
007 The Comprehension Test (Part 1)

Still to Hans it is "-_-"

'Well, so be it.. At least I already have one colleague in the academy even before entering it' Hans thought positively.

"Okey everyone, for entry test to this academy. There are only two test needed, one is comprehension test and the other one is mana growth test. We don't care about the number of new student, even it is only ten people accepted. What we seek is very good quality student because it will be kingdom investment" said Magus Nemo.

"For the first test about comprehension, you will be given a box and inside the box there will be a miniature of nature. To pass you need to think your answer while touching the box, the box colour will change in accordance to your understanding. The colour will be rainbow colour which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet while red is the legendary perfect comprehension. Our minimum requirement is green, we don't need people who can not even decipher a lil bit of nature" Magus Nemo explained baout the first test.

"You will have an hour to lit the colour and it start no-, oh wait I forgot all of you have to pay admission test first" said Magus Nemo a bit embrassed.

"Hey you guys! What are you waiting for, go ahead and collect the money" Magus Nemo was pointing angrily to all apprentices who helped the test.

'it is you who almost forget.. -_-' -.

15 minutes later, all the apprentices gold were collected. Let's just say that the east mage academy obtain almost 10.000 gold in just 15 minutes.

'Damn money sucker.. ' thought Hans.

"OK!! one hour comprehension test start now!" Magus Nemo started the test.

After Magus Nemo instruction, the boxes shown a hologram like animation about the water, ice and mist in a repeated maner. Moreover this boring animation will go on for an-hour. Well yes, the term boring is only applied for Hans while for the other participants, they maybe need a month to completely decipher it according to Celebus world standard.

'Holy shit, if I don't have Connor knowledge maybe I will explained it only by changing temperature to change water, ice and mist..' thought Hans. 'In earth, this three things are called as H2O phases and described very well in its phases diagram. Temperature and pressure played an important rule to change phases. In molecular level, H2O will either be dispersed or packed with given designated temperature and pressure'

'Should I test my comprehension now? or should I wait' Hans were thinking what to do while the other still confused to what they see.

'Ah so be it, maybe I can lower my tuition fee with good performance' Hans decided.

Hans started to touch the box, and think what he already now. After that, a legendary red pillar pierced the sky and shocked almost everyone not only those who attend the test but also in all border city area.

'Hmm.. Seems like this batch is interesting' thought East Mage Academy Headmaster.

'F**k.. They will get more attention and fund now..' rumbling the East Warrior Academy Headmaster.

'What the Hell, it is not even 5 minutes' Magus Nemo speechless.

Meanwhile a 50km east from the east wall. (In unknown language (Iul) and it currently only known by Author)

"(Iul) Bro, do we need to inform this to captain?" a 4 metertall and 4hand monster talked to his partner. "(Iul) You do that, I am to lazy for that okay. Plus it is just a light, what can human possible do?" his partner replied. "(Iul) F**k, forget it then"

Everyone are glaring at Hans. While Hans himself seems to not care about his surrounding and decide to take a 55-minutes nap.

After 30-minutes, multiple pillar start to grow in a very colorful way with different expression from participant.

007 The Comprehension Test (Part 1)

ajijucreators' thoughts