
The Human Queen

Sasheena_Samuels · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs

A Fun Detention

The rest of the day flew by quickly and before you knew it , The school bell rang .

"You can go home now !" Mr Wright the Math teacher said aloud .

Elizabeth and Puppy immediately got up and rushed for the door . They were almost out the door when Elizabeth remembered something ,

"Fuuck , I forgot i have detention now ." She groaned .

"Shoot, I forgot that too , I'll wait for you ." Puppy replied with a smug look on his face .

They walked to the classroom where the detention was held and went in . Elizabeth handed the detention slip to Mr Myers , The teacher in charge of detention . "Go take a seat in the back row Elizabeth ." She went and took her seat . Puppy chose the seat beside her . Mr Myers dozed off and that's when the fun began .

Puppy lightly tapped Elizabeth who had her head on the desk . He whispered something to her and her face immediately lit up , " Ok let's do it ."

They quietly got up and tippy toed over to the sleeping teacher . " Do you have your gorilla glue with you ?" Puppy whispered . " I think.... so ," Elizabeth said while rummaging around in her bag . "Bingo !" She whisper shouted holding up the small bottle of glue ."

"One more thing do you have your comb on you ??"

"Of course i do ." Elizabeth answered . She took out the comb and handed it to him .

Puppy poured some of the glue on the comb then started combing Mr Myers hair upward .

After a few minutes they were finally done .

They quickly ran back to their seats .

At the same time some students walked in awaking the teacher . "He groggily rubbed his eyes and asked , "Are you here for detention ??"

Not one of the students answered . Their faces looked as if they were going to burst out laughing at any minute .

"Didn't i ask you a question ??" Mr Myers asked getting irritated . At the same time Elizabeth was in the back quietly taking pictures .

'Uhm.. yes .. We're ..here for ..uhm.. detention ."

One boy finally stammered out while fidgeting .

"Well you are late , hand me your detention slips and go take a seat ."

While walking to their seats , A girl finally spoke up laughing "Uh .. Sir what's up with your hair , you look like a porcupine ." The rest if the kids started laughing .

"Go sit down ." Mr Myers muttered . As soon as the kids took their seat . He took out a piece of glass he had in his drawer . As soon as he saw his reflection , he cried out .