
Chapter 8 [A Commercial Shoot for a Familiar Company]

It had already been a month after Kiara and many other girls from her school had been called to the faculty because of the "servant" incident that her homeroom teacher had noticed at one time when she was entering the classroom to begin class.

They were all given a warning: "If you cause trouble, I might have to call legal guardians."

They were fortunate that the teacher understood why they were doing this but she just couldn't let this whole thing just slide due to some students staring at them whenever they approached Kiara.

And so the girls that were Kiara's "servants" at school had started being more careful of what they do, and how they behave inside the campus as to not get their legal guardians called to school.

Kiara also felt sorry for them ever since they were warned, but she couldn't really say that she didn't want them to always stick around her due to the fact that they might get upset the moment they hear her say it.

Thus, Kiara just left them be to just do it if they wished without giving it a second thought.

"Good morning, Ms. Kiara." The same brunette from before politely greeted as Kiara had entered the school grounds.

Ok...? This is new... Was she waiting for me...?

The timid brunette that had trouble speaking to the teacher from before was standing by the school gates as Kiara walked by, startling her a bit.

"G-Good morning..." An awkward reply by Kiara as she found it odd that one of those girls that were acting like her"servants" waited for her to arrive at school instead of inside the classroom like the rest of the girls.

I can't believe I got called to the faculty too...

I need to be more careful... That almost ruined my reputation at this school...

The brunette girl followed Kiara as she entered the main school building without saying a single word as she did so.

Kiara's school was an international type where students of different ethnicity come to study, it's students range from middle school to senior highschool. The whole campus consisted of multiple buildings, resembling a university.

It was also a boarding school but Kiara doesn't stay at the school's dorm, but instead gets picked up by her family's driver everyday after school and goes back to her family's house instead because of her parents thinking that it was better this way.


It's almost time for this year's winter concert...

Kiara reminesced about the last winter concert that she got to perform at when she won in the voting for it the past year as she checked the calendar on her phone with her schedule for the week that Kotori gave to her the previous week so that she could be more efficient instead of her telling Kiara her schedule every single time.

With only three more weeks left until the said event, Kiara was told to take more lessons to prepare for it as the opening act.

This sure takes me back... That concert was so much fun...

She couldn't help but crack a smile as she made her way up through the elevator of the talent agency with Kotori by her side at how much fun she had back then. Now that she had done so much as an idol since that faithful day, her fan count had also increased greatly compared to when she performed at that concert.

Fan letter... after fan letter also arrived at the talent agency every single day that passed, it was always interesting to Kiara who loved to read them every once in a while how much people sent her fan letters every single day without fail.

There were letters about how she inspired people, there were those about how her music helped other people, and ofcourse there were those that were just hate mail which the agency disposes of before Kiara got her hands on them for the sake of not risking Kiara getting depressed upon reading them.

No matter what, she would always reply to some of them which she also enjoyed doing as one of her new hobbies.

"So about the schedule for your rehersals for the winter concert..." Kotori broke the silence between them as they walked off of the elevator.

Her manager began to hand Kiara a new schedule spreadsheet that had a similar layout as he ones that she'd always receive from her but this time it had "rehersal" on every single on that's set to monday to friday after school aside from her usual schedule that had photoshoots, promotional video shootings, and the occasional collaboration with another artist or band.

Only thing that changed in my schedule was they added the rehearsal for the winter concert on my schedule...

Why couldn't they let me do something new...? I'm bored of getting the same things on my schedule...

Kiara couldn't help but get sick of doing the same things every week, now feeling like protesting; she decided to ask Kotori if she could somehow get something interesting on her schedule.

"Maybe after the winter concert, Ms. Kiara.

You should focus on the winter concert for now."

Ok then? Strict much?

"Ok..." Kiara gave up upon hearing how strict Kotori manages her schedule, only hoping that Kotori would actually allow her to do something a bit 'different' to what she usually has on her very busy schedule.

Looks like it's a commercial shoot today...

Atleast it's for a brand that I actually know of this time...

She felt a weird sense of comfort towards her next comercial shoot which the first thing that she'd do on that day as it was written on her schedule, her past commercial that she had for companies were mostly brands that she hadn't her of before.

The brand that she was gonna be having a commercial shoot for that day was one that produces her favorite type of green tea, the green tea that she'd drink whenever she was reading a novel.

The two of them went to the floor where the she had a photoshoot on before, but this time they had a camera that television stations would use for their shows- if not for airing the news on some channels. It was bigger than a camera that would be used for photos or vlogging, it was heavier too-- heavier by a couple pounds.

These commercial shoots really make me nervous sometimes...

The room was already ready to be used when they got there, all they had to do now was start the shoot.

"Right this way, Ms. Kiara"

A member of staff inside then said room guided Kiara to the changing rooms for a outfit change.

It didn't take long after she had changed her clothes to the clothes that was specified for her to wear.

[To be continued...]

UPDATE - Chapter 9 is now being written.

SoraNekohimecreators' thoughts