
The Hope's Peak Titan

(Male OC, could be something else as well but I won't spoil) SPOILER WARNING for Danganronpa and for some minor to large spoilers from Attack on Titan. (Edit) No Genderbend. - A boy with a rough past is one of the new students at Hope's Peak Academy. He fits in rather well and makes some new friends. Unfortunately, despair is creeping up on them. Can he use his talent to save them? Even with the mysterious memories of an unknown man being a burden on his mind? Or will he be captured by the chains of despair? - First chapter is going to be a test. If people want it then I will continue. Updates will be quite random and mostly slow as I am about to start the big boy exams, so it will be hard. Also I am a newbie writer sooooooooo.. yes it will not be as good as I want it to be. Criticism is needed and wanted. This is also posted on Wattpad by the name of AdmaIsAStupidName

AdmaTheBest · Tranh châm biếm
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The Place To Find Our Destiny/Despair

Despite the man's confident stance, he held quite the kind voice. Eren still had his doubts about everything that happened prior, but now he had to deal with this man. "The higher ups wanted you in handcuffs, but I stopped them." The kid stared at the man in shock, 'The "higher ups"? Who are they?' he thought to himself. The man sighed and walked over to him. "No matter what happened in there, I will not let anyone find out about it. I need to repay the favour "they" gave me." Eren looked down in confusion, perhaps it was someone he knew before he lost his memories, parents? It was a foreign word to him, it surprised him that he even knew such a word. He had every intention of asking, but the man held his finger against his mouth. "I'll be back later, just rest for now… Oh right, My name is Jin Kirigiri. I'll be looking after you for the next four years." He got up and left the room.

Just what kind of favour had "they" done for him? Of course that wasn't the most pressing issue on his mind. Memories clouded his mind, memories of the lab, the strange old man who claimed to be his Grandfather, his death and the serum. Now that he thought about it, the serum looked quite similar to something else, but he can't quite remember. Everytime he tried to reach for the answer it felt like it was being slowly dragged away. Like a cat chasing a piece of string. Not only that, but the dream he saw of the man throwing himself into the river. It felt like it hurt his very soul. Laying on the bed surrounded by medical equipment, he looked out the window. The sun shone unlike he had ever seen before. At least there is //Hope\\.

After a mind-numbing drive along the streets of Japan, we made it to a small house near the centre of the city. It was only really fit for a single person. 'Isn't Jin supposed to be living here too?' He quickly got confused. They both got out of the car and walked along the path towards the house. " I know I said I would be looking after you, but the Steering Committee pressured me quite a lot." Eren quickly pieced it together that the Steering Committee were the "higher ups" he was talking about before. He didn't even need to ask who they were when Jin immediately continued. "They're the ones who run Hope's Peak Academy, they even hold power over me, The Headmaster."

They went inside to continue. Contrary to its lacklustre appearance outside, it was quite the luxurious house, clearly Hope's Peak had quite a lot of money to spend. It was a 4 room house, the living room was a mix of white and brown, with most of the furniture being a similar colour with black dotted around, similar to the kitchen. The bathroom was mostly white. The bedroom had a king size bed with grey sheets, a black wardrobe along with a massive desk containing many study materials and a high-end monitor and pc underneath. It got Eren's blood pumping. What also stuck out was a small safe laying next to the bed.

"Ah, as I was saying. The Steering Committee made the decision to make you stay here on your own, I'll come over to visit as much as I can. I do have a school full of troublemakers to look after. Especially "Them". The Class 74th Trio really makes things difficult. Ah forget about that, I'll be back soon." He tossed the house keys over to Eren and left only a second later.

'So much for that I suppose'. Despite feeling a little let down, he walked back upstairs to the bedroom. 'Hope's Peak Academy' and 'The Steering Committee' intrigued him, the latter mostly. If they can exert dominance over the Headmaster themselves then surely they are capable of something much more. It was time to find out.

– 20 minutes later –

Eren had managed to find out a lot about Hope's Peak and the people running it. Firstly, Hope's Peak Academy is a school funded by the Government to research and cultivate "Talent". The ones who go there are scouted by the school, these are known as "Ultimates". They can be anything from "The Ultimate Boxer" to the "The Ultimate Housekeeper", if you are the best at a certain field then you are qualified to become an Ultimate. The other requirement is that you have to be in Highschool.

Secondly, The Steering Committee is the main body that decides the direction in which the school heads in. They can overwrite any decision made by the Headmaster. Eren knew how lucky he was that Jin used as much of his power to at least prevent them from keeping him in chains. It made him question Jin, he said he wouldn't allow anyone to know what happened. Perhaps they had an idea that something was happening, but they haven't found out exactly what it was. Meaning both Eren and The Steering Committee don't know the truth. He didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

He also saw a leaked article of a possible new institution being built as a part of Hope's Peak Academy. The Reserve Course. It would allow those without these Ultimate Talents to be a part of Hope's Peak with the idea that they can pick talentless people who demonstrate talent into the Main Course. Something felt off about it, but Eren put it to the back of his mind for now.

A sudden beep alerted him, he cautiously walked over to the source and he found a brand new mobile phone. It was a message from Jin.

"I've put your monthly allowance in the safe next to the bed." It sounds like he forgot to tell him when he left. "Thank you," He replied. Putting the phone away, he made his way downstairs to grab the single cup of ramen he eyed in the kitchen. He boiled some water, poured it in and waited for it to cook. "Thank you for the food!"

– Three Years Later –

These past three years have passed since Jin took in Eren. Nothing bad had happened, he hadn't heard anything from The Steering Committee or had any of those weird dreams. Life felt much better for the boy. Jin would come over quite often, either to make sure he was alright, or just be someone he could talk to. He was like a father to Eren, something both he and Jin knew that he lacked. After they got close, very close, he began to tell Eren about himself. The most important was how he had a daughter Eren's age, but due to family issues he had to leave her behind. Nevertheless, he loved her more than anything in the world, he just wished he had the ability to tell her that. He felt nothing other than respect for Jin.

Now he was at the age of 15, the age most people would start going to High School. He didn't necessarily care which one he would go to, so he just picked a random one. Jin did not mind the decision. He chose Gunma Prefectural Shibutani High School. It was quite a well known school in terms of academics and a few past Ultimate Students are alumni.

– Outside Gunma –

Many people walked down the stone road towards the entrance of the school, some looked all around in awe at the falling cherry blossoms, some outright ignored them. Eren stood there admiring the building, no wonder it was quite a popular school. It had many facilities that many schools would die for. What caught his attention was something almost like a strawberry pink slowly walking past him, almost like a cherry blossom. Ocean blue eyes met his own, they felt unnerving in a way. It was a girl, her strawberry pink hair was tied into two ponytails, each had a hairpin. The one on the right was a bunny and the other was a red and white bow. After a second of looking into my eyes she pushed herself infront of me in quite an erratic manner.

"Oh I like you, let's be friends!".... 'What?'. It came out of nowhere, he was waiting for someone to come out with a camera and say it was a prank. He didn't know how to respond, a random girl wanted to be his friend only a second after meeting. Still, the look he saw gave him a bad feeling. A similar feeling from when he met Jin welled up inside him, he still didn't know what it was.

Some part of him wanted to deny her request of friendship, but something tugged him along and wouldn't allow him to say no. "Umm.. sure, my name is Eren Kirigiri, what's yours?" Now that Eren had been adopted by Jin, he allowed Eren to take his last name. She looked happy to hear it. "My name is Junko Enoshima… charmed I'm sure." The moment he heard the name "Junko Enoshima" an immense pain rushed to his head. All it was was pain, nothing else. Forgetting all about the pain he just felt, he walked into the school with his new friend despair

– One Year Later –

It was the end of the first year of high school. It was something quite predictable, but he received a letter from Hope's Peak, informing him that he had been scouted as an Ultimate. They did not specify what the Ultimate Talent was, all it said was: "It will be determined" at a later date, therefore indicating that they still haven't found out anything about what the old man did to him. They must have seen the state of the lab, so they are aware that it is something dangerous. It still worried Eren. 'It's obvious they are doing this just so they can get even closer to me. Thanks to Jin, they weren't on my back for these 4 years.'

He called Junko to tell her the news and she replied in joy. She also had been scouted as the Ultimate Fashionista, of course that wouldn't be a surprise to anyone. She is almost always away from school doing fashion shoots or brand deals. She is the school's idol after all. Even after a full year, something still bothered him about Junko. Of course he put it to the back of his mind. She was the only one who stuck by him when he himself agrees that he gets too fired up and annoyed.

– The Night Before Hope's Peak –

The newly named Ultimate could not sleep, it was due to excitement, but it was also something else. It was a warning, a warning that came in the shape of a dream. A monstrous being sat behind a giant red button, compared to darkness it emitted, its smile was one of great jubilance. What it was smiling at, was a man. He was tied to a chair, screaming, trying with all his might to escape. His blind fold prevented Eren from seeing who he was, but he felt like he knew who it was.

A moment later, the devilish being pushed the button and out of nowhere a rocket appeared behind the man. Still screaming and struggling for his life, the man was dragged into the rocket. 3….2….1…. Blast off. The rocket flew through the sky until it reached into space. It crashed down with all its might. What was left? Just bones. The monster laughed as it faded to black.

Eren woke up in a pool of sweat. It felt suspicious to him that the night before he goes to Hope's Peak, he has a dream of such magnitude. Using all his might he pushes the doubt away and falls to sleep again. He didn't dream again…

– Hope's Peak Academy (Eren's POV) –

I now stood in the centre of the city, where dreams are said to be achieved. Now wearing a blue button-up shirt and grey pants along with black and white shoes. My short brown hair waving in the wind and my deep blue eyes focusing on where I would be spending my next few years as an Ultimate. In the school of Hope, we shall find our own //Destiny\\

A/N: Sorry that it's rushed I just want to get to this point. Now that I am at this point. I'm at a serious crossroad here. I've been thinking about it constantly, but I can't decide. Should I do this during the killing game or before it? Basically, for those who haven't seen Danganronpa, if it's during the killing game, only at major points can the titan be used, people who have seen it will know that a titan would just destroy the whole building, probably killing everyone. If it's before the killing game then at a certain point the titan can be used, but the events prior will be quite boring for those who haven't seen anything from the first two Danganronpa games. I'm leaning more towards the killing game, but it will get quite repetitive. But I will use the usual Danganronpa end of chapter spoilers/plot twists to its full potential (at least I'll try) Please give me your opinion :)