
The Ezequiel’s Heirs (1)

Bones smiled as he shook his head. Then he said, "Of course not, Lucio! Of course not!"

"Because it is very strange that with the injury you had, they applied first aid to keep you alive and to take you, prisoner. According to what Diana informed me, that took a huge effort that led me to wonder. Why do something like that?" Lucio questioned as he stared at Bones intently. 

The more Bones was the current focus of the Archbishop, the more he got nervous. 

Bones, thankfully, still manage to keep his composure and not show any signs of his nervousness. 

"I do not know! They really wanted to question me to find out where the Marked ones were, I guess!" Bones casually replied. 

Lucio stared at him and, smiling, asked, "Did you tell them where they are?"

Bones shook his head once more before he questioned, "Of course not, Lucio. Who do you take me for?" He was staring at Lucio while grinning as well.