
The Idol Royalty

What? Survive an idol survival show AGAIN? Jun, a famous idol from the internationally renowned K-pop group ETM, suddenly found himself in Best of Idols Survival Show, trying to gain a spot in the debut group. He regressed 3 years! Did he die? No. Did he wish upon a star or a genie to travel back in time? No. With countless Whys and questions in his mind, Jun had to re-live his days in the survival show, re-debut, and find the reason for his regression. But then he discovered that things were out of his control. Would Jun be able to go back to his real timeline and group? If he is given the chance, would he choose to stay? Or would he travel back to his 'real-time' to regain what he lost? ... Disclaimer: Pic on the cover not mine. It is from the series 'Debut of Die.' All credits to the rightful owner.

FallenBlue · Thành thị
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Jun believed that he and his teammates did everything and prepared thoroughly.

However, not even he had entertained the thought that the Greenhouse Inhabitants would receive an average score higher than ninety.

'The producers would certainly want some dramatic turns for intrigues and narrative.'

He sighed.

Survival shows thrived through dramas and plot twists where the audience constantly curses the producers and worries about their picks.

His gaze turned to the others who were currently comforting Xavi.

The performance had ended. The Greenhouse Inhabitants performed more splendidly than in the mid-check. As the center, Jun also did well.

However, midway through, an accident ruined the momentum of two people.

Jun headed towards Daeho and placed his hand on the youth's shoulders. "How are you feeling? Please don't hesitate to tell us if you're dizzy so we can look for medics immediately."

Kim Daeho did not raise his head. He spoke in a soft, fragile voice, "I feel ashamed, brother."

The young man approached Xavi and repeatedly apologized. Guilt was written all over his face. Xavi said that it was okay. But Daeho's brain could not process it. Or maybe he just knew that it was not okay.

Both people missed their only lines in the song because Daeho accidentally dropped his mic and stepped on it. As Xavi was behind him, he received support immediately to avoid falling and getting injured.

But it was a fact that Xavi missed his only line-slash-only center spot because of it.

To support Daeho, Xavi let go of his mic, which fell and rolled far. Thankfully, it did not inconvenience other participants, but it was too late for him to pick it up.

The performance had dead air for over ten seconds, earning a frown from the staff, producers, and mentors. Separated only by a transparent floor-to-ceiling glass wall, the boys clearly saw their audience's reactions.

"I should be the only one to miss it. I'm really, really sorry." At some point, the young man began to hiccup and cry.

"Daeho, take a seat. Someone, water, please." Jun led the crying lad and asked somebody to bring them a glass of water. "You need to calm down."

The others, including Xavi, surrounded them and joined in consoling Daeho. However, nothing could reach the crying young man who wallowed in self-remorse.

Sujin and Jun exchanged glances and helplessly shook their heads.

The tense air pervaded and strengthened when the MC's voice rang to signal the beginning of the announcement of scores.

"We will begin showing the individual scores of the Inhabitants."

'Wow.' Jun furrowed his brows and nearly clicked his tongue at the producers, who heartlessly proceeded despite knowing what was happening.

He looked at the poor boy again, and even though Daeho stopped crying, it was only for a moment.

"This is in no particular order..."

One by one, the unnamed cards on the screen flipped over to reveal the scores given by the judges.

Between each reveal was nearly a half a minute interval, and a BGM meant to increase people's heart rate.

Ninety. Eighty-seven. Ninety-three. Ninety-five... high scores ranging from eighty-seven to ninety-two continued showing. There were many above eighty-nine.

But then, everyone held their breath when the first low score showed.

41. A score below Fifty.

"A 41." Helplessness laced Kato's voice. "Now, the average is surely..."

Jun hardened his expression and threw a warning glance at the Japanese guy, who promptly shut his mouth. Worried eyes went to Xavi and Daeho, whose faces became as pale as paper.

The unsaid words made everyone restless."Brother Jun."

Jun held the trembling shoulder of the depressed youth. In an attempt to ease the latter's nervousness, he said, "It's okay. This is just the first mission. And maybe the rest of the scores would be high enough to get the average above ninety."

A bitter smile actually hung on the lips of the others.

How could there only be one low score? A score lower than ever popped up as if to confirm their thoughts. 36.


This time, a few closed their eyes and bit their lower lips. The rest frowned.

An average score of 79 was shown in the end.

A contestant with a sharp memory subconsciously said, "76 to 80 means three people."

Because of the team's average, three people would have to leave the Greenhouse. Of course, it was not the end of the world as these three people would only be sent to the Barren Lands. They would not leave the show. Still, Daeho cried as if somebody died.

The cold voice echoed to push them to decide who to vote for. In Jun's previous life, the producers gave them at least half an hour to process their feelings and thoughts. But in this life, the producers did not even give them any break.

"All participants. Please individually head to the voting room to select the three Greenhouse Inhabitants to send away."

Jun frustratedly ran his fingers through his hair. '... Dang, whoever thought of this show's annoying format.'

The results came out immediately after the last contestant left that room. This time, nobody dared to look at Xavi and Daeho. Instead, everyone warily and worriedly wondered who the third unlucky person would be.

"Before we reveal the three people who received the highest number of votes, I would announce the special privilege of the person who got the highest score in this challenge."

The highest score was 95.

Everybody began to guess who it could be among those who performed well.

"It's either Jun or Sujin."

Slowly, the card with the number 95 written on it flipped to reveal a contestant's face.

Jun's heartbeat raced for a moment when he saw his face there. Claps then surrounded him, along with his fellows' congratulatory words.


"Totally deserve it," his friend Juwon lightly patted his shoulder.

Jun could not describe his emotions back then using accurate terms. Yes, he was ecstatic and satisfied as his efforts were rewarded. Yet he could not show his happiness because of the crying sounds around him that had yet to stop. Moments later, he became anxious.

The MC continued. "Congratulations to Greenhouse Inhabitant Jun. As a benefit of getting the highest score, you can decide if you want to save a participant."

Instantly, all eyes went to him. Jun also tensed up as even Daeho and Xavi looked at him.

Then, the MC said a few more words to drag out the revelation of the contestants that needed to be sent away.

Two of the names were of no surprise to anyone.

Xavi. Daeho.

The two people themselves held low expectations. How could they not be voted off when they caused the dead air?

When Jun looked at them, none of the two met his gaze as they instantly gave up the thought of latching onto him for the first placer privilege. They did not feel worthy of it. Upon sobering up, they knew that if this moment aired to the country, the viewers would only think of them as opportunistic if they did so.

"... and the third person who would go to the Barren Lands..."

The other Greenhouse Inhabitants had no idea who got the third-highest votes this time. Technically, only Jun, Sujin, Min, and Kato performed above others, while Neo remained the best dancer. The rest were around the same level, with some edging over the vocals or dance compared to the rest. Still, it was hard to guess who the third would be.

A few speculated that since it was up to the participants themselves to select, those with attitude problems would be in danger. Nobody spoke of this guess, but since it happened in other survival shows, the trainees began to reflect on their attitudes in the past week.

'Will it be me?'

'I don't think I acted like an a&& to anyone. I should be safe. Right?'

Nervous thoughts swirled around the minds of those who thought that they were at risk. Some started to console themselves through comparison. 

Then finally. 

"Third-highest number of votes goes to..."

The digital card on the big screen slowly flipped over.

The MC uttered the name. "... Inhabitant Juwon."