I don't want to see you ever again after we get out of this fucking flight. And if you are able to die, I really hope you have the worst and most painful death possible. But if you can't, then I hope you lose all the people you hold dear, I hope everyone you love either dies or leave you alone so you will have a terrible eternity in front of you. And I want you to feel helpless, and remember that everything is going wrong in your life because I'm cursing you right now!" I ate a strawberry, "Insane bipolar bitch."

He growled, "Did you just called me bipolar?"

I gasped, "Was that all you heard? And yes, I called you bipolar, asshole. Because you clearly have issues like that. You are definitely mentally ill, changing entirely from a second to the other," smiling bitterly, I clenched my teeth. "To think the first person I actually have a contact with besides my father, is a bitch like this. I'm really unlucky."

"If you are trying to offend me, Arianna, you should stop, because that's not going to happen. Your words don't affect me, simply because your entire existence is meaningless to me. I helped you out of good will, but a red immortal such as yourself don't seem to understand what the hell that means," he scoffed. "You are so useless to me, that if you were to be decapitated right now, I wouldn't bait an eyes." That's gross. "I don't even know why I tried to be friendly to a heartless woman like you. I was right to think you are cold blooded. Such a fucking hypocrite!"

My eyebrows went up right away, "Excuse me? How am I hypocrite, asshole? You don't know me, so shut the fuck up."

"I know you better than you know me, that's for sure. You said the devils were heartless, empty, emotionless, senseless, and all of that shit. However, you aren't different from them. It's even worse when it comes to you, because at least they are like that and don't have a soul, while you are a bitch with a soul. So full of pride and prejudice, when you are pretty much the same, except that you live on the surface and they live in hell. At least devils aren't able to create a bloodthirsty parasite race such as the vamps, which is all cause by immortals like you," with that, he took a pair of air pods from his pockets, put them on his ears, and opened the book that was laying on his lap, which was surprisingly a fantasy romance called The Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco.

But I couldn't pay attention to the fact that he was reading a book about a witch and a devil, his words were a low hit on my gut. It made me see red, and want to beat him, to punch him in the face, but it's not like I can do such a thing on a plane. Not to mention that I doubt he would even budge it, seeing how build up he is.

I turned my attention to the book in my lap, but not before changing the song to Ghost of You by Mimi Webb. Otherwise, I could lose my temper and do something I won't regret but that will put me in trouble. And I promised dad I would do all I could to be out of trouble.

Still, I kept sharing my food with him, despite, just because I first said I would, and I won't turn back on my word just because he was being a bitch and putting the blame on me. I haven't even tried to be rude yet, what chicken. And we didn't say another word to each other, both of us focusing on our respective books, and with the songs playing in our ears loud enough for us to ignore the noises the other make.

𖣔 𖣔 𖣔

After other five hours, I glared at him, still annoyed to the core, and stressed that I had finished the book already, "And he's also a liar," I mumbled to myself, when pausing the song to switch it from Difficult by Gracie Abrams, to Not Another Rockstar by Maisie Peters. "Saying he didn't have his air pods with him. What a whore."

"You really managed to have the dirtiest mouth of all people, hm? Shouldn't you keep your manners or something? Didn't your father taught how to behave?" Excuse me?

"As if you," I mocked. "I'll keep my good manners for those who actually deserve to be treated well, which doesn't apply to the likes of you!" I countered quicker than I wanted, feeling deeply annoyed.

Isaak turned to me, "You know what the problem is? The problem is that you don't know how to live in society. You are loner. If you think you can treat people the want you see fit and only use your good manners when you find them worthy of it, you won't last, Arianna. Not in any social circle. Haven't you heard of how the reds give so much thought to all of them having good manners? You really think they will appreciate the way you act?"

"I don't care if they like me or not, Isaak, you don't seem to have understood that yet. The only one I care about there is Alissa Sasso, my mom. No one else. If they like me or not is collateral damage."

He raised his eyebrows, "Are Alissa Sasso's lost daughter? The one who got kidnapped or something?"

Avoiding looking at him, I turned to the window again, "Yes. How do you know my mom?"

Gasping, he laughter bitterly, "Everyone like us who has been to Europe knows about your mother, Arianna. She's the strongest red of her generation. The favorite child of the Sasso patriarch. Surprisingly loved by all the witch and wizards clans of Europe, for being the kindest of them all as much as the most dangerous of her age. Didn't your father told you that?"

My mother is what? "I don't think he knew about that."

"He's never been to Europe?" Is he being skeptical?

"Never. He never left Brazil."

"What? How old is he?"

"42. But he'll turn 43 in June."

He seemed shocked, "Well, he's really young. Your mother is thrice his age, though. She may look to be around 23 years old, but she's 135 years old if I'm not mistaken. Not surprising, since the reds age even slower than the silvers and the golden, probably because of the blood-drinking ritual."

That's was too much. I felt my headache, "My dad said she was only a year older than him."

Isaak scoffed, "Seems like she lied. But again, she does look younger. Maybe she thought that if she lied about her age, he wouldn't feel strange by being with her? It's easier than explain how old we actually are," he rolled his shoulders.

"Just… shut up. I don't want to hear your voice."

"Then please, shut yours. Your voice is extremely annoying. If you keep talking, I'll talk twice as much," my voice is not annoying.

"Go to hell, Isaak!"

"I've been there and it's boring. But you should go pay a visit, maybe you get a shock of reality?" Ha, so he knows how to be sarcastic?

"Why don't you shove your sarcasm up on your ass?"

"Why are you still talking?" He grinned and I decided to shut up, since that meant he would as well. Because if I heard his damned voice one more time, I would jump on him and break his neck, or even stab him with one of the weapon I have with me.

But hell, how hard it is to ignore a person like him, with such an overwhelming presence.