
The hidden world beneath Dinosaur Island

One man, two worlds! Watching how one man survives two worlds with two completely different civilizations and ways of life. Lobion Hiradin is a man who has always lived a quiet life in his small tribe. However, on the day of his first hunt with his father something happens that will change his life forever. Lobion has found himself alone in a world where everything is hostile to his survival! Lobion will survive with the only objective to find his family and his tribe but will he succeed to do it? What will he find the day he manages to finish his goal? (the cover is only a draft so expect a better cover in the few weeks !)

Arsthe_Creation · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter 7: How to make a good poison

Lobion has just come back with a lot of narcotic berries. He will finally be able to start making his narcotic with the help of his mortar and pestle.

This narcotic will be used to tame dinosaurs. However, the first dinosaur he wants to tame is a parasaurus and then a group of dilophosaurs for protection.

The parasaurus will allow him to carry more objects during his travels, but it will also allow him to make longer trips without getting tired and to potentially return to his tribe.But Lobion realizes a problem, the meat of dodos that he has must be rotten for that to work. But the meat he has in his possession is still fresh. This means that he will have to wait a few more days before he can make his narcotic.

But in the meantime, he decides that he must not waste time and that he must go to hunt several other dinosaurs and then let their meat rot to be able to use them to make the narcotic.

Thus, three days pass quietly without problem for the young Lobion...

The seventh day begins...

"Pufff! I managed to kill more than 50 creatures in total! I now have enough meat to make plenty of narcotics!" Lobion says with a happy look as he inspects the pile of meat that has already started to decompose in front of his base.

"On the other hand, I have to transform them quickly because the smell is really unbearable!"

Indeed, Lobion to store and rot the pile of meat he needs, he had to put them in front of his base. Now it is in front of the base of Lobion, a pile of meat that various sizes and colors.

However, what they have in common are their smells which are really unbearable for the young Lobion.Lobion decides to hurry up and get to work to make his narcotic, so he takes his mortar and puts it next to the pile of meat that is outside his base.

Then he takes some narcosis berries from his base and brings them close to his mortar and pestle.

He then puts the rotten meat and the narcosia berries in the mortar and mixes them with his pestle and crushes them!

"PO! PO! PO!"

So Lobion uses the mortar in his cellar to pound the ingredients in his mortar.

The sound of the impact between the pestle and the base of the mortar is the only thing that can be heard in the forest at that moment.

After a few minutes, a mixture appears in Lobion's mortar. This mixture has the color light green in the middle and a little dark on the edges. He then takes with a branch the narcotic that is in the mortar and puts it in a pile of branches that is on the side.

"I'll have to make some pots to store the narcotic so that it doesn't harden during the night." Lobion thinks as he sees his narcotic on a pile of branches next to him.

So he starts looking for stones with hollows in the center to make a makeshift pot for his narcotic.

Since he is in a rocky area, he manages to find several stones of average size that correspond to his needs.

He returns to his base and takes some branches and fibers to make lids for the stone pots he found.

1 hour later, he has finally finished 15 pots that will allow him to store narcotic!

Each of his jars will allow him to store about 50 cl of narcotic, that will allow him to make about 15 arrows.

However, if an arrow misses its target the narcotic loses its effect directly because it will disperse at its impact.

After finishing his jars, he goes back to work, he continues to make narcotics and then puts them in the jars he made to store them.

The seventh day passes without any problem, during this day Lobion was only busy making narcotic and nothing else. Indeed, he had already stocked up on food for the last three days, so there was no need to hunt. The course not far from his base also allowed him to hydrate without too much worry.

"I need to make a water bottle! "

Lobion thinks to save time because he does not find practical the fact of all the time go to the course that is next to his base to drink water.

The eighth day arrives...

Lobion wakes up and he is more than happy to get up because he knows that today is going to be the day when he is going to tame his first dinosaur!

What will I name my first parasaurus?" Lobion wonders when he thinks because this is the first time for Lobion that he will tame a dinosaur!

Indeed, in his tribe, there was a group of individuals who were in charge of taming wild dinosaurs to help the tribe. He had the chance, a long time ago, to watch how this group of individuals in the tribe did to tame the wild dinosaurs.

That's how he learned to make narcotics with the help of one of the people in the group.

So Lobion regains his senses and then looks for his arrows and the jars of narcotics that he made the day before!

He dips his arrows in the jars of narcotics before letting them dry on the side then he leaves to eat his meal.

After an hour, he takes his arrows and dips them back into the narcotic jars to be sure that the arrows are well impregnated with the substance.

The tips of his arrows have already started to change color to dark green!

He repeats this operation at least three times during the day, after he has done this, he starts looking for his future partner.

So he takes arrows and his bow and goes to look for a parasaur with the help of his powers. He looks around but doesn't find the traces of a parasaur.

So he decides to go to the stream that is not far from his house because if there is a chance to find a parasaur it is near a stream!

Not long after, he is close to the stream where he sees on the ground the tracks of a parasaurus. He starts to follow them and a few minutes later, he finds himself in front of a creature that has the resemblance to a ...