
The Holy sword

With the earth plummeting into darkness there is an organization dedicated to stopping all forces of darkness. This organization is called SOLDIER and it makes super soldiers by infusing people with an unknown energy that grants them powers. Steven also known as (seven) is a rookie with his mind set on ending the darkness. With the help of his friends, he fights through various obstacles that come in his way. But the truth is not all that meets the eye.

Young_Christopher · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs


A room with leaders of various regions all sitting down waiting for the chairman to show up and begin the meeting. There were computers this room with the leaders sitting and waiting impatiently.

"How dare they keep us waiting?"

"Not a good first impression"

Suddenly a man walks into the room, he is wearing battle gear and walks up to the stage to address everyone. He has a stern look on his face as he clears his throat and begins speaking, "Welcome everyone, my name is Gul and I'm the chairman of the SOLDIER project. I'll be in charge of the training and selection of these years candidates that will become SOLDIERS"

Gul walks up to a computer which displays a holographic image of information about the SOLDIER operation. "I will now explain what the SOLDIER operation is and what we are here to do, direct your attention the hologram".

He proceeds to opening a file on the computer and the system reads aloud.

"Accessing SOLDIER database file 1: THE INCIDENT"

About 6 years ago in Woodlyn there was a massive flow of an unknown energy in the area which wiped out the entire population of the town. The origin of the energy is unknown, but upon further investigation by our scientist we discovered that the source was from an asteroid that crashed millions of years ago, the asteroid contained a blue orb in it which emanated an intense energy which we decided to call Chi energy. The orb has been inactive for many years but for some unknown reason it became active and destroyed the town in the process. The energy burst was so massive it could be felt from many miles away. After a search and recover group was sent out only one person was found alive. A little boy was found and was taken by SOLDIER, he appears to be normal and unharmed. The orb was also taken and after several years of study it showed to have stored unlimited energy which has various applications, the orb energy has been weaponized by the SOLDIER organization. By infusing the orb energy with a trained candidate it can immensely enhance the persons speed, strength, and his magica. Candidates that have been infused with orb energy will become a SOLDIER. He or she that passes the training and is infused with the energy will be sent on various task depending on their combat level and mastery of their new skills. Only few pass the training and are chosen to be a SOLDIER. You also get paid well for completing various task and increasing your rank status.

In a world where mystic energy flows and is home to many different life forms, some are good and some are vicious and evil. People of this world possess various magical abilities some are normal and some are special and unique for every region. Some hone in their skills by using weapons, while some focus on using their magica to fight or to protect and heal.

"End of database presentation"

After the presentation was done the people in the room started to talk among themselves.

"So you turn children into weapons and send them to their deaths"

"What if they die while battling the creatures?"

"This doesn't seem safe at all"

Excuse me!!

Gul shouted and the whole place went silent, some had expression of fear and some had expression of distain.

"It is a known fact that the youths have more magic flowing through them than the adults, they have more potential that is why we allow youths to sign up for training"

"And what if they die in the field of battle? They are our future!!" says one of the leaders looking very troubled

"We set them in groups with a medic in every team and we are constantly watching them with devices put into their gear so if need be we will send an elite to rescue them also our training ensures that only the capable are selected"

After this was said there were no objections everyone seemed to have understood.

Gul looked at the people in the room and in a light tone he said "The point of all this is to boost security and protect our lands from enemies, that is our goal"

"With that said, I ensure cooperation from the various lands for the upcoming training!!"

After a brief discussion among the leaders they came to a unanimous decision, "Agreed"

Gul lets outa cold grin, "Thanks for your cooperation, I look forward to seeing what each candidate has to offer!!"

Let the training begin!!