
The hidden world beneath Dinosaur Island

One man, two worlds! Watching how one man survives two worlds with two completely different civilizations and ways of life. Lobion Hiradin is a man who has always lived a quiet life in his small tribe. However, on the day of his first hunt with his father something happens that will change his life forever. Lobion has found himself alone in a world where everything is hostile to his survival! Lobion will survive with the only objective to find his family and his tribe but will he succeed to do it? What will he find the day he manages to finish his goal? (the cover is only a draft so expect a better cover in the few weeks !)

Arsthe_Creation · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter 9 : Malheus !


"UFFFF! FUUU! uffff! fuuu!"

Lobion collapses next to the sleeping parasaur. A few minutes later, he has finished catching his breath.

"I have to hurry or the parasaur will wake up without me being able to tame it as planned!"

Lobion decides that it is time to take some berries that is in the bush not far from his position! After a few minutes, he comes back to the sleeping dinosaur and puts the pile of berries he has collected on the side of his mouth.

This will allow the dinosaur to take the berries that are on the side of his mouth unconsciously. Indeed, when a dinosaur is unconscious, it needs to eat because the narcotic will have made it extremely hungry! That's why the Lobion tribe found this technique to tame the dinosaurs.

When the dinosaur eats food that smells like a human in his sleep, it creates a connection that is similar to that of a parent to his child when the dinosaur wakes up. In fact, for dinosaurs in general, only their parents fed them food that had their scent.

Some people in the tribe say that the elders of the tribe are seen offered this method by the higher ranking tribes that are in the interior of the island. However, this kind of rumor was never proven true by the tribesmen because there was not enough evidence.

Some time later, Lobion is still waiting near the parasaurus which is asleep, it is at this moment that the parasaurus moves the nose and feels the berries which is on its side before eating them without waiting by opening wide the mouth to take them.

Lobion will then take some berries to make a pile near the head of the parasaur. He makes this during several hours until the night falls!

"Wuuuu!" The parasaurus gets up slowly with a little bit of pain because of the side effect of the narcotic.

He is still a little under the effect of sleep, but the moment when the parasaurus puts its eyes as black as the abyss on the body of Lobion, he puts at once has knees in front of Lobion and puts his head gently with tenderness on its wounds before beginning to lick it!

"AHahahahah! Slowly! It is not very serious! Cough!" Lobion tries as best he can to calm the anxiety of the parasaurus but has a little trouble because he still hurts his wound!

However, Lobion noticed that his body is indeed changing because it is healing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye after a few hours! He hardly has a wound as serious as his fight with the ALPHA parasaur.

He doesn't know what to think about his body, because he also noticed that he was getting stronger every day.

"It's probably the fact that I'm alone and I have to do everything alone from my cooking, to my tools and hunting!" Lobion thinks inwardly, but he doesn't really know what is going on in his body.

Lobion is shocked to see the behavior that the parasaur ALPHA has shown when he wakes up. Indeed, he may know the technique that allows him to tame dinosaurs, but he has never used it himself on a wild dinosaur! In fact, he was taking care of his family's dodos!

After coming to his senses, Lobion looks at the parasaurus, which has a majestic appearance that is not common to parasaurus.

He also notices that the wounds of the arrows are still present on the body of the parasaur. He decides to remove the arrows one by one to avoid an infection and that the parasaur dies a few hours later!

"Slowly, I start to remove the arrows that are in your body slowly ... So it may hurt but do not worry, there are plenty of berries at our base! Lobion said to him while getting closer to the place where the arrows he planted him during their fights.

The parasaur becomes a little nervous the moment he sees that Lobion is heading in the direction of his wounds.

"Wu WUuu!"

"Don't worry! Everything is fine!" Lobion repeats these same words to him several times in a row with a soft voice filled with affection towards the parasaurus that has now become his companion in this unknown world!

When the parasaur hears these words and sees the emotions that are transmitted in them, it lowers its guard completely and leaves itself in the hands of the young man to be treated for its wounds!

Lobion puts his hand on one of the arrows and then gently removes it from the parasaur's body to avoid aggravating his wound!

"WUU!" The parasaur screams in pain as he feels one of those wounds being reopened to allow the foreign object to be removed from his body!

He continues to do this same operation to remove the other 19 arrows from the parasaur's body!

However, when he has finished removing all the arrows from the parasaur's body, something incredible happens to the parasaur's body! Indeed, the wounds that were present because of the arrows are healing at an incredible speed every second!

After about 3 minutes, all the wounds that were present on the body of the parasaurus disappeared without leaving any trace that were present!

"Incredible! I didn't know you had such power!" Lobion congratulates the parasaurus wholeheartedly!

"So dinosaurs can also have powers like the people in my tribe? Maybe it's because he's an ALPHA?" Lobion begins to wonder about the powers of the parasaurus in front of him with a look that shows all the pride he has in his powers!

After a few seconds, he regains his senses and then decides that it is time to name his future companion with a rather nice name. It's the first dinosaur in a long line of dinosaurs that he's managed to tame, so he has to give it a cool name!

"I have to name you! From now on your name will be Malheus! It is a name that represents the misfortune that you will inflict on your enemies but also the fact that you are part of a 'us' group! Hold on to your partner! You will never be alone from now on!"

"WUUUUUUUUUU!" Malheus answers Lobion by shouting at the top of his lungs while raising his head towards the moon in the sky!

After Lobion is done naming Malheus, he decides that it is time to go back to his shelter with Malheus to rest because he is very tired tonight!

But to get back to his base, he decides to ride on Malheus' back, but since Malheus doesn't have any saddle or other hooks to hang on to, Lobion has to ride on Malheus' back and try not to fall!

"Malheus! Get down!" Lobion orders Malheus to get down so that he can climb on his back.

Malheus carries out the order given to him by Lobion and bends down. When Lobion sees this, he is very happy.

"Very good! Now go home!" He says to him before starting to leave in the direction of his base on the back of Malheus who is an ALPHA parasaur!

A new chapter again today !

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Arsthe_Creationcreators' thoughts