
6: Night In Shinning Armour


"Did you saw what Jongin is doing?asked Myungsoo to his spy.

"Jongin is doing nothing but studying,and lately,he's paying attention to a girl in his school."I think Jongin is already forgotten his mission."reported Jinsol.

Myungsoo is very angry upon hearing Jinsol's report.

"Summon him right now!"shouted Myungsoo.

"And give him a little knock on his head."Myungsoo's commanded.

"You already know what I mean."

"Yeah elder."she bow before she leave.

Jongin arrived in Tamra,he entered the hwangsu room,he saw Myungsoo sitting on his throne.

When Myungsoo saw Jongin,he did lift his hand and form a fist.

Jongin felt a sudden pain on his shoulder where the crescent moon is marked.

"Aah!"He groaned in pain as he held his shoulder.But he tried his best not to show elderly Myungsoo that his in a lot of pain right now.

Myungsoo is the one who's hurting and controlling the marked on Jongin's shoulder.He wants to teach him a lesson.And he want also to see if Jongin can endured the pain that he gave.

Jongin can't help but kneeled his toes while holding his shoulder.He felt that his already out of breathe when Myungsoo finally stop using his power.

"Hahahaha!!!!!!!!"You really amused me Jongin!"You're the only one that can stand against my power,but I'm warning you."Once you coudn't find the sarang,you already know what will happen!"That is not the only thing that I can do to you and your father!"Remember that!!

"Yeah elder,"Jongin said silently,because he felt that his strength is gone.

After they talked,he visit her father in dungeon.

He hugged his father upon seeing him.

"Father are you alright?"You look pale,didn't they give a blood to you?"

"Don't worry about me.I'm glad that you visited me."said his father Changmin."I think I'm not going to live any longer so listen to me carefully."

After he visited his father,Jongin went back to SM ACADEMY.His mind is occupied by what his father told him.



Shanne and Soljin together with their two classmates are practicing soccer,when she felt that their is someone staring at her.She looked around and saw Kai at the rooftop garden looking at her.

Rooftop garden is in front of soccer field.Their eyes met again for the fourth times.

"Why is he looking at-------

"Shanne watch out!!"She heard Soljin's voice.She turned around and....

"Bblluugg!!!"She saw a ball flying directly to her face.She fall off the ground.

Shanne looked around,and she saw Choa and Ji Yeon are laughing.She already knew that Choa is the one who hit her.She noticed that her older sister is not with them.

"Hahahaha!!!!!"Poor Sha Ahnne,such a weakling pet!"And they laughed again.

"What's wrong with you?"Shane asked while taking off the dirt on her butt.

"Didn't I told you last time that I'm not finished with you?"I told you,stay away from Kris but you still sticking with him!"says Choa angrily,pushing her in the shoulder.

"Look who's talking here!I'm not the one who's sticking with him,it's you!Sehun is right,you're just a pathetic girl that always stalking to Kris."Get a life!"says Shanne.She's sick of her childish acts.


Choa slapped her face,her face is full of anger, because of what she said.

"How dare you to talked back to me!And how dare you to say those kinds of words to me!!"Choa shouted angrily.And she pulled Shanne's hair,dragging her to the center of the soccer field.

"Let me see how tough you are!"Choa said,but Shanne pushed her so strong to make her fell off the ground.And that's the scene her eonni saw.

"Shanne,stop it!"Do you want to see the others on how great you are?"says her eonni.

Before she noticed,Choa run to her fast and give her a left and right slapped.

"Eonni."all she can say while crying.

She's crying because she is badly hurt,not because Choa slapped and pulled her hair.She's hurt because her older sister only staring at her while Choa is hurting her.

"What the heck!"Who------

Choa stopped when she saw who's holding her arms so tight that it hurts her skin.It was no other than Kai.

He didn't talked,he just grab Shanne's hand and take her away from those students.He can't bear anymore to looked at her hurting by Choa in front of her eonni.He knew that she's hurt so much.

Shanne's eyes became widened when she saw Kai in front of her,stopping Choa from hurting her.

"How can he get here that fast?I just saw him at the rooftop garden!"