
The immortal: Jean

They don't know of each other's existence, despite that they share one ultimate goal, kill the one person who split them. But if they meet will they show hostility towards one another or will they become allies? Original work of SLOTH_LUCCI

SOLUCCIE_ · Kỳ huyễn
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110 Chs

Armageddon I (Heaven)

[Just before Jean took out the demon guards]

"Are these strong enough to keep him here?" Azure asked as she was holding rods of light.

"Yeah, just put them in his shoulders, legs, and throat" Celes said.

Kemuel was on the floor next to his piano, bruised, Azure stepped on him and slowly tried inserting the first rod into his shoulder but before it could pierce his skin it broke. 

"He wasn't able to see the monstrosity before him, the human who devoured millions of souls and gained strength from it, you soiled our sacred grounds with blood soaked feet in attempts to strike the heavenly Father, what must you say for yourself" The Angel said.

The angel was hovering 3 meters above the piano, his wings were beautiful and his skin was clear, unbelievably handsome one he was, the angel had a sword on his waist and was slowly descending to ground.

They were still in front of the gate where there was a large space that seemed to stretch across a infinite field only behind Kemuel's piano where it seemed to be a beautiful grassy plain, a place that showed where it started and where it ended.

"Wait there for a moment" Azure said as she tried to putting a rod through Kemuel again.

Once the rod touched his skin, she quickly moved it and just went for his throat instead. Azure grabbed his foot and tossed him to the side.

"Your brutality to us angels is completely out of hand what had we done to you for such treatment?... actually answer this one, why have you killed so many" The Angel asked as he pulled out his sword.

"What type of question is that, ask your Father, he knows how evil his own creations are" Azure asked as she pulled out her bladeless dagger.

"He made human in his image, there were no mistakes, there are no evils among them, just the misguided" The Angel said.

"Is that what you think?, so what about the humans who kill each other are they misguided or the humans who hunt animals for their worth or humans who sell other humans for money, what about the humans who rape, the humans who stuff animals with cotton and plaster them about, are they still misguided" Azure said.

"I've heard enough nonsense, the Archangel of death, Azrael will cut you down and send you to a void for eternity" Archangel Azrael said as she jetted towards her.

Azure created four small balls of light and pointed her fingers at her, once she noticed the balls, they disappeared and she crashed into the ground, Azure threw one of the rods at Azrael and Jumped towards him, just before she landed, something hit the side of her body and launched her away.

"Is this the intruder that was reported, you seem to be having trouble against her" An Angel said as he healed Azrael's wings.

"Thanks Raphael but aren't you supposed to be with Father, why are you here?" Archangel Azrael said as she stood up.

"I'm here for backup, she hurt my favorite artist" Archangel Raphael said.

"It's a shame these bastards don't bleed, it would've been satisfying for me when I rip their wings off" Azure said.

"There's another Archangel here, also watch out for her blade even a small cut will kill you instantly by destroying your soul, please be careful" Celes asked.

"This just make things better" Azure said.

"That's a Gryohon isn't, why is it with a human?" Archangel Raphael asked.

"That's Celes, the Gryphon turned familiar" Archangel Azrael said as his sword bursted in flames.

"God's Will, Step Three: Punishment" Azure said as her body started glowing white.

Azure's body dispersed into small lumps of light and joined together behind the Archangels, she tried stabbing Raphael but Azrael pulled him away from her at the same time she tried striking Azure although she was able to block it with her daggers, they broke upon impact and she had to jump back.

"That hit didn't have much force behind it but it broke my blades" Azure said she threw the broken daggers away.

"Hope to whoever you pray to that your reflexes are on point because if not than, I'll kill you" Archangel Azrael said as she appeared behind Azure.

Celes tried running towards her but Azrael already pushed her sword through Azure's chest. When she pulled it out, she sliced her arms and legs off before kicking her away.

"Whether your human or not, a soul is a soul and my fiery blade is the sole enemy of the soul" Archangel Azrael said. 

"Now we deal with intruder" Archangel Raphael said as he looked at Celes.

Celes stood there in a trance as he stayed looking at Azure, he tried to walk towards her  but Azrael was already in motion for her next attack against him. Celes created multiple layers of barriers with his magic as he tried to block against Azrael's attack but she kept breaking through them and when she cut through the final layer, Celes barley managed to dodge her sword.

"Use a different weapon, Father wants it alive" Archangel Raphael said before heard something move.

"Damn... this shit hurts" Azure said as one of her legs started healing.

Once her leg fully healed, her body dispersed. The constant attacks from Azrael, made Celes's stamina fall quickly. Azrael's attacks were fast and strong, with each block there was a kickback, with each dodge there was only enough time to block but when he dodge this time, Azreal change the direction of her attack and pushed it forward, once it touched Celes's skin, something knocked it away, shocking Azrael, she jumped back.

"What's wrong with you, why didn't you use your magic" Azure said as she was standing on one leg.

"..." Celes stood quiet as he looked at her body.

Azure was standing in front of Celes with one leg as the other remained a stub. Blood was covering the front half of her body.

"I couldn't cut your soul? No, no, no, that's impossible, Raphael you seen me cut through her right?" Archangel Azrael asked.

"Yeah, I saw her soul get ran through as well, why the hell is she still alive" Archangel Raphael said as he saw the blood from the floor fly past him.

The blood from the floor and the blood on her body flowed into her chest and closing the wound completely and healing all of her limbs.

"What, is there something wrong?" Azure asked.

"How did you survive?" Archangel Azrael asked.

Azure ignored the question as her body dispersed and recollected as she kicked Azrael's face but her foot went through his cheek and rested on his tongue before she pulled her foot downwards, ripping his jaw off before she dispersed and recollected behind her to rip her wings off. Azure created 5 rods made of light, Raphael tried stopping her but she already shot them into Azrael limbs and throat.

Raphael flew at her with a kick but she blocked it with her arms before grabbing one of his legs, when she lifted him higher into the air, he shifted all of his weight into his head and leaned forward pulling Azure backwards. Once Raphael was close enough to the floor, he used his hands to get a stable standing on the ground before lifted Azure upwards with his leg, he was trying to slam her into the ground but once she made the impact, her body dispersed and joined together. She was standing upwards and swept his hands off of the ground making him fall on his head and collapsing on his back.

Azure lifted her foot just above her head, her whole leg dispersed and joined together before trying to strike down on Raphael's head but he was able to barely move out of the way in time.

"Now I get it, when you break into small parts like that, your just accelerating your body to a speed faster than light itself while using light and the only time you join together is when you accumulated enough speed and force to turn the ground to dust, I hadn't realize that because of these indestructible tiles. I can do the same thing" Archangel Raphael said as he dispersed into lumps of light.

He recollected behind Azure as he tried kicking her directly on the crown of her head but as soon as his foot touched her skin, Azure's body became ghost like causing his foot to fall directly through her.

"It also allows me to act like a ghost" Azure said as she tried to roundhouse kick him but he blocked it.

Their fighting seemed like a normal street fight but but each punch or kick they threw at eachother had enough power to put a hole through their body. Luckily they kept dodging each hit. Azure dodged a left hook from him, before suddenly feeling something hit her on the side of her body. This hit blew her approximately 3 meters away from Raphael as well as breaking the whole left side of her rib cage.

"Can't believe I have to touch a creature that vile" Kemuel said as he rubbed his hands.

"Don't let your guard down, she just as fast or faster than me" Archangel Raphael said.

"Alright but where is Azrael, I thought I heard her fighting"  Kemuel said as he looked around.

"She let his guard down and now she's pinned down by those rods, paying the price for her mistakes" Archangel Raphael said as he pointed to her.

"I-" before Kemuel could finish talking Azure kicked half of his head off and proceeded to shoot the five rods into him.

"He never listens to warnings" Azure said as she kicked him to the side.

"So now you talk" Archangel Raphael said.

"I couldn't hear you before, I was wasted in my thoughts" Azure said as she charged him.

"She isn't-" before Raphael could finish his sentence he weaved her attack.

Although Azuree didn't use her most used move to attack him, she was still extremely fast but she seemed to be more aware of what she was doing than she was before, Azure was throwing a continuous amount of attacks with more speed gained in each one, Raphael was barely able to dodge these attacks let alone block them. Azure threw another attack that was much more faster and stronger attack, Raphael felt something pull him back allowing him to dodge this but Azure grabbed his hair and pulled him down into her knee, this ended up putting a hole in the middle of his head.

As Azure was putting the rods in his body, she heard multiple wings flapping about in the air when she looked up there was nearly a million angels in the air with weapons pointing to her and in front of them was 13 angels with weapons more flashier than the other and a face of shock as they saw Raphael, Azrael, and Kemuel taken down by one human.

"Bond X Punishment " Azure and Celes said as they stared at the angels.