
The Imaginary Clown: Marvel Fanfiction

A young man named Anthony lives with misfortune throughout his life. He was raised with abuse, neglect, and violence. Fortunately, he has someone in his life who never made him feel alone. Some people say he's just a figment of his imagination. A fracture inside the mind that formed through his environment. To cope with all the pain. Whatever they were saying..... But Anthony knew that was not the case at all, he knew very well that someone was living inside of him. He calls himself, Jihn. ----------------------- Stated inside a mental institution for his crimes and considered mentally insane, he planned a bet with his dear friend, Jihn. If he didn’t got out of that damn prison-like place for 3 months, his so-called imaginary friend will blow everything to bits including the civilians. Will the bet between two insane people be continued or will an unprecedented event happen, that would change both of their lives? (This is my first time writing fanfiction. I hope you can help me progress better for tolerable entertainment.) (PS. Although it’s in Marvel Universe, it won’t follow the MCU version. A lot of other elements will be added to have more spice. Mainly from comics and other genres.)

TocinoMasarap · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

I Need A Mask

Jihn's always been sensitive to many things, whether it's a feeling or not. You can say that all the things we've experienced sharpened him up while it numbed me down. Doesn't matter, we share everything.

As soon as the farmer opened the door, you called him up.

"Mateo~" he looks your way, and a knee just went straight up to his groins. He wailed and fell with a thud, clutching his precious marbles, "Jesus fuck!" you swiftly grabbed his shotgun while he was distracted and swung it down.


"He's not moving anymore," you knew he's just unconscious. You checked his breathing and heartbeat, just in case.

He's a great actor though, you can give him that. But he's dumb as rocks. He had every opportunity to fuck you up.

"Little Anthony's stronger now," Jhin started fake crying, "I'm so proud of you." clearing his imaginary tears.

"Let's just get this over with," you intruded the humble abode of the man you just knocked out. Dragging the unconscious body inside, you strapped the man into a chair with anything you can find to do the job. It's actually fucking easy since every cabinet here stored something suspicious. I mean you knew by heart what it's for, you basically use it for your daily life.

After securing the body, you set up a simple trap to kill him if he ever gets out of his restraints. It's just something from you watched from 5-min crafts so you weren't sure if it will work, "just believe in me, mon chéri."

"It's your turn now," you forced yourself out from your consciousness. Replacing it with the joyful clown, he tap-danced to the feeling of freedom.

"Let's explore this man-cave, shall we?" Jihn grabbed the flashlight from your duffle bag. A house with a thick smell of blood definitely has a hideout, even when you're in the middle of nowhere.

I guess farm life isn't that nice at all. You just sat back and watched the clown do its work.

Holding the shotgun in his right hand, the flashlight on the other one. He barged into every possible room until he found a conveniently placed bookshelf on the side of the bed, "Haha! This is too obvious," you thought.

"Ugh, ennuyeux" .... please stop.

"I'd be the happiest man alive once you stop speaking french," you grunted.

"I guess you'll never be happy..." the clown smiled. A mix of sarcasm and truth was just spoken, and you didn't retort at all.

Pushing the shelf aside, a disgusting stench permeated your nose. Thank God, it's Jihn who's using your body right now. You hated foul stenches, that's why you always wear a mask and other protective equipment when handling bodies. Crickety, old stairs spiraled down the basement. "Ready, ami?"

"You act like we didn't do this shit like a hundred times already," the only time both of you failed was the moment you got caught and was dragged into a mental institution.

"You bore me, my dear friend," humming as he descends, "This is what life is all about, the art of killing—

You menacingly stared at him.

"killing bad people! And bringing out their work of art.. ehem," As soon as Jhin put his foot on the floor, he searched for the switch and turned it on.

Jihn whistled, and you silently observe the bodies that were hung up like pigs that were waiting to be chopped up.

"ugh, cannibalism."

"Good thing we never got eat the food he's 'willing' to feed us, eh?" nudged by the clown.

You rolled your eyes, and suddenly you wish you were in a PPE. The sight before is making you feel dirty, not queasy.

"They must be people who hitchhiked since it's fucking miles away from other people's settlement here." poor souls, you thought.


A sound was heard from one of the fridge boxes, "I hope it's not a zombie," the clown chuckled. He skipped to the box and opened it slowly.

"Can't you go any faster?" you prodded.

A naked woman was tied from its legs to her arms, like a lump of meat in a supermarket. She was screaming for help but the cloth around her mouth keeps her from doing so. Her eyes watered at the sight of us, relief and fear were evident.

"You're safe now, mon amour," Jhin grabbed a knife, where he magically conjured out of nowhere again and cuts her restraints off. Starting with her mouth—-

"Help me. Help me. Please. Please! Hurry!" She was ugly crying from all the things she saw and definitely from the fact that she'll be food.

She felt so helpless until this man came.

"Alright, alright," the annoyed clown swiftly cut the ties, "And you're free now viola!" then, he made an exaggerated bow.

The woman hugged him as if she'll go back to her nightmare the moment she let go, "Thank you so much... Thankyou..." her nakedness didn't even click into her head because of the trauma she just experienced, "Bu- but where's the... the man?"

Jihn slowly extracted himself from the woman and said, "He's upstairs, restrained," he replied in a monotone voice, "I'll show you, oh and I won't hand you my clothes so you better find something upstairs."

Anthony just sat back, all comfy with his position from watching how apathetic and awkward Jihn was. This is definitely a core memory, he snickered.

The clown didn't even wait for the woman to reply since he started to ascend, "Oh- oh wait for me!" she followed the odd man out. She can't bear to look at the bodies again, all that blood, and... she retched just right before she steps inside the bedroom.

She needed to find clothes.