
The hidden world beneath Dinosaur Island

One man, two worlds! Watching how one man survives two worlds with two completely different civilizations and ways of life. Lobion Hiradin is a man who has always lived a quiet life in his small tribe. However, on the day of his first hunt with his father something happens that will change his life forever. Lobion has found himself alone in a world where everything is hostile to his survival! Lobion will survive with the only objective to find his family and his tribe but will he succeed to do it? What will he find the day he manages to finish his goal? (the cover is only a draft so expect a better cover in the few weeks !)

Arsthe_Creation · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter 2 : The cave

On the shore of a lake, a body lies on the sand. Next to this body are clothes and objects that look like a bow and arrow in pieces on the left side.

The sun is present, but the colour of the sun is grey. It gives the impression that it is not something real but a kind of illusion straight out of the wildest imagination of men.

Next to this grey sun, there are several stars that you can almost touch with your bare hands. At least that's the feeling that these different coloured stars give. Indeed, their size is so big that they are the size of two humans next to each other.

On the beach there are also several creatures of different sizes, there are parasaurus but also triceratops. There are also smaller creatures such as dodos that eat the berries that fall from the trees.

The body on the sand slowly starts to move...

"Arhhhh" Lobion slowly starts to open his eyes. But the moment he opens his eyes he sees this beautiful scene that he has never seen or even heard of before.

When he tries to stand up, Lobion finds that he is wet. He turns his head to see where exactly he is, because he knows that he has not gone in the direction of his tribe.

The moment he turns his head, his eyes land on a kind of lake that goes as far as the eye can see! The colour of this lake is so clear that it allows Lobion to see the different species of fish that are in it. He doesn't know many of the species that inhabit this lake.

He also does not recognise the position he is in. If Lobion remembers correctly, he fell into a hole when he was trying to escape from the T-rex that was chasing him.

Lobion is startled and goes straight to guard and looks behind his back for his spear as he remembers who was being chased by a T-rex!

However, after a few seconds, he realises that there is no T-rex around him or he would have been dead long ago.

"But if I managed to escape the T-rex's pursuit then where am I?" This is the question Lobion asks himself as he looks around suspiciously.

After he gets his wits about him Lobion decides that it is time to get to work and regroup with his father and go back to his tribe where his family is. He also decides to move away from the lake next to him because dinosaurs and other dangerous creatures can come and drink from it.

As he falls into the hole, Lobion realises that he has lost his bow, quiver, arrows and spear. So his priority now is to get his equipment back together to increase his chances of survival.

Lobion starts looking for branches strong enough to make the handle of his knife on the ground of the plain and rocks of a reasonable size. When Lobion finds enough he immediately sets to work.

He looks for a rock on the sand by the river that is flat enough to be used as a support for his future knife.

After a few minutes of searching on the beach, he sees a rock in the distance that looks more or less like what he wants.

Lobion approaches the rock with the materials he has collected before and starts to carve the stone. He taps his pebble on the rock to make a sharp point.

"Clang! Clang!"

However, he realises that he has a problem, he didn't think to take fibres to fix his sharpened stone on his branch.

So he gets up and walks to the end of the beach, to the edge between the forest and the beach. In this border are several bushes of all sizes and colours. The forest behind the bushes is darker in colour.

The trees in this forest are large and triangular in shape.

So he takes fibres from the bushes in front of the forest before returning to the position of the rock he had chosen before.

When he is back there, he takes the branch and the rock and starts to fix them together with the help of the bush fibre he had taken before.

A few dozen minutes later his small, hand-sized knife is finished. The appearance of this knife shows that it was made in a hurry!

All this effort took him about an hour and a half to do. Now that he is equipped with a weapon to defend himself against the small dinosaurs, he now needs to find a source of food, water and shelter.

For the food source it's simple, there are bushes that look like the ones near his tribe. These bushes have the particularity of sheltering edible berries. These berries are edible, but they are not a real meal if you only eat these berries, you have to eat something else with them, like fish or meat. But for the moment Lobion will be content to eat only berries until he makes a spear, a bow and arrow.

Now that the problem of food is solved, I have to find a place to be his shelter during the night. The ideal place would be to find a cellar. With this idea in mind, he set off towards the rocks to find a suitable cave.

The location of the rocks is not far from his current position. It is just to the EAST of his position and a little further SOUTH of the lake. During his short walk he comes across many different species of plants and insects that Lobion has never seen before. However, it is strange that he did not come across any large dinosaurs. The only ones Lobion saw were parasaurus and triceratops but fortunately he didn't see any T-rex or other carnivorous dinosaurs.

The sun begins to set and he has arrived at the place where the rocks are. He starts to look for a cave to take shelter during the night. Indeed, Lobion does not know if the night is colder in the evening or if it is the same temperature as during the day in this area which is still unknown to him. But as one should always take such precautions, he did not try to find out with his body...

The location of the rocks makes for a rather mystical scene for Lobion. Indeed, all the rocks have a dark colour, darker than he has ever known for a rock. Lobion has never left the edge of the island and so does not know much that he can find outside the beach and the edge of the forest.

But the rocks are U-shaped, they are perfectly placed to make shelters of any size. The rocks are placed on top of each other in a staircase fashion.

"Perfect! I won't have to worry about the rainwater draining off this way!" Lobion thinks as he looks at the rocks with a satisfied expression.

After several minutes of searching, he finally finds a rock that has a cave inside. However, seeing that it might be the only or one of the few caves in the area, Lobion decides to be careful and to enter the cave with caution.