
8: Lay The Guardian Sarang

"Why he is avoiding me?"Is it because his best friend Namjoo is already here?"Shanne whispered herself.

She took a glance of them,they are at the cafeteria,and they are talking seriously.She scanned Namjoo's appearance from head to foot.And she felt insecured.

"She's beatiful,smart,and they known each other for so long." she mumbled.She's very insecured,unlike them,they only known each other for a month.

She fel a little pain in her heart.

After what happened few days ago,Kai didn't talked to oher again.He didn't came to the rooftop which he always do.It's pretty obvious that he's avoiding her.

"Oh my gosh!Who is this hunk walking towards us?said Sehun while giggling.

His words interrupted her from thinking of him.She turned her head and saw Lay at her back.Her eyes widened,and became watery.Her guardian friend Lay is here.She missed him so much.

"Shanne-ah,long time no see.Did you missed me too much?"says Kai and he happily hug her.

"I missed you a lot.What took you so long to follow me?"Shanne said, hugging him so tight while her tears started to fall.Finally,she have someone who can understand her situation.

"Sorry,I had important things to settle before I could leave."says Lay,thinking about his conversation with his mother.

"Lay my son,you know your mission. You have to protect her no matter what."That's the reason why we approached them."his mother said.

"You promised your father that you will protect the sarang."And I can sensed that she will be in danger once she go back in Korea."The gwineun must not find her,and if he found her you have to protect her from him."

"Yeah,eomma!I will surely protect her no matter what,it's not just because I am the guardian sarang but because I-------

"Oh my!This hunkie boy is your friend?"Sehun interrupted his thoughts."My,my,you're so lucky!"said Sehun.As usual,he always made beautiful eyes and biting his lips when he saw a handsome guy.

"This is Lay my best friend in the Philippines."introduced Shanne to her friends.

"Suho,our class president, Sehun,the most beautiful in our class,"they all laugh after hearing her words.

"Luhan,our genius boy,and Soljin,she's also a transferred like me."


"So,she's the girl that you're paying attention lately.This is the first time that you pay attention to a girl.You always serious and only thinking about how to find the sarang."says Namjoo,frowning her face.

She don't like the idea that he is paying attention to other girls.She's in love with Kai ever since their young.But Kai,only treated her as a friend.

"You have to focused finding the sarang or else that girl and most specially your father are in danger,you know the elderly very well."Namjoo's warning.

"I know that.That's why I'm already avoiding her."Even it's hurting me.Kai wants to add it.

He took a glance at Shanne's group.He saw a handsome new student hugging her.His palm form a fist,upon seeing them happily hugging each other.He had an urge to give that man a taste of his fist,but he tried his best not to do it.

Namjoo saw Kai's reaction upon seeing them hugging.

"I think we should go,before you make a fight with that man."Namjoo wisely said and they leave the cafeteria.Kai glance at her before leaving.

He saw her looking at him but he just ignored it.

But before he totally left,he saw at the end of his eyes,the dangerous looks of one of Shanne's friends.But,when she look at her,the expression of her friend change into kind,and friendly again.He don't know but he had a bad feeling about this girl.

"Jongin,ga ja!"says Namjoo.

He glance at the girl before following Namjoo outside the cafeteria.


"Lay,do you have a girlfriend?"asked Sehun.

"No one."answered Lay.

"Can I apply to be your girl?"Sehun said while leaning on Lay's shoulder.

Everyone laugh at Sehun simple question.

"You're really a flirt.She will not liked you coz your not a girl,you're just a beautiful gay."says Luhan while frowning.

"Omo!My Luhan dear,is jealous!"Don't worry you're still my one and only love,the others are just my flings."says Sehun,he smiled wide up to his ears.

"Ya!I'm not jealous!I'm just stating a fact here."says Luhan,defensing himself.

Shanne is more than happy right now,her friend Lay is with her now.She already had a shoulder to cry and a shoulder to lean on.


Shanne told Lay about what happed to her this past few days,except the speed of Kai.He always take her home.To make sure that she is safe after of what he heared from her.

"Did you take off your necklace when you got here in Korea?"Lay asked.He's worried, once she took off her necklace,the gwineun might find her and she will be in danger.

"Anio!I never took it off even once."This is the only thing that I can do for my mother,to keep my promise,I will never take off this necklace on my neck."Shanne said as he promised.

Lay take a relief sigh.

"That's good to hear!"Were here in your house,get in before I leave."he said.

"Are you sure you don't want to come in?"Shanne asked.

"Yes.Maybe next time."Lay answered.

"OK.Bye.Take care."she said and then she entered the gate.

When Lay make sure that she's really inside the house,he walk slowly to go home.

He didn't noticed the two pair of eyes are watching and following them from school.

"I will make sure,that I will discover your true identity."Why I can't harmed you."said the other pair of eyes.While the other pair of eyes is just watching at them,he's glad that she had someone accompanying her to their house.