
The Human Queen

Sasheena_Samuels · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs

Awkward day at School

"Wake up !!" My mom shouted at me , "I'm coming , let me sleep for 2 more minutes ," i groaned out while turning my back to her . "ok , I'll get the hot water then ," she threatened . "it's ok mom , I'm up !!" i shouted after her .

"I guess i was dreaming last night ," i thought to myself . I went into the bathroom to get ready for school .


After a few minutes I came out of the bathroom shivering , "Mom , we need warm water in the tap !!" I shouted to my mother , it's been one month now since the tap had been broken and I have been suffering because of it . I opened my closet to find something to wear to school , i chose a black t-shirt and a black knickers , then i chose my black nike shoes and my black back pack .

I hurriedly put on my clothes and ran downstairs for breakfast . There were jelly sandwiches and cornflakes for me . I ate it all and asked dad for my lunch money , he gave me 500 bucks (I'm Jamaican so i don't know the American money 😒) I hugged him and said "thanks dad you're the best parent ever ," My mom looked at me and rolled her eyes .

"Ding , Ding" sounded the doorbell , "I'm coming ." i shouted , "hurry up we're gonna be late for school!! ," My bestfriend puppy shouted . "I'm coming puppy!!"

I opened the door and hugged him , "hey how many times should i tell you not to call me puppy , I'm not a dog , my name is William not puppy !!" he scolded me . "it's ok puppy , i understand ," i said to him teasingly .

He grabbed after me and i ran off , "you wait till i catch you !!" he shouted after me .

After 10 minutes of running , the school finally came in sight . Our school was huge , and a huge sign was at the entrance saying "👋WELCOME TO HOMERVILLE HIGH ." We went in and as soon as we stepped in the bell rang , "Oh shit !!" puppy said "we're gonna be late for Mrs.Homers spanish class ."

We were in our Senior year of high school and we weren't supposed to be late . We ran off to class


We walked into the class and everyone turned to look at us , "Mr . campbell and Ms . Conners , you are late for class ," Mrs.Homers said with a frown on her face .

"Miss we're extremely sorry for being late , but... " suddenly i stopped talking , Mike the hot jock was Staring at me !! "Holy shit , what was i saying again ??" i asked out loud . "Elizabeth Conners , that was disrespectful of you , you have detention after school !!" the class was laughing , i sighed and walked to my seat , The day did not start well.