
The High Priestess & The Silver Alpha

[Mature Content] Lilith is the daughter of the Fae King and the first Witch. She was powerful and beautiful. From the moment the Moon Goddess proclaimed her to be the mate of an alpha wolf, she has been fighting them throughout the centuries. Miguel is a Silver wolf and the Alpha of the Silver Lakes pack. He has been alive for over 250 years, waiting for his mate to finally surrender to him. After finally pin pointing her location, he finds her in New York City. Will Lilith finally stop running and surrender to her mate or will she finally reject him? This is book one of a series that I am currently writing. I have started book two and three. The book "Their Human Goddess" is book Four of this series. ************************************************************************ “I love you Lilith Santana of the Silver Lakes pack.” He said to me with a smile. Then he took a drink from the absinthe bottle. I could feel his sexual energy get stronger as the liquor hit him hard. “I love you too Miguel Santana.” I said to him. We kissed again as I felt him slide his erection up and down my wetness. He teased me with it before taking another shot of the bottle. “I’m ready papi.” I said to him in my anticipation.

Bronx_Lyran718 · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 13

Lilith's P.O.V.

When Miguel and I head back downstairs, Miguel's father was not among the elders. I did not take the spell off of him. His mouth annoyed the fuck out of me. I didn't care to hear his voice again. Jason took him to his parent's house. Their parents were close since the boys were best friends since daycare.

"Welcome back High Priestess." Diana said as she hugged me. They were gathered outside in the garden. They were waiting for us so they could bring the food out. I sat down at the table next to Miguel to enjoy the company of the elders. We toasted to our union and began to eat.

After eating, we went back into the house to continue talking. I told the elders of my ideas to open shelters out here for any rogue wolves. Too many were making the trip to New York City and a lot were being killed by territorial packs. They all agreed that my plans would help greatly with the changes that are happening in the world.

"I remember you held my hand as we made the trip to New York." Diana said. At that time, I owned a large farm outside of New York City in Westchester county.

"I know. Now look at you, a grandmother of six right?" I said to her.

"Yes, my youngest daughter just had a pair of twin girls." She said.

"I will be giving them the Moon Goddess blessing." I said to her. She smiled so big. It had been so long since I did a Moon Goddess Blessing ritual for the new puppies. When the power shift started happening, when Alphas started treating their Lunas like an object and not their equal, they stopped a lot of the old ways. Soon after that, the stupid wars started happening.

"It would be nice for you to bring the old rituals back." Diana said.

"I will start with my new pack. But I was doing them with the women that were coming to my shelters. I am still doing the warrior blessing rituals." I said.

"I saw a young female wolf a few days ago with one of the necklaces you give us." She said. I knew she was talking about Karla.

"That was Karla. She moved out here to go to college and live her life. She lost her mother to some rogue wolves trying to reach New York City." I said. We stood in silence as we both said a silent prayer for her mother.

"I will talk to the elders on our way home. I don't think they will object." Diana said.

"I will talk to Miguel. I told him about my plans to start teaching some of the pups how to use their healing abilities and herbal medicine. He said we will find a way to incorporate these classes into the school program." I said.

"Elder Diana, the other elders are getting ready to go home." Jason said as he walked in the room.

"Please, if you need anything let me know. We can work together to make the best changes for our clan." Diana said before giving me a kiss on my cheek. Jason followed her out to the main room where they were waiting for their car to pull up.

Out of nowhere, I feel Miguel pick me up and carry me over his shoulder as he sprints up the stairs. I laughed as he lays me down on the bed.

"I couldn't wait for us to be alone." Carlos said. I changed into a pair of black leggings with a red shirt and my red and white sneakers earlier.

"Someone said I look like your sugar daddy." Miguel said as he stripped down to his briefs.

"Does it bother you? I think it's cute." I said to him.

"No. I don't mind spoiling you with whatever you want. You are my beautiful mate." He said as he laid down and laid his head on my stomach.

"Did the business budget bother you? I just want everyone to receive their fair share. I have the means to give. I don't mind." I said to him. He looked up at me with a smile.

"No. I'm happy that we can fix and add new buildings for the pack. I'm grateful to have such a generous partner." He said before kissing my stomach.

"I want to be honest with you my love."

"About what?" he asks as he rubs my thigh.

"How I feel." I said as I look away.

"Speak your heart." Miguel said.

"I'm happy that we are together. But I want to tell you that I don't know if I can give you an heir. My body went through this change after I turned 100 years old. You can smell my ovulation but I don't usually get a cycle. Only once every 5 years." I said as I feel my sadness overcome me.

"Then we can practice until you get pregnant. But how does it happen?" he said as he kissed the area where my uterus is.

"It just comes randomly. I don't feel any cramping or anything. It's been two years since the last time I got it." I said through the tears.

"I don't care. I mean you are an immortal woman. I wouldn't expect your body to be like a normal female. I'm just glad that we are together." He said as he crawled and laid next to me. He smiles before giving me a tap kiss. I close my eyes before I feel his hands wipe away my tears.

"Your girlfriend is looking for you." I said to him as I sensed Sara send him a text message. Then the notification sound went off on his phone. He didn't even bother to look at him phone.

"I told that dumb hoe to leave me alone." Miguel said frustrated. I couldn't help but smile at him as he pouts.

"Your pussy is the only pussy I want to eat and fuck." Carlos said smiling devilishly.

"I know you have been pleasing me since we reunited but I want to try something I saw back in a brothel in Greece. My sister Talle, she was a succubus, taught me thing." I said to him. I could tell by his expression that he was curious to find out.

"Is it a butt thing?" Carlos asked. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. I climbed on top of him feeling his erection under me. We were both naked but I wasn't ready to ride him just yet.

"The heat coming from your pussy is intense. Are you sure you are ready for what you are about to do next?" Miguel said to me before he lean in for a kiss. I could hear Carlos growling in heat in his head. I know he heard the tales about me owning brothels in the ancient cities of the world. In every life, I have always played my role as a high priestess.

"Do you trust me big daddy?" I asked him as I pushed him back onto the mountain of white pillows that separated us from the headboard. I could see in his eyes that he was having a struggle for control with Carlos. I thought it was adorable.

"Of course we do." Miguel said as he waited for my next move. I snapped my fingers then out of nowhere I made speakers appear in each corner of his massive room. Sade greatest hits started blasting from them.

"I want you to remember these moments for those times we are apart." I whispered to him before kissing him passionately. He pushes his tongue into my mouth, as his hands gently start to caress my breast. With his free hand, he grabbed his manhood and starts to rub it up and down my sweetness. I moan as he moved his kisses down to where he marked me.

"We are gonna make you say our name all night." Carlos said through is growling of lust. Miguel continued to stimulate me. It felt so good. "I love you." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you more." I said to him as I snapped out of his sexual trance. I started to kiss and lick his neck. He stopped what he was doing as he let himself fall into the ecstasy I was giving him.

"Fuccccckkkk!" he moaned as he fell back onto the pillows. I couldn't help but smile. I continue to leave a trail of sensual kisses from his neck to his chest. My hands found their way to his manhood.

"You wanna do it yourself huh?" Carlos asked excitedly. I smiled at the both of them as I knew he was going to feel misled in a few moments. I look up at him to see him watching me.

"Relax papi." I said to him with a smile. "I'm relax." Miguel said smiling. I proceeded to lounge at his left nipple. I placed it into my mouth as I sucked on it gently. I started to jerk his shaft in a cork screw motion.

"Oh Fuck!!" Both Miguel and Carlos said in sync. I couldn't help but smile as I continued to lick and suck his nipple to the rhythm of the "Sweetest Taboo" while I jerked his manhood.

"Thank the Moon Goddess for her love of Succubi and Incubi huh." Carlos said as Miguel agreed.

"I'm cummin'!" Miguel moaned as his juices shot out of his erection. His stomach was covered in them. I stopped licking his nipple and proceeded to lick his juices. The slurping noises I was making as I looked up at him turned him on again.

"You know what daddy wants." Miguel said through his moaning.