
The Holy System

Zayon is a 25-year old man who has a beautiful life. Suddenly, he dies unexpectedly and gets reincarnated in The Holy System - a system where only holiness is done - but there must've been a mistake because Zayon is anything but holy... ***NOTE: Chapter 26 is when Zayon finally dies, so please don't think this whole story is about his old life!***

SupdoeTe · Kỳ huyễn
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46 Chs

Chapter 38

Taaroko listened attentively to know what was in store for his terrible future.


"There will be eternal pain and you will walk backwards because your faces will be twisted around. There will be mad brutishness and infinite howling and screams of agony." God informed. "You will see yourself and other sinners being constantly chased by wasps and hornets, and maggots and worms will feed on your tears, blood, and pus. But unfortunately, that part is just the beginning."

Taaroko shook in fear when he heard about what was going to happen to him. Murder was (and still is) an unforgivable sin, so he was surely going to scream and howl infinitely and constantly get chased by wasps and hornets, and that seemed bad enough - but this was just the beginning? All of that information made Taaroko want to try to kill himself repeatedly, even if it wouldn't do anything, just to see if there would be a glitch in the system and he would get reborn on Earth again.

"There are different paths for different sinners, and I will name a path. Someone who committed suicide because they did nothing to better their pitiful, lazy life will be transformed into ugly trees and feasted on for eternity by ugly birds."

Taaroko trembled and sighed in pity as he heard the cries and screams of a fraction of the spirits, probably spirits that had committed suicide when they could've done something to make their life enjoyable. He scoffed when reality hit him and he realized that if these spirits that committed suicide will be eaten by ugly birds, then the torture for attempted murder was probably worse. Taaroko wanted to scream and cry, too, but decided that it would be better not to.

"If you were an astrologer who had the chance to repent but chose not to, your fate isn't any better. You will be blinded by your own tears and have your heads twisted around and other body parts contorted."

Another cry was heard by a fraction of the spirits which made Zayon shake even more. He didn't know where he was going, making him really stressed. He now finally regretted driving the car too fast and abruptly stopping it, just to hear the scolding from his children. He now finally regretted playing loud and worldly music in his car every time he drove. He now finally regretted treating Nya so badly that she thought of herself as lower than she should think of herself. Zayon wished that he wasn't going there since that was all he could do at this point.

"If you're lucky, you might just have your throat bitten into by a wild beast and then burst into flames for their dinner. However, keep in mind that this is for eternity, so expect yourself to infinitely wake up and go back to sleep- oh wait, what am I saying? There is no sleeping in Hell, no matter how badly you want to. You need an angel guider's magic to sleep and there won't be any in Hell."

Zayon knew that he would hate Hell with a burning passion since he needed sleep every night very, very badly.

"Lucifer is down there in the center of Hell and he is described like this- he had three faces, one in front, the color of blood red and another two just above the midpoint of each shoulder joined the first, and at the crown, all three were reattached. Hell is definitely not a walk in the park, and I can only hope that all of you are not going there with my son, or at least a small percentage of you are going."

Taaroko sighed when he realized that he would be part of the small percentage that would go to Hell. He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream. He wanted to beg God to send him to Heaven. He would do anything to stay out of that horrifying place that God just explained. He would do absolutely anything.

If you didn't believe that Zayon was shaking then, he was practically floating higher and higher because of how much he was vibrating, that sometimes Cael had to grab him and set him back down to everyone else's level. Zayon didn't know whether he was going to Heaven or Hell, whether he would go to a place full of joy and happiness or a place full of treachery and agony. He didn't know what was his future going to be like, a future full of blissfulness and jubilancy or a future full of torture and tyrannize. He was just going to have to wait a bit longer to find out.

Verina decided that she would ask Zedekiah more about the situation but quickly ditched the idea, since when she turned to face Zedekiah with curious expression, his face changed from blank to annoyed. She wanted to ask if he knew whether she was going down or going up, but refrained herself from doing so or it would possibly make Zedekiah even more irritated at her than he already was. She was so confused, so worried, and so in need of help.

"I assume that everyone had their angel guiders with them, am I correct?" God asked, already knowing that he was correct.

A "yes" could be heard among the crowd as God began to talk about his next subject.

"So, here is how judging will work. Each of you have an angel guider who helped you and guided you throughout your journey through Pre-Heaven. I want you all to report to that angel guider so that they can judge you."

Some murmurs of confusion could be heard among the crowd of spirits while some followed the direction.

"For all those confused, you really thought that you all were going to line up in a single-file line so that I can judge you all individually?" God chuckled. "Of course not! That would take WAY too much time. You're going to get judged by my most hard-working and trusted angels, your angel guiders. Please report to them now."

Some spirits stayed in place since they were right next to their angel guider while other spirits floated over to their angel guiders since they were far away from them.

Zayon stayed in place and looked at Cael, impatiently waiting for him to say something. His impatience came to a stop when Cael finally opened his mouth to speak.

"Okay, shall we start?"

do y'all feel bad for Taaroko or nah??????

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