

"barely counts??" she hissed out. "you are not the only one who has the chance to express himself, i also feel that way" he stepped back arching a brow. "yes Zarus anytime you speak, I feel like doing things I never knew existed and I hate you for making me feel those ways....... I am nâive" she gulped " but I am more clueless to my feelings when you come this close" The housekeeper bloodline has an heir, an heir so graceful, insecure and powerful. what happens when she and the prince of hell comes in acquaintance with each other. Will they want to know how powerful she is and her source?. abomination to love... in a question of whom to die for one to benefit. but no one is ready give each other up.......

wh0s_bliss · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


"Do I really have to put this on?" Adamantly she whined, constantly gazing at the ball dress like a piece of rag.

tighten the dress, Minerva cast a smile "you are making a grand impression tonight dear. so yes"

"What happens. if they don't like me?. especially in this" twirling with discomfort she had always been used to plain gowns.

The woman crutched low enough to meet her height.

"you my darling will be the next housekeeper. now tell me who wouldn't just love you. especially in this" emphasizing.

The little girl nodded and they both held hands

"you are going to stay besides me all night and don't do anything that will make you start acting up"

she nodded again. and together they both walked. on bracing themselves towards the light. they were welcomed with applauds

Minerva found a seat for them both and constantly sipping the wine given to her, she also gave her daughter light squeezes to calm her nerves.

soon after, a gentleman of whose age could not be assumed took her hand in his and kissed it lightly.

"An honour to have the housekeeper present delightfully"

she forced a smile.

"The honour isn't mine to offer Mr Damjan as I am as well grateful for your presence as well" she courtesy

Mr Damjan gaze fell one the little girl.

"I see you've brought the heir"

"she would not be found missing in the glorious event, would she?"

"certainly not what I meant, how are you little one?" he said turning towards the girl.

"Good day my Lord" she bowed politely.

"and what would they call you, beauty....?" he asked keenly.

Minerva's throat bobble up with anxiety

"Mr Damjan I honestly think she.....

trying to protest against her giving a response.

"I am Drusilla my Lord"

Minerva had her hands over her eyes as the girls Iris colours were flashing of different shades of blue.

"I believe you would enjoy the evening now!!"

holding a stiff but rather charming stare she asked him to leave.

"very well then" adjusting his time and turning to leave.

The moment he left, she lifted Drusilla's head.

"look at me, Drusilla".

"I am fine mother" gazing somewhere else.

Minerva felt uneasy. she was beginning to worry slightly as Drusilla paid no attention to her

"let's go" she said

"No." she replied "I'll just have to use the restroom"

climbing of from the chair. she hurried to the hall by her left that lead upstairs to the first floor.

making a turn again. her gazed fixated on a boy not quite her age.

merely looking at him made her eyes go darker than her normal graceful hazel colour.

she wondered what he was doing here.

but the second he returned the stare. his fangs flashed at her.