
The Imaginary Clown: Marvel Fanfiction

A young man named Anthony lives with misfortune throughout his life. He was raised with abuse, neglect, and violence. Fortunately, he has someone in his life who never made him feel alone. Some people say he's just a figment of his imagination. A fracture inside the mind that formed through his environment. To cope with all the pain. Whatever they were saying..... But Anthony knew that was not the case at all, he knew very well that someone was living inside of him. He calls himself, Jihn. ----------------------- Stated inside a mental institution for his crimes and considered mentally insane, he planned a bet with his dear friend, Jihn. If he didn’t got out of that damn prison-like place for 3 months, his so-called imaginary friend will blow everything to bits including the civilians. Will the bet between two insane people be continued or will an unprecedented event happen, that would change both of their lives? (This is my first time writing fanfiction. I hope you can help me progress better for tolerable entertainment.) (PS. Although it’s in Marvel Universe, it won’t follow the MCU version. A lot of other elements will be added to have more spice. Mainly from comics and other genres.)

TocinoMasarap · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

The Sun

Jihn started to get flustered, too.

It's been hours since you've seen Newt. You searched the whole damn hospital and your home but none bore any fruit.

"Mon ami, bait it with pancakes!" a good suggestion, Jihn.

"Newt! I have some pancakes over here!"



Nothing. "Fuck!"

It was rare, being emotional and attached to another living being. After coming to this world, both you and Jihn expected everything to be worse.


You felt kindness, warmth, friendship, and much, much more than what your past life could offer. Even if Jihn says otherwise, you knew him more than anyone else.

But ironically, you still fucking enjoy purging bad people.

"Well... how sad. This deliciously looking pancake will now goooo into my mouth. Boohoo."

Yes, there's real pancakes.



A cluster of colors bombarded the room, "can't you guys wait!? I was evolving!!" Newt popped out within a sudden display of fireworks.

"Where have you been???? Evolving? What are you, a pokemon?"

Newt groaned, "it's because a card gave us an ability! It was 'The Sun' that cracked, it symbolizes happiness and content."

"Wha-what?!" Jihn was flabbergasted, "happiness?! When did we ever get that shit, huh?!?"

His french facade broke down, "stop pretending, my friend. Ever since Granny Mary took us in like a kid... well that sums it up."

"Another stain on my image, mon ami," the clown sighed.

You just rolled your eyes, "anyway, what ability did we get? Seems weird that it wasn't flashy or painful."

"Hehe, figure it out yourselves!"

"The pancake looks delicious..." you motioned a hand grabbing the pancake.

"Wai-waiiit!!!! Fine... it's creating and manipulating energy!"

Your eyes bulged, "what type of energy?" now this... is a jackpot. An offensive power, to boot, "even creation?!"

Newt smiled, "yup!! And it's psychic energy!"

"Which means... there's telekenetic, manisfestation, and a lot moreee!"

You fell into a deep thought, "like Psylocke's powers?" Well, that would be pleasing to the eye. An energy stemmed from your mind is good unless you have a fucking big brain. But with the addition of creation... aren't you basically a mini God now?

"Nope! with your current abilities you can't even beat magic!"

You choked, "shouldn't we just start learning magic?"

"Hahhaa!! Unless you wanna be on Ancient One's hit list!" the clown remarked. He's right, though.

"Ugh... fucking magic. Let's try this new power... uhm how can I activate it?"

Newt giggled, "well duh!! Think about it!"

"That's it?"

"Yup! Yup!"

With Newt's advice, you began to concentrate your mind into manifesting the energy from your surroundings.

"My body's getting hotter..."

Newt gasped, "release it!!"


A wave of energy materialized, exploding its destructiveness to your room. Shit, that goes our rent.

"Puhahahha! What the fuck just happened?!" Jihn's very amused right now.

"Fuck... shouldn't you warn me about this kind of thing first?"

Newt scratched his head, "hehe sorry! Forgooot bout that."

You look towards your room and sighed, "what now? We're gonna train like those mf reincarnated MCs?"

Jihn snickered, "first of all... mon chéri, let's get the fuck outta here. You obliterated the whole fucking room."

"Aye! Aye!"

Newt is just cute. All the time.

"Where are we gonna stay for the mean time?" you sighed.

"Oh! How about Ben's apartment?" Newt's goggly eyes were staring at you. It seems like this was its plan all along.

"Traitor," both you and Jihn said it at the same time.

Will he let us temporarily live in his place? I mean, we're friends... right? RIGHT?

You dialed his number, "Ben it's me. The handsome barista. Anyways, can I uhh crash to your place for like a few weeks? If that's okay." Boom. Voicemail.

I wonder how Desiree is right now?

"Jihn, I think we made a mistake on our last raid."

The clown was confused, "what mistakeee? Mon ami, we did great!"

"We should've tortured one of them and got intel on why they kidnapped Des."

One of them said that their boss is gonna fuck 'em up. That's why.

Jihn scoffed, "I don't care! If we ever see her in deep shit again let's just be a fucking hero again, hm?"

You just raised a flag, my dear clown.

You sighed, "whatever. Let's just manifest our newfound power again... just no blow-ups this time."

Newt tilted its head, "uhh shouldn't we be running away right now?"

Oh shit. "Let's pack."

In the first place, there's not much to pack. All you have is the duffle bag you had since day 1 and some necessities you've bought along the way. You put the tarot cards in safebox you just bought in a fucking supermarket, right across the street.

"Hey, what the fuck happened here?!"

Oops. Someone already noticed the 'very loud' explosion.

You snatched the duffle bag and escaped through the window. Running away from the responsibility of paying up the damages in your room. If it's still be called a room at this point.


Someone texted you, "sure man, no worries just crash at my place as soon as you're okay." Oh, it's Ben.

It's a bit pathetic but the only number you have on your phone were Ben, Des, and Jonathan AKA Granny Mary's worrisome grandson.

"We should find a place.. to train."

Jihn cocked his imaginary eyebrows, "so it's training arc now, huh?"

"Shut the fuck up, Jihn."

The immediate burst of emotion lets you accidentally surge out energy but with a rugged shape of a dagger from your hand. Its hue were green like Loki's magic but with an accent of blue like Newt's flames

"Magnifique..." Jihn was speechless. He likes beautiful things. Arts.

And it's gone in an instant, "what!?"

"Well, maintaining it takes practice y'know!! You're not even a Mary Stu!" Newt is just vicious with its words, "but I love the color! It kinda fits all of us in a weird way, hihi."

Yeah, it was mesmerizing, "like it's pulling us. Doesn't that mean that we're so damn attractive since it represents us...?"



Newt and Jihn were just silent, "c'mon!"

"Anywaaaays.. we're here now!! Hihi." Newt just moved the topic smoothly.

You just grumbled and texted Ben, "hey man, we're right outside ur apartment rn."

After a minute, the door opened, "hi Newt!"


Sometimes I wonder whose Newt's real companions are.

"Sorry, Ben. About all of this.. but you can count on us on keeping your apartment squeaky clean."

Ben chuckled, "don't think about it too much, man. You can crash on my sofa for the meantime or you can use a bedding if you want. Your choice."

"Couch, it is. Oh and by the way, do you know any place where you could train.. privately? Like a huge fucking space in case anything happens."

"Like what?" Ben seems eager to know more about your superpowers.

You gathered the energy right before your hands, "like this," and created an energy sphere.

Ben whistled, "it's weirdly mesmerizing..." he snapped out of his thoughts, "yeah uh.. you can use the abandoned basketball court in this address. It's widely covered."

"Thanks, man. Keep an eye on Des, there might someone with a big stature behind her kidnapping."

He nodded and said, "I'm patrolling everyday and I mostly have extra time to see if she's safe. Anyways, gotta go! Superhero stuff."

And then, he's gone. Swinging his web around.

"Should we be vigilantes?"