
The Immortal's journey across the fiction.

"What would you do if you found yourself in a world that felt both familiar and unfamiliar, with creatures that are both familiar and unfamiliar? What if, the moment you die, you find yourself back at the same beginning, but the world around you has changed? What would you do if strange things kept happening around you? With no name, no memories, and no origin, follow the story of what is mostly assumed to be a human man and his journey in exploring the changing world around him, ultimately coming to be known as 'The Immortal'." 5/?? --------------------------------- warnings!! every time he dies, the world around him does changes, from marvel to dc, to any world in fiction.

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8 Chs

hunting a Parasaurolophus and nearly dying again[chapter 5]

A/N Just because he knows the name of some dinosaurs, doesn't mean he has his memories, not all of them at least.

Chapter 5

As I ventured out into the forest the next day, my mind was buzzing with excitement. I had improved my equipment and was eager to put it to the test. As I gathered materials, I suddenly spotted a majestic Parasaurolophus in the distance. The creature had caught sight of me as well, and an idea sparked in my mind. I knew that hunting such a large and powerful creature would be a challenging task, but I was determined to try, but not now, I was feeling cold.

-scene change-

inside my cave. I had just started a fire using nothing but flints and dried leaves, reveling in the satisfaction of the small but significant accomplishment. The fire crackled and danced, casting shadows on the walls of my cave.

I sat by the fire, feeling its warmth against my skin, and a thought crossed my mind - since I now had a fire, why not try cooking some meat? With renewed determination, I grabbed my spear and set my sights on the Parasaurolophus I had spotted earlier.

With stealth and precision, I approached a creature, using the cover of the forest to get as close as possible. I aimed my spear carefully, taking into account the creature's size and speed. With a swift thrust, I wounded the creature as I aimed at its thighs, but it took off running, startled by the attack.

I chased after the wounded creature, adrenaline coursing through my veins. The intensity of the hunt was palpable, and the pressure was immense. I had to keep up with the creature, navigating through the thick foliage, while keeping my focus on landing another successful strike.

The Parasaurolophus turned around and charged at me, its horned crest intimidating as it lowered its head in defense. I dodged its powerful charge narrowly, my heart pounding in my chest. I could feel the weight of the moment as I strategized my next move.

I circled the creature, trying to find an opening, waiting for the right moment to strike. With a calculated thrust, I aimed my spear at a vulnerable spot, its neck, and landed a critical hit. The creature roared in pain and frustration, but it was not yet defeated.

It charged again, this time more ferociously, and I narrowly avoided its attacks, my senses heightened to their fullest. I had to be quick and precise, as any mistake could cost me dearly. I lunged forward, using all my strength and skill, and landed a final, decisive blow.

As the Parasaurolophus fell to the ground, I felt a surge of triumph and relief. The hunt had been intense, but I had succeeded. I approached the fallen creature with a mix of awe and reverence, realizing the magnitude of my accomplishment. I had taken down such a formidable beast with nothing but my wit, skills, and determination.

I carefully skinned and butchered the creature, which is a useful skill that I started to pick up but sadly I have not yet mastered it, but everything takes time, grateful for the nourishment it would provide. I thanked the creature for its sacrifice and took a moment to appreciate the interconnectedness of life in the forest, where every hunt was a testament to the survival of the fittest.

As I made my way back to my cave, my spirits high from my successful hunt, the bushes suddenly rustled with a force much greater than that of the Parasaurolophus I had just faced. My heart skipped a beat as I turned to see a massive creature emerging from the foliage - an Allosaurus. The sight of the beast sent a shiver down my spine. The Allosaurus was larger and more fearsome than any creature I had encountered before.

Panic surged through me as I realized the danger I was in. I knew that I couldn't outrun the Allosaurus; its speed was unmatched. I had to think quickly and outmaneuver the creature to survive. My mind raced as I considered my options, my state of mind a mix of fear, adrenaline, and urgency.

I decided to use my limited knowledge of the forest and my dexterity to my advantage. I swiftly dodged and weaved through the trees, using the dense foliage as cover, trying to throw off the Allosaurus and escape its relentless pursuit. The ground trembled with each step the predator took, its massive jaws snapping dangerously close behind me. The pressure was immense as I pushed my body to its limits, trying to stay one step ahead of the Allosaurus.

Despite the panic and fear, I managed to think clearly and strategize my moves. I used my knowledge of the terrain to my advantage, navigating through narrow gaps, leaping over fallen logs, and changing directions abruptly to throw off the Allosaurus. My senses were heightened, my reflexes sharp as I moved with agility and precision.

However, just as I thought I had eluded the first Allosaurus, another one appeared in front of me, blocking my path. I had unknowingly stumbled into their territory, and now I was faced with two formidable predators. The situation was dire, and I knew I had to act quickly.

With a split-second decision, I twisted my body to avoid the gaping jaws of the second Allosaurus, but not before it managed to tear a chunk of flesh from my shoulder. The pain was searing, but I couldn't afford to lose focus. I had to keep going, despite my injury.

With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I sprinted with all my might, fueled by the instinct to survive. The wounds on my shoulder throbbed, and blood soaked through the makeshift patches I had fashioned from leaves to staunch the bleeding. I could feel every step, every breath, as I pushed through the pain and exhaustion.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I managed to find my way back to my cave, the Allosauri no longer in pursuit. I was relieved but also sobered by the realization of how close I had come to losing my life. I tended to my wounds as best as I could, using a paste made from non-poisonous leaves to clean and cover the torn flesh on my shoulder. The pain was intense, but I gritted my teeth and did what I could to treat the injury.

As I sat in my cave, nursing my wounds, I reflected on the harrowing experience. The encounter with the Allosauri had been a stark reminder of the dangers of the wilderness, and the unforgiving reality of being a lone human in this ancient world. Despite my skills and determination, I had not come away unscathed, but I was grateful to have survived.

The forest had once again tested my resilience and resourcefulness, pushing me to my limits. It was a humbling reminder of the delicate balance between survival and the forces of nature. As I rested and recovered, I knew that I would need to be even more cautious and vigilant in the future, as I continued


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