
The Encounter

 They carefully watch the group of people from the trees hidden within the branches. The two of them were about to head back when all of a sudden, the branch Esu was standing on snapped. Esu fell to the ground near the group the loud sound of him falling was heard by the group. The group quickly turned around ready for a fight till they saw it was just a boy. Esu pulled out his sword which put the group on guard. One of the people in the group pulled out his sword and dashed at Esu in which he deflected to attack smoothly. This left them in shock that a child had such good sword skills.

 Soon after Silvia jumped down from the tress and also drew her sword. The group was surprised to see other humans in the forest. One of the men in the group put his sword away and said, "Were sorry about this you spooked us." Confused Silvia lowed her sword but stayed on guard due to the fact that she could see their mana. It wasn't calm but ready to launch a spell which is a clean sign to not trust them. She carefully approached them and just as she predicted the man launched a fire ball spell right at her. 


 She dodged the attack and went in for his arm cutting it clean off. His arm fell to the ground causing a bloody mess. One of the other guys went for Esu but he instantly slashed the man's neck. Blood gushing on the floor 2 of them were unable to keep fighting the other three stood there watching for a bit. Then they all rushed Silvia though she was able to block two of the men the third managed to scrap her arm. Esu jumped in and knocking the third man back as Silvia fought off the other two. With one clean strike she took both of their heads of then jumped to the third and stabbed him through the chest killing him on the spot.

 Silvia looked at Esu worried he was just 12 but had killed his first human. Such a young age for anyone to kill a man. This thought of hers quickly went away when Silvia and Esu heard crying coming from behind a tree. They both went up to it that's where they saw the reason those men were there deep inside an abandoned country. There were multiple cages with children in them those men they killed were human traffickers. The sight of seeing the children in such a state made Silvia sick. "How could people kidnap and sell children" she said to herself "Esu help me free them" she said. The two of them went up to all four cages letting the children free. Silvia then took them all home with her and Esu where she would bath and clean them all up. She gave them some of Esu's old clothes from when he was younger but through that entire time not one of them spoke a word. Even Still Silvia knew they were grateful for freeing them.