
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Kỳ huyễn
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103 Chs

Azathoth Transformation

Eve's sudden intervention startled Azathoth, his tentacle falling to the ground with a wet thud. His pure white eyes fixated on Eve, his rage and surprise mingling in his expression. The air crackled with tension as he realized the magnitude of her actions.

Eve: You... you won't harm him anymore!

Her voice trembled with a mixture of fear and determination as she stood before Azathoth, her weapon raised and her stance resolute. The weight of all the lives lost, the destruction witnessed, and the pain endured fueled her defiance.

Azathoth's response was a guttural growl, a sound that reverberated through the air like an earthquake. His tentacles writhed around him, a vicious dance of aggression and malice. But Eve held her ground, her eyes locked onto his as she prepared to fight with everything she had left.

As Azathoth's counterattack landed with devastating force, both Eve and Kai were sent sprawling back, their bodies battered and bloodied. The impact was like a sledgehammer to their chests, stealing the air from their lungs. Pain seared through their bodies, each movement an agonizing struggle.

Eve's vision blurred as she fought to regain her bearings, her weapon slipping from her grasp. Blood dripped from a gash on her forehead, mingling with the sweat that coated her skin. Her limbs trembled as she attempted to rise, her body protesting every movement.

Beside her, Kai fared no better. His once-golden eyes were dulled with pain, his dragonic form weakened by the onslaught. The scales that adorned his body were marred with cuts and bruises, his wings tattered and torn. Yet, even in his battered state, a fire of determination still burned within him.

Azathoth's twisted form loomed over them, his tentacles twitching with malevolence. His pale skin seemed to radiate power, his very presence a reminder of the overwhelming force he possessed. He let out a chilling, triumphant laugh, relishing in their suffering.

Azathoth: Do you see now, little mortals? Your struggles are futile. Your defiance only fuels my amusement.

Eve clenched her fists, her resolve reigniting despite the pain. With a surge of determination, she forced herself to her feet, standing on shaky legs. Her gaze met Azathoth's, a mixture of anger, sorrow, and unwavering will.

Eve: You... you won't win. We won't let you destroy everything.

Azathoth's laughter echoed once more, a cacophony of madness that filled the air.

Azathoth: Ah, the bravery of the insignificant. How amusing. But your resistance changes nothing. The end is inevitable.

As Azathoth approached Seraphina's lifeless form, a mixture of horror and desperation gripped both Kai and Eve. Their voices rose in anguished protest, their cries echoing in the air, a futile attempt to stop the unthinkable from happening.

But their pleas fell on deaf ears as Azathoth's grotesque form bent down and lifted Seraphina's body. The world seemed to slow, each second stretching out as they watched in sickening dread. And then, with a horrific finality, Azathoth's gaping maw enveloped her, devouring her body as if it were nothing more than a morsel.

Kai's heart clenched in agony, a primal roar of rage and grief escaping his lips. His body surged with newfound energy, a combination of his own fury and the power Dark Kai had granted him. In an instant, he was on his feet, his eyes blazing with golden light.

Kai: No! You monster!

Eve, too, felt a surge of renewed determination coursing through her veins. The image of Seraphina's sacrifice, her unyielding strength, ignited a fire within her. She pushed herself up, the pain forgotten in the face of this unforgivable act.

Eve: You will pay for this!

Azathoth's monstrous form turned towards them, the remnants of Seraphina still hanging from his tentacles. His twisted laughter pierced the air, a sickening mockery of their suffering.

Azathoth: Such delicious despair. Your agony feeds me, sustains me. Your defiance only makes this more enjoyable.

With a roar of anger and grief, Kai lunged at Azathoth, his body transformed into a blur of scales and fury. The ground shook with his every step, the air crackling with energy. But Azathoth was no longer content to simply toy with them. With a flick of his tentacle, he sent Kai hurtling back, his form crashing into the ground.

Eve summoned every ounce of her power, her magic swirling around her like a storm. Bolts of energy shot forth, striking Azathoth's form. But the creature seemed unaffected, the attacks washing over him like rain.

Eve: You will not win. We will stop you!

Azathoth's laughter grew louder, more deranged, as if their defiance was merely amusing entertainment.

Azathoth: How entertaining you are, to believe that you can stand against the inevitable. Your world will crumble, your hopes will shatter, and all that will remain is the void.

The sudden change in Azathoth's appearance was nothing short of startling. The once monstrous entity, the embodiment of chaos and destruction, had transformed into a figure that defied all expectations. He now stood before them as a being of ethereal beauty and power.

Kai and Eve watched in disbelief as Azathoth's monstrous form dissolved, replaced by a human-like figure with golden hair that shimmered like sunlight. His wings unfurled, majestic and resplendent, casting a soft glow around him. The vibrant hues of his eyes held an otherworldly allure, a blend of purple and black that seemed to contain the very essence of the cosmos. He was draped in a white robe that billowed around him, lending an air of regality to his presence.

This new form radiated an aura of immense power, a presence that held both grace and authority. Kai and Eve exchanged incredulous glances, unsure of how to process this dramatic transformation. The ground beneath them seemed to pulse with Azathoth's energy, as if the very world responded to his newfound form.

Kai: What... What is this?

Eve: I've never seen anything like it

The being that was once Azathoth regarded them with a gaze that was both curious and contemplative. His voice, when he spoke, carried a resonance that seemed to echo through their very souls.

Azathoth: I have shed the shackles of my former self. The chaos and destruction that defined me were but a facet of my existence. Now, I stand before you as Azrael, the Bringer of Revelation.

Kai's grip tightened on his sword, wariness mixing with a curiosity that couldn't be denied.

Kai: And what does this revelation entail?

Azrael's wings stirred, a gentle breeze sweeping through the air around them.

Azrael: Balance. The revelation of the balance between creation and destruction, order and chaos. The worlds were never meant to be at odds, perpetually teetering on the brink. It is time to restore the equilibrium that was disrupted.

Eve's brow furrowed, her skepticism evident.

Eve: And how do you intend to achieve this?

Azrael's eyes shimmered with an ancient wisdom, as if he held the secrets of the cosmos within his gaze.

Azrael: By rewriting the very fabric of existence. By merging the realms, fusing their essence into a new whole. The cycle of creation and destruction will be harmonized, the eternal struggle replaced with a unity that transcends the limits of existence.

Kai's sword wavered as he grappled with the weight of Azrael's words.

Kai: Is that your true purpose? To create a new world?

Azrael's expression remained enigmatic, a faint smile touching his lips.

Azrael: The worlds were born of chaos, and they have suffered for it. My purpose is to bring an end to their suffering, to pave the way for an era where creation and destruction coexist, bound by a cosmic harmony.

Eve: And what of the lives that will be affected? The people, the creatures?

Azrael's gaze held a depth that seemed to pierce through the world itself.

Azrael: They shall be part of this rebirth, as their essence mingles with the new reality. The pain of the past will become a foundation for a future untethered by the constraints of chaos.