
The hidden world beneath Dinosaur Island

One man, two worlds! Watching how one man survives two worlds with two completely different civilizations and ways of life. Lobion Hiradin is a man who has always lived a quiet life in his small tribe. However, on the day of his first hunt with his father something happens that will change his life forever. Lobion has found himself alone in a world where everything is hostile to his survival! Lobion will survive with the only objective to find his family and his tribe but will he succeed to do it? What will he find the day he manages to finish his goal? (the cover is only a draft so expect a better cover in the few weeks !)

Arsthe_Creation · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter 12 : A group fight

Lobion leaves on the back of Malheus in direction of the place where he arrived the first day!

Some time later, Lobion and Malheus, find themselves in front of the vast expanse of water which extends in the distance. At the edge of this vast expanse of water is the beach where Lobion found himself the first day!

"It brings back memories... Sigh! I don't even know how I got from a passage in a rock narrow enough to let me pass to being on the beach!" Lobion asks himself this question while looking with a serious look at the landscape in front of him.

"Wuwu!" Malheus just answers him with a simple nod and a small sound!

After having recovered his spirits Lobion always on the back of Malheus looks for with the help of his power of the potential traces of dinosaurs that the duo could fight.

He looks for groups of dinosaurs which are not big to avoid dying at their first exit together for the hunt!

So he tries to start small and then raise the standards of his future prey!

A few minutes later, Lobion sees in the distance some tracks that light up!

"Malheus I found something!" Lobion says to Malheus while stroking him and then pointing to the place where the tracks he saw are.

"Go there!" Lobion orders him to go closer to the tracks he found to better study them.

Once Lobion and Malheus are in front of the dinosaur tracks, Lobion gets off Malheus' back and examines the tracks he found.

"These tracks seem to belong to a group of dilophosaurs! They are not numerous... hmmm... around 6 to be exact!" Lobion says aloud while continuing to look at the dinosaur tracks he found.

Lobion then climbs on Malheus' back and starts following the tracks of the group of dilophosaurs.

Some time later, Lobion and Malheus see in the distance the group of six dinosaurs that look like dilophosaurs. Indeed, the dinosaurs that are in the distance are small, they are about less than 1 meter high and less than 1 meter long.

They have a head that has two ridges on it, and they are of almost plain colors. Indeed, all the dilophosaurs which are present in this group are of green and dark brown color!

"We have to be careful when we are in front of this group of dilophosaurs! In my tribe, the elders taught us that the dilophosaurs can bite but can especially use their most fatal weapons for humans which is their poison!"

Lobion says to Malheus while looking at the group of dilophosaurs in the distance who are drinking at the water's edge with a serious look.

Lobion then takes his bow and starts to put an arrow on it before aiming it in the direction of the group of dilophosaurus!

"Malheus! The moment I shoot the arrow, you run into them." Lobion says to Malheus while continuing to string his bow.

When Malheus hears Lobion's order, he begins to prepare to charge at the dilophosaurus in front of them.


The sound of the arrow piercing the wind can be heard on the peaceful beach!

When Malheus hears this noise, he knows that it is the signal he was waiting for since a while! Then, he doesn't waste time and rushes in the direction where the dilophosaurs are !

"RUAAAAAA!" A dilophosaurus has been hit by the arrow that Lobion has shot before!

The moment the dilophosaurus screams because of the pain that the impact of the arrow inflicts on it, the other dinosaurs in its group immediately take defensive postures and then start protecting the dilophosaurus that was hit by the arrow!

The kind of wings that are on the side of their heads start to open wide. Now, the dilophosaurs are ready to receive any attack, at least that's what they believe in their heads.

" WUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! " Malheus screams with all his might then runs full speed into a dilophosaurus of the group!


The impact between the dilophosaurus and Malheus sends the dilophosaurus into the water which is not far from their position!

The blood and the entrails of the dilophosaurus sprinkle Malheus and make his appearance even more terrifying. His black and cold eyes frighten the group of dilophosaurs for a few seconds.

When the 5 other dinosaurs of the group realize that one of them has just been attacked without being able to resist by a dinosaur that is not even a carnivore, the other dinosaurs do not know what to think. But; the other dinosaurs quickly regain their minds before spitting their poison in the direction where Malheus is!

Several spits of poison of dilophosaurs are in direction of Malheus which tries to dodge them but which does not manage to completely dodge them.

He manages to dodge about 3 out of 5 but he takes like two spits of poison on his body!

"WUUUU!" Malheus screams because of the pain of his wounds that he received by the dilophosaurs.

He received a spit on the left leg of his body and the other spit on the left side of his stomach!

When Lobion sees that Malheus was touched by the spit of the dilophosaurs, he is furious but he could not do anything because this action took place in some seconds. He didn't even have time to put a new arrow on his bow!

But now, he had time to put a new arrow on his bow before bandaging it and aiming at another dilophosaurus that dared to inflict a wound to Malheus!

"PIUUUUU!" The sound of the arrow resounds once again in the ears of all the fighters!

However, contrary to the expectation of Lobion and Malheus, the arrow does not hit any target. Indeed, the dilophosaurs were smart enough to spot that the sound of the arrow piercing the wind is equivalent to danger in their heads!

So the moment the arrow sounded in the sky, the group of dilophosaurs immediately fled in all directions before returning to a defensive position against Malheus who is now at a disadvantage!

He finds himself alone against 5 dilophosaurs which are carnivorous dinosaurs whereas Malheus is only a herbivorous dinosaur! If Malheus was not an ALPHA then he would have already died several times during this confrontation.

"I'm coming!" Lobion yells at Malheus who finds himself blocked by the dilophosaurs!

Lobion decided to go and help Malheus because he noticed at the end of the second arrow that the dilophosaurs wouldn't be fooled again by these surprise attacks. So he decided to take his spear and go to help Malheus in hand-to-hand combat!

Sorry for not updating the story the past few days but with my studies I didn't have the time ! But tosay a new chapter appear !

Sorry no more chapter for today because I'm tired ! So again sorry if this chapter has mistake in the grammar that I have overlook due to my fatigue ... -__-

But please enjoy the story because I put my heart into writing it!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Arsthe_Creationcreators' thoughts