
Chapter 6

“Got it,” Brent said, bringing up Google Maps, zooming in on Idaho Springs.

“Looks like a townhouse,” Quinn commented when Brent found the address and checked it on the earth view.

“And that is where we’re heading, so grab your jacket and let’s go.”

They stopped to tell Milly where they were going and took off. Just after ten, they were ringing the doorbell of the townhouse. When no one answered, Brent rang it again, and then a third time

“Whoever lives here is probably at work,” Quinn pointed out.

“True.” Brent smiled wryly. “I should have run a property search before we left, to see who owns it.”

“If you had, I bet it would have come up with that.” Quinn pointed to a ‘For Rent’ sign on the side of the road, two units down. They checked it, and found the name of the realty company, and an address on Main Street, Idaho Springs. “Next stop.”