
Chapter 6

After Warren and Tyler ate the scraps that were left at breakfast, it was time for Warren's first day of class. Warren was given a schedule during orientation by Alex and his assigned class was the same as Tyler's.

"Dude! We have the same class!" exclaimed Tyler.

Unlike other schools, I.C.E puts its students in home room class and home room only. That way, instead of a bunch of adults constantly trying manage a bunch of teens with superpowers, they have one adult look after the same students the entire time.

Warren's first class was "Power Control."

There were three main classes for each student.

1. Power Control

2. Power Consistency

3. Power Combat

The remaining classes are basically free time for the students to practice their powers.

As Tyler showed Warren to their assigned class, he saw Elizabeth go in the same classroom that they were headed.

"Elizabeth is in our home room?" asked Warren.

"Yep. Torture? I know. She is so hot."

When Warren arrives in the classroom with Tyler, he starts to think their in the wrong class.

He thinks this because instead of a usual classroom with desks and a chalkboard, their were padding on the wall, with target dummies in the left corner, little rooms along the back wall and targets in the other corner.

Before Warren could question their whereabouts, some older guy, probably the teacher, walked into the "classroom."

"Alright, everybody! Get to your assigned station for the day and start working," said the teacher.

There were about twenty to thirty teenagers in the classroom so their were at least six seven kids at each station.

As Warren had no idea what to do, he walked up to the teacher.

"Um, sir?"

"Yes?" responded the teacher.

"Um, I'm new here and I have no idea what I am suppose to do."

The teacher looked at Warren with a puzzled face for a second but soon his face brightened.

"Ah, you must be Warren, right?" asked the teacher.

"They told me I'd be getting a new student today."

"My name is John Slink. You can call me "John," "Mr. John," or "Mr. Slink." Just don't call me "Slink."

Warren nodded his head and "Mr. John" called over Tyler to his side.

"Tyler, could you show Warren, here, to the Spread Rooms, please?"

"Sure! I'd be happy to!" answered Tyler.

As Tyler showed Warren to the small rooms aligned on the back wall, Warren asked "Why are the called the "Spread Rooms?"

"I'll show you," was all that Tyler said.

Warren and Tyler approached the door to the room that Warren was being assigned to and Warren notices that it is very high tech.

Warren saw Tyler press in some information on a keypad next to the door and then the door opened. Tyler led Warren inside. Warren noticed that the inside of the room looked a lot bigger than the outside did.

As both of them walked inside, the door closed behind them.

Warren got nervous, but Tyler acted like it was no big deal so Warren carried on.

"This room," Tyler started to explain, "allows you to practice large-scale attacks and also helps you learn to control your abilities."

'So it's basically my own little training area,' Warren thought.

As Tyler explained a few more things, Warren noticed that there were circular lines centered around the middle and was curious.

Tyler noticed this and started to explain.

"The lines are for monitoring your improvement. Each line has a sensor and can tell you how far your attacks go. Also, do you know what I mean by "large-scale attacks?"

Warren had an idea but still wanted Tyler to explain.

"They're basically attacks that go in every direction and are almost impossible to avoid. Here, let me show you."

Tyler walked to the middle of the room and Warren instinctively took a couple steps back. As soon as he did so, Tyler let out a burst of air from all sides of his body. Warren was still pushed back a little bit even when he was so far away.

'So basically an attack that focuses on groups of people around the user than just one person,' Warren thought once again.

Warren thought that he was finally getting the handle of this, but then he had one more question.

"How do I keep from not ruining the room when using my powers?"

Tyler walked over to a small, control-station-looking panel that was in the corner of the room.

"This control panel allows you to input what your ability is and it takes that to control your power.

Warren was still confused so Tyler explained further.

"Okay, so, let's say someone with fire abilities came in here. He would come and enter his abilities here and then start training. Whenever he uses his abilities, the room will literally counter them by letting out water from the ceiling or something."

Warren thought he understand now.

"So, since my abilities are ice-related, the room will use heat or fire to counter them?" asked Warren.

"That's correct," said Tyler.

"And how do I not get hurt by the fire?"

"Just stay in the center of the room and you'll be fine."

Before Tyler left, he entered Warren's abilities into the control panel and the told Warren to "train hard."

Warren walked to the middle of the room and started to concentrate. He felt the familiar feeling of his abilities, grabbed onto it, made it grow bigger, and let loose.