
The immortal: Jean

They don't know of each other's existence, despite that they share one ultimate goal, kill the one person who split them. But if they meet will they show hostility towards one another or will they become allies? Original work of SLOTH_LUCCI

SOLUCCIE_ · Kỳ huyễn
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110 Chs

Final war I

"I'm having a hard time believe any of these people are generals" General Orval said as she released mud from his arm.

"Well of course we aren't. Their power is much greater than ours" Lieutenant Michael said as he tried attacking her from behind.

As his blade made contact with her, it went through his body as he turned into a pile of mud.

"What the hel-" Just before Lieutenant Michael could finish his thought, a blade went through his stomach and was pulled out.

As the blade was pulled out, General Klas's foot pushed him forward but instead of collapsing, Lieutenant Michael stumbled forward while hovering his hand over his stomach. When he stopped, he turned around to look at General Klas as the hole in his stomach healed.

"You have a healing mage somewhere. Smart. But since you aren't a General than I'll just deal with you immediately" General Orval said as she covered her blade in mana.

"I mustn't bring shame on General Jean's name, so come at me with all-" Just before he could finish his sentence he ducked.

"I appreciate the thought but keep the young lord's name out of your mouth" General Orval said as he pulled his sword back and tried to attack him again.

"Young lord? Are you sure you heard me correctly?" Lieutenant Michael said as he dodged the attack again.

Lieutenant Michael jumped back again but as he landed, General Orval was somehow behind him, throwing another attack aimed for his neck but he was able to dodge by ducking. Or so he thought, as another blade was rushing towards him. Although luckily for him, someone blocked the attack.

"Lucky you, Mr. Lieutenant. We can't have you dying since it would probably make Jean rampage, so go fight someone else while I handle this one" A General said as General Orval jumped.

"General Areia! Thank you" Lieutenant Michael said as he numbed back.

As Lieutenant Michael landed, another soldier rushed him and began to push him away from the two generals.

"Why do you keep mentioning him like that? How do you know him?" General Orval said as he looked at the pile of mud behind her.

"I'm Reias, the 18th General. Don't get it mixed up, our Jean and yours are two completely different people but they are twins" Areia said as she stuck two fingers up.

"Impossible, our Jean is barely 20 years old while yours is practically an old man" General Orval said as he attacked her.

"Well that sorta complicates things now, don't you think?" Areia said as she blocked his attack.

"I guess, I mean I never thought they were in the first place" General Orval said as he pushed her back.

"I see, there's a much deeper explanation than what was given" Areia said as she twirled her spear in circles.

"I don't know. Ask the man yourself" General Orval said as he rushed her again.

As General Orval was rushing her, mud started leaking from his ankles and rotating around Reias. As soon as General Orval got close enough, he pushed himself forward while throwing another attack. As soon as Areia blocked him, General Orval's blade quickly turned to mud once it made contact with her shaft which helped it passed through but she immediately tilted her body backwards, allowing her to barely dodge his blade, only grazing the tip of her nose. As General Orval's blade flew passed her head, a piece of mud from the blade dripped onto her face which unluckily landed on her left eye. Areia immediately put her hand on top of her ear and started pouring mana into it as she turned to face General Orval.

"….You almost caught me there…. Such an aggressive fighter, I barely had any time to think" Areia said as she reached her fingers into her left eye socket.

As General Orval noticed what she was doing, he raised his hand and pulled two fingers back. Not more than a second later, he quickly rushed her. The mud extended and hardened itself to pierce through both her eye and hand. The mud wrapped around her hand and pulled it to her face. As she looked through her right eye, General Orval was already in front of her, about to get ready for his.

"Wanna see a 'Trick' I picked up from the first? Material Swap: Stone, Ruins" Areia said with a blushing smile as the ground below her changed to stone.

"What the hell?! Why am I feeling like this!? How the hell did she change it?! She can't do anything with one hand like that, probably with her magic she can. hasn't used it at all in this fight. For all I know, she has something I can't defend against, especially in the position I'm in now…. I'll have to move away from her for now. Although she's a general, it would be best if I continue with my attack…. Shit I'll just back away for now" The thoughts quickly went through his head as he immediately tried to back away but just before he could move his body, he felt the mana in the floor change as if something was rushing towards him. "I'm trapped! I can't get out, fine then just before she can complete her attack I'll cut her head off" General Orval thoughts rushed through his head as if he was panicking while he got into position to attack. In that same moment General Orval saw something start to rise from the ground beneath him, he already started pulling his blade towards Areia's neck.

"Too late" Areia dragged her words in a soft tone as General Orval's blade began to cut through her skin.

Just as General Orval's blade started cutting through Areia's flesh, stone spikes rose up from the ground beneath him which ripped through his limbs, chest, and neck. The stone spike had him lifted from the ground leaving his limbs to dangle with blood dripping down the spikes.

"That's one General dealt with. But damn this motherfucker was-" Just before Areia could finish she saw him slowly lift his head.

"….We aren't…. Done, I'll…. Kill you" General Orval said as he tried gripping his sword.

"What do you mean? It just finished, I'll go look for someone else now" Areia said as the mud started disintegrating.

As the mud fully disintegrated she was able to move her right hand again which was immediately healed after. And she started pulling the sword's blade from her neck. With each inch that was freed up, a piece of flesh was healed, and it kept going like that until it was fully removed from her neck.

"Now. Onto the next one" Areia said as she turned around.

Just before Areia could take a step away, a small beeping noise could be heard near Orval's body but just before she could turn around to check it, she felt as if something coming towards her neck and immediately ducked once she got low she readied her spear as she spun around in attempts to hurt them but she missed as the soldier dodged her attack.

"Are you a general? I can't imagine Master losing to someone other than a general so that must be the case. Well than I'll kill on behalf of the young lord's revenge and to avenge master" The soldier said as she rushed Areia.

"If you aren't general level than you have no hopes in beating me but you can try" Areia said a she blocked her attack.

*BOOM!* s soon as Areia blocked she got ready to go for a counter attack but just as she pushed the soldier's arms away, an explosion occurred less than twenty meters. Suddenly multiple explosions occurred following up after the first with each one getting closer and closer to Areia and the soldier while also leaving crushed soldiers behind them.

"Quit dragging your men into the fight. Stop running away!" Soldier A1 said as his hands were wrapped in a black ball while chasing after another soldier.

"No thanks. That's like walking straight to my death like those guys" Soldier F1 said as he dodged another explosion.

As Soldier F1 was running from Soldier A1, he noticed Areia wasn't too far from him and started speeding up towards her. But as he was less than 20 meters away from her, he couldn't move forward anymore and quickly started getting pulled back to soldier A1. Less than a second after, it stopped, then he began to feel like his body gotten more heavier as if he was being crushed and immediately fell to his knees.

*boom* Suddenly a smaller explosion occurred besides him as someone crashed into the ground, the weight immediately grew lighter and he was able to move again. *thud* something landed just a couple feet away from him.

"If your not gonna fight than leave the battle and kill yourself. You're bringing needless shame to the commander's name, either fix yourself and go fight someone else or kill yourself. One more thing, my kick got slower when my foot got next to him" Soldier F2 said as he walked up to his side.

"Sorry, General Wells. Anyways he has control of gravity so be careful for that" Soldier F1 said as he stood up.

"Of course. Next time believe that you can win and you will!" Wells said before he rushed the another soldier.

"General Wells? I don't think I've heard of you before" Soldier A1 said as he raised his fist.

When he raised his fist, Wells saw that Areia was rushing towards him but he suddenly started floating and just as if he was a leaf being blown around in the air, he was suddenly tossed higher up and lost his target as was also being flipped around. Soldier F1 tried moving onto someone else but before he could move his feet, he abruptly stopped as something sharp fell onto his head.

"I'm pretty sure Orval is fine but the signal is coming from his uniform" General Klas said before she saw someone running to something, using their earth magic as platforms to push them higher.

As General Klas looked around the sky to see what they were running towards, the path she was running towards was as if she was trying to sneak up on soldier A1 fighting who was fighting someone else up there.

"That just means you aren't important" Soldier A1 said as he was above Wells and pulling his sword down on him.

"Compared to them, that's more or less true" Areia said as she tried to attack him from behind.

As Areia's spear stopped just a couple centimeters away from his neck and was suddenly pushed back.

"What the hell?!" Areia said before felt something blunt hit her shoulder which pushed her towards the ground.

Once soldier A1's blade cut through Wells shoulder and pulled it out. As soon as he pulled the sword out, Wells body began to slowly descend but Soldier A1 stabbed his stomach while he pointed his thumb up. He quickly pulled his sword out and raised his other hand with the black ball covering it.

"No damage to your head? That healer is a pain in the ass" General Klas said as she landed near her.

Once General Klas landed, she charged Areia with her spear aimed for her neck. When Areia landed, most of the bones in her body shattered, only her skull was unharmed, protecting her brain so the rest of her body can heal. The first parts of Areia's body to heal was her cervical vertebrae, and chest. Once she was able to move her head, she checked if General Klas was still around. But once she pulled her head down, she saw General Klas less than a foot away.

"I'll show you a better 'Trick' that the first showed me. Material Swap: Wood, Bluff" Areia said as the ground below her changed from dirt to wood.

"What type of earth magic is this?" General Klas said as she pushed herself towards Areia.

Once General Klas pushed herself towards Areia, small imprints of spikes started showing on the ground around Areia. As General Klas stopped in front of her, she immediately tried turning into mist. But just before she could make the switch, trees quickly rose from the ground. General Klas was able to dodge most of them and attempted the switch again but one of the trees began to grow branches which quickly shot out towards her and pierced her right arm just before she could switch.

*Boom!* The pointed spikes on the tree suddenly grew dull and immediately started to retract as well.

Once General Klas fully switched and she carefully landed, she was about to look to where the explosion came from, but before she could, General Klas heard Areia begin to speak. General Klas immediately started rushing towards her.

"Let me show you one of the impressive 'Tricks'. Material to Element: Resevoir" Areia said as the wood turned into water and shaped it into a large floating ball of water.

*Splash* Wells landed inside of it, being pulled through to the bottom but soon after he landed inside, followed right behind, and like a bullet, solider A1 pierced right through Wells heart, although he didn't stop, his weight pushed the both of them out of the large cylindrical ball of water with the same momentum.

As they pushed through the large ball of water, they landed with Soldier A1 standing on top of Wells body with his sword standing up right and still in his chest.

"-Another 'Trick'. Element to Material: Stone, base" Soldier A1 overheard as the large ball of water above split into two large stone platforms.

"What the fuck?!" Soldier A1 said as he saw both of the platforms charge towards someone.

As the platforms crashed into the ground, he thought whoever it was aimed at was already. But shortly after the platforms crashed, he saw mist crawl out of the crevices of the crash. The mist suddenly switched into a human form which was General Klas. She immediately started rushing Areia, as Soldier A1 noticed how close Areia was, he immediately started rushing her as well.

"I couldn't get one of the first's special 'Tricks' so I'll just try one of the second's special 'Tricks'. Material to Super Element: Ice, special" Areia said as she planted the bottom of her shaft on the ground.

Soldier A1 was able to get to Areia at the same time as General Klas. As well as throwing their attack simultaneously, but just as their blades were about to sandwich Areia's neck, she lifted her body using the tip of her spear's blade causing their blades to bounce off her shaft.

"I bet you didn't even feel it until now" Areia said with a blushing smile as the bottom of her shaft froze.

The ground about 10 centimeters around the bottom of the shaft began to freeze over with ice as well, with small spikes began to appear on the ice less than a second after.

"Ms. Klas! Back away!" Soldier A1 said a he jumped back.

Only a second after they both jumped back, spikes made of ice shot out from the ground, only barely grazing their face. The spikes of ice immediately grew dull and began to retract slowly.

"I have a question if you two don't mind, but whats your name and army rank?" Areia asked as she tossed herself off of her spear.

"Vewrn Yevoil, Elkove kingdom's 1st General" General Vewrn answered proudly.

"And you?" Areia asked as she looked at General Klas.

"…Klas, 5th Drausa Kingdom General" General Klas answered reluctantly.

"Oohhh! A first and fifth! Well my name is Areia Pols, 10th General of Fredrick's Faction. You should've killed me faster, now I'm not letting any of you get another hit" Areia said as she gripped her spear.

Thank you to whoever is reading and will continue reading pass this point. I appreciate you for reading up to the 100th chapter and I hope you enjoy the rest that lays ahead.

SOLUCCIE_creators' thoughts